Prateek works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences at BITS Pilani, India. He is a recipient of two
Fulbright fellowships: the Fulbright-Nehru postdoctoral fellowship at Northwestern
University (2021-22) and the Fulbright fellowship at Yale University (2010-11). He
completed his PhD in theatre studies at the University of Queensland, Australia
(2018). He wrote his PhD in collaboration with the University of Oxford,
England and Humboldt University, Germany where he spent semesters as a PhD
visiting scholar. He completed his MPhil at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India.
He has published in national and international journals on drama, film studies
and comics studies such as South Asian Review, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, Australasian Drama Studies and Brecht Yearbook. His monograph, Brecht in India: The Poetics and Politics of Transcultural
Theatre (2021) was published by Routledge, UK.