BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Graduate Courses


 Course Number  Course title and Syllabus  Units
 PHY G511
Theoretical Physics
Calculus of Variations and its applications to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Geometric Optics and Electrodynamics. Geometric and Group theoretic foundations of Hamiltonian Dynamics, Hamilton-Jacobi Theory, Integrability and Action-Angle Variables, Adiabatic Invariants, Transformation (Lie) Groups and Classical Mechanics. Modern Theory of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomenon: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions, General Properties (eg Scaling, Universality, Critical exponents) and Order of Phase Transitions; Introduction to Landau-Ginzburg (Mean Field Theory) theory for Second Order Phase Transitions, the Ising Model and some Examples, Phase Transitions as a symmetry-breaking phenomenon.
 PHY G512
Advanced Quantum Field Theory
Diagrammatics : Feynman diagrams & rules, Loop diagrams, Smatrix, Path integrals, Gauge theories, QED and QCD Lagrangians, Renormalization group, Non-perturbative states.
 PHY G513 
Classical Electrodynamics
Review of Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, and solution of Boundary Value Problems. Method of Images. Maxwell equations for time dependent fields, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in unbounded media. Waveguides & Cavity Resonators. Absorption, Scattering and Diffraction, Special Relativity, Covariant formulation of Classical Electrodynamics. Dynamics of charged particles in electromagnetic fields. Radiation by moving charges and Cerenkov Radiation.
 PHY G514 
Quantum Theory and Applications
Mathematics of linear vector spaces, Postulates of Quantum Mechanics, Review of exactly solvable bound state problems, WKB methods, Angular momentum, Spin, Addition of angular momenta, Systems with many degrees of freedom, Perturbation theory, Scattering theory, Dirac equation.
 PHY G515 
Condensed Matter Physics
Free electron models, Reciprocal lattice, Electrons in weak periodic potential, Tight-binding method, Semiclassical model of electron dynamics, Theory of conduction in metals, Theory of harmonic crystals, Anharmonic effects, Semiconductors, Diamagnetism and paramagnetism, Superconductivity.
 PHY G516
Statistical Physics and Applications
Liouville’s theorem, Boltzmann transport equation, H-Theorem; Postulate of statistical Mechanics; Temperature; Entropy; Microcanonical, Canonical, Grand-canonical ensembles - Derivation,calculation of macroscopic quantities, fluctuations, equivalence of ensembles, Applications, Ideal gases, Gibbs Paradox; Quantum mechanical ensemble theory; Bose-Einstein statistics – derivation, Bose Einstein condensation, applications; Fermi- Dirac Statistics – derivation, applications - Equation of state of ideal Fermi gas, Landau Diamagnetism, etc; Radiation; Maxwell- Boltzmann statistics; Interacting systems – cluster expansion, Ising model in 1-d & 2-d; Liquid Helium, phase transitions and renormalization group.
 PHY G517
Topics in Mathematical Physics
Functions of complex variables, special functions, fourier analysis, sturm-Liuoville theory, partial differential equation with examples, Greens functions, Group theory, differential forms, approximation methods in solutions of PDE’s, vector valued PDE’s.
 PHY G521
Nuclear and Particle Physics
 PHY G531
Selected Topics in Solid State Physics
Schrodinger Field Theory (2nd Quantized formalism), Bose and Fermi fields, equivalence with many body quantum mechanics, particles and holes, Single particle Green functions and propagators, Diagrammatic techniques, Application to Fermi systems electrons in a metal, electron-phonon interaction) and Bose systems (superconductivity, superfluidity).
 PHY G541
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Electrons and Phonons in Crystals; Carrier dynamics in semiconductors; Junctions in semiconductors (including metals and insulators); Heterostructures; Quantum wells and Lowdimensional systems; Tunnelling transport; Optoelectronics properties; Electric and magnetic fields; The 2d Electron gas; Semiconductor spintronic devices
Generic Courses:
 SKILL G641  Modern Experimental Methods  5
 BITS G513  Studies in Advanced Topics  5
 BITS G649  Reading Course  5
 BITS G529  Research Project 1  5
 BITS G539  Research Project 2  5
 SKILL G661 Research Methodology   5
In addition, level 4 undergraduate courses are also available to graduate students:
 PHY F412
Intro to Quantum Field Theory
Klein-Gordon equation, SU(2) and rotation group, SL(2,C) and Lorentz group, antiparticles, construction of Dirac spinors, algebra of gamma matrices, Maxwell and Proca equations, Maxwell's equations and differential geometry; Lagrangian Formulation of particle mechanics, real scalar field and Noether's theorem, real and complex scalar fields, Yang-Mills field, geometry of gauge fields, canonical quantization of Klein-Gordon, Dirac and Electromagnetic field, spontaneously broken gauge symmetries, Goldstone theorem, superconductivity.
 PHY F413
Particle Physics
Klein-Gordon equation, time-dependent non-relativistic perturbation theory, spinless electron-muon scattering and electron-positron scattering, crossing symmetry, Dirac equation, standard examples of scattering, parity violation and V-A interaction, beta decay, muon decay, weak neutral currents, Cabbibo angle, weak mixing angles, CP violation, weak isospin and hypercharge, basic electroweak interaction, Lagrangian and single particle wave-equation, U(1) local gauge invariance and QED, non-Abelian gauge invariance and QCD, spontaneous symmetry breaking, Higgs mechanism, spontaneous breaking of local SU(2) gauge symmetry.
 PHY F415
General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
Review of relativistic mechanics, gravity as geometry, descriptions of curved space-time, tensor analysis, geodesic equations, affine connections, parallel transport, Riemann and Ricci tensors, Einstein’s equations, Schwarzschild solution, classic tests of general theory of relativity, mapping the universe, Friedmann- Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmological model, Friedmann equation and the evolution of the universe, thermal history of the early universe, shortcomings of standard model of cosmology, theory of inflation, cosmic microwave background radiations (CMBR), baryogenesis, dark matter & dark energy.
