BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Saturday, July 15, 2023



Seminars/ Invited Talks/ Conferences

  • Anupama Mittal and Samrat Majumdar, “Designing and evaluation of actively targeted lipopolymeric carriers for effective drug delivery in cancer” presented at Emerging Horizons in Oncology: Molecules to Therapeutics Global Perspectives and Challenges” held at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, during 27 – 29 September 2019
  • Kishan S. Italiya, Samrat Mazumdar, Saurabh Sharma, Ram I Mahato, Deepak Chitkara, Anupama Mittal, "Self-assembling lisofylline-fatty acid conjugate for effective treatment of diabetes mellitus " in International conference AAPS 2019 PharmSci360 from 03-06 November 2019 held at San antonio, Texas, USA- AAPS 2019 BEST ABSTRACT AWARD
  • Kishan S. Italiya, Samrat Mazumdar, Saurabh Sharma, Ram I Mahato, Deepak Chitkara, Anupama Mittal , “Self-assembling nanoformulation of lisofylline-linoleic acid conjugate for effective treatment of type-I diabetes” in 2nd National Biomedical Research Competition (NBRCom-2019), on November 17, 2019 at PGIMER Chandigarh-"Best Poster Presentation Award (Innovative Idea & Patents category) under 4th-10th rank
  • Anupama Mittal and Kishan S Italiya, "Self-assembled Nanoformulation of Lisofylline-Fatty Acid Conjugate For Effective Treatment of Diabetes" at "International Symposium of Molecular Medicine" at SGPGIMS (Lucknow), December 14-16, 2018.
  • Kishan S Italiya, Samrat Mazumdar, Saurabh Sharma, Deepak Chitkara, Ram I Mahato,  Anupama Mittal. Self-assembling lisofylline-fatty acid conjugate for effective treatment of diabetes mellitus in “National Biomedical Research Competition (NBRCOM-2018)” held on 15th Oct’ 2018 at AIIMS, Rishikesh
  • Siddharth Uppal, Kishan S Italiya, Deepak Chitkara, Anupama Mittal, "Nanoparticulate-based drug delivery systems for anti-diabetic drugs" at International Conference on Life Science Research & its Interface with Engineering and Allied Sciences (LSRIEAS 2018) held at BITS Pilani, Pilani from November 01– 03, 2018.
  • Kulkarni A, Mazumdar S, Italiya K. S., Mittal A, "Polymeric micelles in delivery of tamoxifen" at International conference on Challenges in drug discovery and delivery (ICCD3-2017) held at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus from March 2-4 2017
  • Sharma N, Italiya K. S., Mazumdar S, Chitkara D, Mittal A, "Liposomal carriers for colorectal cancer" at International Conference on Challenges in Drug Discovery and Delivery (ICCD3-2017) held at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus from March 2-4 2017.
  • Saurabh Sharma, Samrat Mazumdar, Kishan Italiya, Tushar Date, Anupama Mittal, Deepak Chitkara miRNA-34a Loaded micelleplexes for Treatment of Breast Cancer at International Conference on NANO- AND FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS: Interface between Science & Engineering (NFM-2017) held at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus in 2017.
  • Italiya, K. S., Sharma, S., Kothari I., Chitkara, D., Mittal, A. Development and validation ofreverse-phase HPLC-PDA method for simultaneous determination of lisofylline and pentoxifylline in rat plasma and its application to pharmacokinetics in rat" at Ramanbhai Foundation 8th International Symposium on  Current Trends in Healthcare, Advances in New Drug Discovery & Development, Ahmedabad, India, 02-04 February, (2017).
  • Mazumdar S., Italiya, K. S., Sharma, S., Chitkara, D., Mittal, A. Fabrication of Self-assembled Lipo-polymeric Nanocarrier for Enhanced Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Molecules. The Ramanbhai Foundation 8th International Symposium on  Current Trends in Healthcare, Advances in New Drug Discovery & Development, Ahmedabad, India, 02-04 February 2017
  • Deepak Chitkara, Anupama Mittal, SW Behrman, Neeraj Kumar, Ram Mahato, "Gemcitabine containing nano-carrier for treatment of pancreatic cancer" at International Conference on Materials Science & Technology (ICM Tech -2016) held in Delhi University, New Delhi in Feb 2016.
