1. Functional English 2019. (C0-authored). Cengage Learning India, New Delhi.
2. Technical Communication 2018. (C0-authored). Cengage Learning India, New Delhi.
3. Human Values and Professional Ethics. 2018. (C0-authored). Cengage Learning India, New Delhi.
4. Soft Skills: An Integrated Approach To Maximize Personality. 2016. (C0-authored). Wiley India, New Delhi.
5. Integration of Web 2.0 Technology and Culture in English Language Teaching. 2013. (Co-edited) Jain Brothers, New Delhi.
6. Interfacing ELT with Culture & Technology: Directions for New Classroom. 2012. (Co-edited) Jain Brothers, New Delhi.
7. Language, Media and Society: Essence of Advertising Communication. 2010. (Self-authored) Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
8. Communication in a Globalized World: Challenges & Remedies. 2009. (Co-authored) Authors’ Press, New Delhi.