 PHY F416
Soft Condensed Matter
Forces, energies, timescale and dimensionality in soft condensed matter, phase transition, mean field theory and its breakdown, simulation of Ising spin using Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics, colloidal dispersion, polymer physics, molecular order in soft condensed matter – i) liquid crystals ii) polymer, supramolecular self assembly.
 PHY F419
Advanced Solid State Physics
Schrodinger field theory (second quantized formalism), Bose and Fermi fields, equivalence with many body quantum mechanics, particles and holes, single particle Green functions and propagators, diagrammatic techniques, application to Fermi systems (electrons in a metal, electron – phonon interaction) and Bose systems (superconductivity, superfluidity).
 PHY F420
Quantum Optics
Quantization of the electromagnetic field, single mode and multimode fields, vacuum fluctuations and zero-point energy, coherent states, atom - field interaction - semiclassical and quantum, the Rabi model, Jaynes-Cummings model, beam splitters and interferometry, squeezed states, lasers.
 PHY F421
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Symmetries, conservation laws and degeneracies; Discrete symmetries - parity, lattice translations and time reversal; Identical particles, permutation symmetry, symmetrization postulate, two-electron system, the helium atom; Scattering theory - Lippman- Schwinger equation, Born approximation, optical theorem, eikonal approximation, method of partial waves; Quantum theory of radiation - quantization of electromagnetic field, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atoms; relativistic quantum mechanics
 PHY F422
Group theory and Applications
Basic concepts – group axioms and examples of groups, subgroups, cosets, invariant subgroups; group representation – unitary representation, irreducible representation, character table, Schur’s lemmas; the point symmetry group and applications to molecular and crystal structure; Continuous groups – Lie groups, infinitesimal transformation, structure constants; Lie algebras, irreducible representations of Lie groups and Lie algebras; linear groups, rotation groups, groups of the standard model of particle physics.
 PHY F423
Special Topics in Statistical Mechanics
The Ising Model – Definition, equivalence to other models, spontaneous magnetization, Bragg- William approximation, Bethe- Peierls Approximation, one dimensional Ising model, exact solution in one and two dimensions; Landau’s mean field theory for phase transition – the order parameter, correlation function and fluctuation-dissipation theorem, critical exponents, calculation of critical exponents, scale invariance, field driven transitions, temperature driven condition, Landau-Ginzberg theory, two-point correlation function, Ginzberg criterion, Gaussian approximation; Scaling hypothesis – universality and universality classes, renormalization group; Elements of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics – Brownian motion, diffusion and Langevin equation, relation between dissipation and fluctuating force, Fokker-Planck equation
 PHY F424 
Advanced Electrodynamics
Review of Maxwell’s equations – Maxwell’s equations, scalar and vector potentials, gauge transformations of the potentials, the electromagnetic wave equation, retarded and advanced Green’s functions for the wave equation and their interpretation, transformation properties of electromagnetic fields; Radiating systems – multipole expansion of radiation fields, energy and angular momentum of multipole radiation, multipole radiation in atoms and nuclei, multipole radiation from a linear, centre-fed antenna; Scattering and diffraction – perturbation theory of scattering, scattering by gases and liquids, scattering of EM waves by a sphere, scalar and vector diffraction theory, diffraction by a circular aperture; Dynamics of relativistic particles and EM fields – Lagrangian of a relativistic charged particle in an EM field, motion in uniform, static electromagnetic fields, Lagrangian of the EM fields, solution of wave equation in covariant form, invariant Green’s functions; Collisions, energy loss and scattering of a charged particle, Cherenkov radiation, the Bremsstrahlung; Radiation by moving charges – Lienard-Wiechert potentials and fields, Larmor’s formula and its relativistic generalization; Radiation damping – radiative reaction force from conservation of energy, Abraham-Lorentz model.
 PHY F426 
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Basics-Crystal structure, Wave Mechanics and the Schrodinger Equation, Free and Bound Particles, Fermi energy, Fermi-Dirac Statistics, Fermi level, Density of states, Band Theory of Solids, Concept of Band Gap, direct and indirect band gap, equation of motion, electron effective mass, concept of holes, Doping in semiconductors, Carrier transport - transport equations, Generation / Recombination Phenomena, Semiconductor processing and characterization, p-n junction, metal-semiconductor contacts, MOS capacitors, JFET, MESFET, MOSFET, Heterojunction devices, Quantum effect, nanostructures, Semiconductor and Spin Physics, Magnetic Semiconductors
 PHY F428
Quantum Information Theory
Classical Information, probability and information measures, methods of open quantum systems using density operator formalism, quantum operations, Kraus operators. Measurement and information, Entropy and information, data compression, channel capacity, Resource theory of quantum correlations and coherence, and some current issues.
 PHY F431
Geometric Methods in Physics
Manifolds, tensors, differential forms and examples from Physics, Riemannian geometry, relevance of topology to Physics, integration on a manifold, Gauss theorem and Stokes’ theorem using integrals of differential forms, fibre bundles and connections, applications of geometrical methods in Classical and Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Gravitation, and Quantum field theory. Rotations in real complex and Minkowski spaces laying group theoretical basis of 3-tensors and 4 tensors and spinors, transition from a discrete to continuous system, stress energy tensor, relativistic field theory, Noether’s theorem, tensor and spinor fields as representation of Lorentz group, action for spin-0 and spin-1/2, and super-symmetric multiplet, introduction of spin-1, spin-2 and spin-3/2 through appropriate local symmetries of spin-0 and spin-1/2 actions.

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