BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

The ICON-BITS 2021 will provide a platform to all the academicians, researchers, policymakers, administrators, technocrats and developers who are actively engaged in the field of education technology to exchange and share their experiences, research results, innovative ideas and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted


Interested participants should send their extended abstract by midnight of 10 June 2021 (IST) to submit your abstract. Click hereIt should mention the objective of the study, methodology used, summary as well major inferences.

Formatting Guidelines:  

Only a single file should be submitted for any particular paper. All submissions will go through blind review process. Hence, interested participants should not leave any identification opportunity in their submitted abstracts. Kindly remove all author information and document property from the submitted file.

The abstract should contain section on the abstract of the paper (within 300 words) and keywords describing the paper. Inline citation of research papers may be given. Images, figures, tables and detailed references are not needed in the abstract. 

Participants should ensure that the submitted abstracts are their original work and have not been published in any form (hard copy or soft copy) earlier. If the research work, based on which the abstract had been prepared, had already been submitted to any other journal or conference, the same should not be available in any format before ICON-BITS 2021.

Failing to adhere to the guidelines may make your submission liable for rejection.


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