Arun V Kulkarni
PhD : University of Wyoming
Research: Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Numerical E and M, Physics Teaching
Office: D-320/23
Phone: 309
email: avkbits
Chandradew Sharma
Associate Professor
PhD : Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Research: High energy Physics, Econophysics
Office: D-320/14
Phone: 346
email: csharma
Assistant Professor
PhD: University of Mysore
Research: Nuclear Physics Theory
Office: D-317
Phone: 431
email: deepakpn
PhD: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Research: Non-linear dynamics, theoretical neuroscience
Office: D-320/13
Phone: 326
email: gdar
Indrakshi Raychowdhury
Assistant Professor
PhD: S N Bose National Center for Basic Sciences, Kolkata
Research: Lattice Gauge Theories, analog and quantum simulations
Office: D-320/8
Phone: 873
email: indrakshir
Indrani Chakraborty
Assistant Professor
PhD: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Research: Experimental Soft Condensed Matter
Office: D-320/9
Phone: 476
email: indranic
E Senthamarai Kannan
PhD: Sungkyunkwan Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology, South Korea
Research: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Office: D-320/10
Phone: 458
email: eskannan
PhD: Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Research:Classical and Quantum Gravity, Cosmology
Office: D-320/17
Phone: 154
email: kinjalb
PhD: Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Research: optics and microscopy, biophysics, quantum optics.
Office: D-315
Phone: 427
email: nandan
Prasad A Naik
Visiting Professor
PhD: BARC, Mumbai
Research: Lasers, optics
Office: D-320/12
Phone: 179
email: prasadn |
Prasanta Kumar Das
PhD: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Research: High energy particle physics, astrophysics, Cosmology
Office: D-320/18
Phone: 448
email: pdas
Radhika Vathsan (Head of Department)
PhD : Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Research:Quantum Theory, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Information
Office: D-320/15
Phone: 411
email: radhika |
PhD: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Research: Quantum Field Theory, Physics Education
Office: D-320/9
Phone: 417
email: ratabole
Ram Shanker Patel
PhD: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Research: Spintronics
Office: D-320/6
Phone: 294
email: rsp
Assistant Professor
PhD: S N Bose Center for Basic Sciences, Kolkata
Research: Quantum Field Theory, String theory, Quantum Gravity
Office: D-320/21
Phone: 355
email: rudranilb
Assistant Professor
PhD: City University of London
Research: Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Computation
Office: D-320/20
Phone: 878
email: sanjibd |
Associate Professor
PhD: University of Hyderabad
Research: Quantum Field Theory, Mathematical Physics
Office: D-320/16
Phone: 142
email: vsunil |
Assistant Professor
PhD: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Research: Computational Condensed Matter
Office: CC-110
Phone: 365
email: swastibratab
Tarun Kumar Jha
Associate Professor
PhD: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Research: Nuclear Astrophysics
Office: D-320/19
Phone: 177
email: tkjha
Associate Professor
PhD: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Research: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Office: D-320/11
Phone: 253
email: teny
Toby Joseph
Associate Professor
PhD: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Research: Soft Condensed Matter, Information Thermodynamics
Office: D-320/22
Phone: 145
email: toby |
Arnab Roy
Assistant Professor
PhD: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Research: Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental
Office: D-316
Phone: 875
email: arnabr |
Arunav Kundu
Visiting Professor
PhD: University of Maryland
Research: Astronomy
Office: CC 109
Phone: 877
email: arunavk |