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Research grant helps one to realize a vision

Research grant

Sponsored Projects

 Research interest and Sponsored Projects
 "Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world."  Louis Pasteur 

My research interests:   I work in the area of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. In particular, I am interested in BSM physics - astrophysical and collider signature of dark matter and dark energy.

Projects (ongoing/submitted/to be submitted):

To be submitted: (1) Modified Gravity and it's application in Early Universe Cosmology  

Projects (5 sponsored projects(4 as PI and 1 as Co-PI) are completed ):    

Project 1
Title: S Title: Signature of  space-time noncommutativity in high energy collider
Principal Investigator(PI):   Dr. Prasanta Kumar Das 
Objective: To look for the signatures of space-time noncommutativity at high energy colliders  
Funding agencySERB, Govt. of India
Project JRF:  Saumyen Kundu has joined as a JRF in this project. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student in the department of physics.
Project outcome: 1 publication.
Project completion year: 2020
Project 2
Title: S Title: Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration of the Universe in Modified Gravity.                                             
             Principal Investigator(PI):   Dr. Gauranga Charan Samanta (Dept. of Mathematics) 
Co-PI: Dr. Prasanta Kumar Das (Dept. of Physics)
Objective: To investigate the effect of dark matter, dark energy on the acceleration of the Universe.
Project JRF: Payel Sarkar joined in this project as a JRF. Later she has been awarded a DST Inspire fellowship. Currently she is working towards her PhD.
Funding agency: CSIR, Govt. of India
Project outcome: 2 publications 
Project completion year: 2020

Project 3
Title:  Probing new physics at high energy colliders
Principal Investigator(PI):   Dr. Prasanta Kumar Das 
Objective: To probe the beyond the standard model physics signatures, in particularly the extra dimension, noncommutative geometry  at high energy via the high energy scattering and decay processes   
Funding agency: CSIR, Govt. of India.
JRF scholar: Mr. Atanu Guha (as a JRF ) worked in this project problem. He has completed his PhD from BITS Pilani in 2020. Currently a postdoctoral fellow at IISER Pune. 
Project outcome: 3 publications
Project completion year: 2016
Project 4
Title: Aspects of some astrophysical systems like supernovae and neutron stars in the light of new physics 
Principal Investigator(PI): Dr. Prasanta Kumar Das 
Co-PI: Dr. Tarun Kumar Jha and Dr. Chandradew Sharma 
Objective: To see how anomaly observed in the supernovae SN1987A and Neutron star cooling can be explained in the light of New Physics, in particularly Large and Warped extra dimensional models. To understand the rich structure of the dense nuclear matter of the Neutron star is also another important part of this project.
Funding agency: DAE, BRNS,  Govt. of India.
JRF scholar: J. Selvaganapathy(as a JRF) worked in this project problem. He has completed  his PhD from BITS Pilani  in 2018. Currently, he is postdoctoral fellow at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. 
Project outcome:  4 publications.
Project completion year: 2015

Project 5
Title: Radion contribution to various flavour changing neutral current processes in B meson decay
Principal Investigator(PI):  Dr. Prasanta Kumar Das 
Objective: To investigate the role of light HyperCP (X0) boson, the brane-world radion in a class of rare B meson decays, particularly a class of semi-leptonic, leptonic and non-leptonic decays.
Funding agency: SERB, DST (Fast Track), Govt. of India 
Project outcome: 3 publications
Project completion year: 2012

Project 6 (Sponsored by BITS Pilani)
Title:Probing Space-Time Noncommutativity at High Energy Experiments
Principal Investigator(PI):   Dr. Prasanta Kumar Das   
Objective: To investigate the nature of noncommutative space-time at high energy via scattering and decay processes
Funding agencySEED Grant, BITS-Pilani, India 
Project outcome: 2 publications 
Project completion year: 2013

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