  • Ishit R. Kothari, Tushar Date, Anupama Mittal, Deepak Chitkara, "Development and evaluation of docetaxel loaded nano-carriers for treatment of locally advanced breast cancer" at International Conference on Materials Science & Technology (ICM Tech -2016) held in Delhi University, New Delhi in Feb 2016.
  • Tushar D. Date, Anupama Mittal, Deepak Chitkara, "Nano-carriers for co-delivery of miRNA-34a and docetaxel for treatment of breast cancer" at International Conference on Materials Science & Technology (ICM Tech -2016) held in Delhi University, New Delhi in Feb 2016
  • Tushar D. Date, Saurabh Sharma, Kishan Italiya, Anupama Mittal, Deepak Chitkara, "Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic Cationic Co-polymers as Gene Delivery Nano-Carriers" at Symposium on sustainable technology development in polymer held at BITS), Pilani from March 11-12, 2016.
  • Anupama Mittal and Neeraj Kumar' "Gentamicin containing PLGA-gelatin based biomimetic graft for infection-free wound healing" Biomaterials-2014, International Conference on polymeric biomaterials, bioengineering and biodiagnostics held in New Delhi, October 27-30 2014.
  • Injectable, biomimetic, gel-based, polymeric, composite skin graft for infection-free healing of full thickness wounds: development andin vitro Anupama Mittal and Neeraj Kumar, at “Nanoscitech-2012”, February 2012, Punjab University, Punjab, INDIA. 
  • Gentamicin loaded composite polymeric graft for infection-free healing of full thickness wounds. Anupama Mittal, Ravinder Kumar, Devinder Prasad and Neeraj Kumar, at “38th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society” July 2011, at National Harbor, Maryland, USA.
  • Deepak Chitkara, Anupama Mittal, Stephan W. Behrman and Ram I. Mahato, Polymeric micelles for co delivery of miR-205 and gemcitabine. (Poster presented at AAPS Annual meeting and exposition, Nov. 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA).
  • Sonam Jain, Anupama Mittal and Neeraj Kumar, Development of quercetin loaded biomimetic polymeric scaffold for skin burn treatment. (APA International congress on advances in human healthcare systems, HealthCare India, New Delhi, February 2012). [BEST POSTER AWARD].
  • Sanjay Nikalaje, Anupama Mittal, Deepak Chitkara, and Neeraj Kumar, Preparation and optimization of quercetin loaded PLGA nanoparticles. (10th International symposium of Controlled Release Society, Indian chapter, Mumbai, February 2010).
  • Anupama Mittal and Neeraj Kumar, Cytomodulin coupled biodegradable microparticles for skin tissue engineering. (Polymer Congress APA 2009‟, India Habitat Center, New Delhi, December 2009).
  • Amol Choudary, Deepak Chitkara, Anupama Mittal, Kalpna Garkhal and Neeraj Kumar, Effect of PEG chain length in paclitaxel loaded PEG-PLA nanoformulation; encapsulation efficiency, particle size and cellular uptake. (Polymer Congress APA 2009‟, New Delhi, December 2009). [BEST POSTER AWARD].
  • Anupama Mittal, Poonam Negi, Shalini Verma and Neeraj Kumar, Effect of porosity and p-15 functionalization on PLGA microsphere scaffolds on cell growth and proliferation. (Polymer Science and Technology– Vision & Scenario 2008, New Delhi, December 2008). [BEST POSTER AWARD].
  • Kalpna Garkhal, Anupama Mittal and Neeraj Kumar, 3-Dimensional biomimetic scaffold for bone tissue engineering. (Polymer Science and Technology– Vision & Scenario 2008, New Delhi, December 2008).
  • Anupama Mittal, Deepak Chitkara and Neeraj Kumar, Combination delivery of paclitaxel and carboplatin in thermosensitive biodegradable hydrogel. (APA International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science & Technology, Poly-2008, New Delhi, January 2008).
  • Anupama Mittal, Deepak Chitkara and Neeraj Kumar, HPLC method for the determination of carboplatin and paclitaxel with cremophor EL in an amphiphilic polymer matrix. (57th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC), Varanasi, December 2007). 


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