BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, August 11, 2023

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Learning never exhausts the mind. —Leonardo da Vinci



Keeping focused on the big questions, I think really elevates our lives." - Carla Shatz
In Semester 1, 2023-24,  I am teaching the Electromagnetic Theory I.  
Earlier semester(s):

  • In Semester 2, 2022-23,  I have taught  (i) Astronomy and Astrophysics and (ii) Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves. 
  • In Semester 1, 2022-23,  I have taught  (i) Statistical Physics & Applications and (ii) Particle Physics
  • In Semester 2, 2021-22,  I have taught (i) Quantum Mechanics I and (ii) General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology. 
  • In Semester 1, 2021-22, I have taught (i) Quantum Physics and Application and (ii) Statistical Mechanics. 
  • In Semester 2, 2020-21, I have taught (i) Theory of Relativity and (ii) Cosmology. 
  • In Semester 1, 2020-21, I have taught (i) Particle Physics and (ii) GTR and Cosmology.

 Quantum Mechanics I (PHY F242) 
Course description
This course will provide the basic grounding in Quantum Mechanics for the undergraduate students.  Topics to be covered in this course are (i) Fundamental concept (Hilbert space, Bra, Ket vectors, Operators, uncertainty relations, Wave functions), (ii) Quantum Dynamics (Time evolution of wave function, the  Schrodinger vs Heisenberg picture, SHO), (iii) Angular Momemtum (Rotations and angular momentum commutations relation, spin 1/2 system, eigen values and eigenstates of angular momentum, orbital angular momemtum, angular  momentum addition), (iv) Symmetry in quantum mechanics (symmetries, conservation laws and degeneracies, discrete symmetries etc), (v) Time-Independent perturbation theory, non-degenerate and degenerate cases, Stark effect and Zeeman effect. (vi) Variational principle and its application.

Text Books:

TB1:  Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D. J. Griffith, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:
RB1: Modern Quantum Mechanics, J. J. Sakurai, Pearson Education, Twelfth Impression, 2013.
RB2: Quantum Physics, S. Gasiorowicz, Wiley 1974. 

General Theory of Relativity & Cosmology (PHY F415)
Course description

This course aims to introduce the basic concepts of  General Theory of Relativity and it's application in Cosmology i.e. to know the behavior of the universe at large scale. After reviewing basic concepts of special relativity (in 4 vector formalism), the notion of tensor, covariant derivative, geodesics, curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar, Einstein tensor and hence the Einstein  equations will be derived. The Schwarzschild black hole solution of the Einstein equation will be discussed, which will be followed by Physics near the massive objects. The FRW cosmology will be discussed at a length and finally inflationary cosmology will be introduced in brief.

Text Books:

TB1: A short course in General Theory of Relativity, Foster and Nightingale (Springer).

Reference Books:
RB1: S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, John Wiley, New York, (1972).
RB2: M. Rowan-Robinson, Cosmology, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press (1996).
RB3: J. A. Peacock: Cosmological Physics, Cambridge University Press (1999).
RB2: Modern Cosmology, Scott Dodelson, Academic Press (2006).
To the students -
  • For the class schedule, evaluation components, make-up policy, please refer the course handout which are available in your respective google classroom page or LMS quanta page.
  • For joining into the class, refer the meet-links shared via google calender with you.
  List of SOP project problem that several students are working in Semester 2 2021-22 is available here.
  Students selected to work in project course under my supervision in Semester 1, 2021-22.


ID No.

Title of the project

Rutvik Keche


Quantum Computation as a high school module

Vishnu R Nambiar


Machine Learning in the Classification of Stars and Galaxies

Siddhant Lakhaiyar


Quantum Computation as a high school module

Arindam Bandi


Analysis of CMBR with Deep Learning

Aritra Mukherjee


Arunabha Mukherjee


Machine Learning in Stock Market Predictions

Machine Learning in Stock Market...

Aman Jain

2018B5A70868 G

Prediction of Stock Market using Machine Learning


The set of courses that I taught in BITS: I have taught the following courses: (i)Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, (ii) Electrodynamics, (iii) Classical Mechanics, (iv)Quantum Mechanics I & II, (v) Modern Physics, (vi)Statistical Mechanics, (vii)Mathematics III (Differential Equations and it's application), (vii) Nuclear & Particle Physics, (viii) Theory of Relativity, (ix)Particle Physics, (x) Introduction to Astronomy & Astrophysics, (xi)General Theory of Relativity & Cosmology, (xii) Physics Laboratory I, (Xiii) Advanced Physics Lab.

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