
Question! Examine! Search! - G.B.SHAW

Research Areas

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences focuses on the intersections between broad disciplines such as Literary and Cultural Studies, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, and Political Science. The following are the research areas of the faculty at the Department:

  • Postmodernism
  • American Fiction
  • Tourism Theory
  • Ecocriticism
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Environmental Humanities
  • Renaissance Drama
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Film Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Digital Humanities
  • Digital Environmental Humanities
  • Spiritual Intelligence
  • Indian writing in English
  • Dalit Literature
  • Postcolonial  Literatures
  • Disaster Management
  • Environmental Adaptation
  • Tribal Development and Sociology
  • Development Studies
  • Ecology and Public Policy
  • International Relations
  • Maritime Studies
  • Cognitive Science
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Culture and Mental Health
  • Education
  • Ethics
  • Climate Change
  • Public Policy
  • Climate Policy
  • Greenhouse gas inventory
  • Impact, Vulnerability & Adaptation (IVA) assessment
  • Energy policy 
  • Forestry and land-use change

Ongoing Projects










Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Assessment and monitoring of tree biodiversity in semi-evergreen forests in Goa

Goa State Biodiversity Board

3 Lakhs

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Capacity building for modelling India's long-term land use emissions

International sustainable energy Foundation


(App. 253.05 Lakhs)

Dr. Sayantani Sarkar

Economic valuation of ecosystem services of selected wetlands in Goa


6.00 Lakhs

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Resilience of Ecosystem Services provided by Intact and Sustainably managed Terrestrial ecosystems (RESIST)


6850 EURO

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi



Modelling Forest Phenological Parameters from Time Series Remote Sensing data.

ISRO Geosphere Biosphere Programme

29.07 Lakhs



Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Assessing the Impact of Climate change on mountain communities in Spiti Basin


ISRO-Under Cryosphere Science and Applications Programme (CAP)


24.84 Lakhs

Dr. Mohan Kumar Bera


Coping with Displacement due to River Erosion in the Indian Sundarban and Lower Assam


4.50 lakhs

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

From NDCs to pathways and Policies: Transformative climate Action After Paris


15000 euros

Dr. Nilanjana Goswami (Co-Pi)

 APP based learning for Python program

6th Sense and AGH advisor

15.81 L

Completed Projects










Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Climate vulnerability of Mint crop in Barabanki UP

IORA Ecological Solutions Pvt Ltd

4.72 Lakhs

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Dr. Amit Garg (IIIM Ahmedabad)

Scenarios of carbon sequestration Potential in India's forest sector in context of global goals of paris agreement on climate change and bonn challenge on Reclamation of Degraded lands

Union Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India


41.24 Lakhs


BITS share 24.74 Lakhs


Dr. Reena Cheruvalath

Dr. Geetha B - Co-PI



Evaluation' as a Teaching method: A New pedagogical model to improve knowledge and critical thinking among students




3.7 Lakhs


Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Studying the climate vulnerability in peanut cropping system in Gujarat


IORA Ecological Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


2.75 Lakhs


Dr. Rajiv Chaturvedi



Climate Change Impact Assessment in Thiruvananthapuram Division Kerala


IORA Ecologicals, under The Forest-PLUS 2.0 program


4.81 Lakhs

Dr. Rajiv Chaturvedi


Undertaking study for mapping forest arears vulnerable to climate change in India based on high resolution computer model based projections


Forest Survey of India, Ministry of Env. Forest, Govt. of India


9.13 Lakhs

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Dr. Mohan Kumar Bera - Co-PI


Implications of Ujjawala scheme for forest conservation efforts in the state of Jharkhand


Forest Department Government of  Jharkhand

9.68 Lakhs


Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Preparation of Goa state Action plan on climate change, concept note and DPR

NABARD Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd

3.65 lakhs

Dr. M. Srikanth (PI)

Biological Sciences

Dr. Geetha B - Co-PI - Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr. Ramprasad Joshi - Co-PI CS&IS

Bioremediation and Digital Documentation towards the conservation of Cultural Heritage


32.80 Lakhs

Dr. Rajiv  Kumar Chaturvedi

Risk & Uncertainty Assessment for Railway Infrastructure due to Impacts of Climate Change



2.24 Lakhs


Dr. Rayson K Alex



English Translation of Two Literary works in Malayalam, Haritha Niroopanam Malayalathil (Green - Criticism in Malayalam)  and Aa Aa Aanakkathakal (those Elephant stories)

Association for the study of Literature and Environment(USA)


0.7 lakhs


Dr. Parichay Patra


PI -Dr. Dibyakusum Ray, IIT Ropar &

Dr. Manishita Dass, Royal Holloway University of London

Offering Provocations, Surfacing evidence " A: The Archiving of Cine-Politics under the Indian National Emergency through Digital Humanities 2.0



4.9 Lakhs


Dr. R. P. Pradhan


India & Neighbourhood Sea Ports Comparative Vessel, Traffic & Pattern Analysis Using Real Time Ship Tracking Traffic Intelligence Tool For Commodity Movement & Gdp Correlation Mapping




40 Lakhs

Prof. Meenakshi Raman

Dr. Shalini Upadhyay

Dr. Amitendu

Dr. Layla

Mascaren has



Technical Writing Training Program


Cipla Biotec, Verna, Goa


6.651lakh (Consultancy)


Dr. R. P. Pradhan


Agenda 2020: India’s Maritime Infrastructure, Governance & Naval Diplomacy


Indian Council

of Social




15.00 Lakh


Dr. K A Geetha

“Literature as an Instrument of Social change – A Study of Readers’ Response to Dalit Literature

University Grants Commission, New Delhi


8.26 Lakh

Dr. Basavadatta Mitra



An empirical analysis of

cross cultural communication

variables in Indian industries

leading towards developing

appropriate strategies for

multi-cultural workplaces and academia


 6.506 lakh

Dr. Basavadatta Mitra



COMMUNICATION - An empirical analysis of

cross cultural communication

variables in Indian industries.


9.00 lakh

Dr. Basavadatta Mitra

Cultural Communication-An empirical analysis in Indian Industries and Academia


University Grants Commission


6.50 Lakh



Dr. Shalini Upadhyay


Exploring Spiritual Quotient and Analyzing its Impact on the Research Performance of University Teachers



  6.58 lakhs

Dr. Bidisha Banerjee

Development of a Mental Health Profile and identifying mental health issues among student community in BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus: An explanatory sequential mixed method study.  

BITS Goa, (Research Initiation Grant)


Dr. Bidisha Banerjee (CO-PI)


Towards Contributing to a management plan for ACB students at BITS, Pilani, Goa Campus

BITS Goa, (TLC Grant)


Prof. Geetha B (CO-PI)

LA-ReflecT: Modeling meta-cognitive processes in reflective reading and its open book assessments

Kyoto University, Japan 

58,30,000 Yen

Dr. Mohan Kumar Bera

Coping with crisis of livelihood and disasters: A study of migration in Sundarban islands. 

BITS Goa, (TLC Grant)






Dr. Nilanjana Goswami (Co-Pi)

Revisiting employment relation in domestic work from socio economic perspective in the context of COVID-19 pandemic

Goa Institute of Management


Dr. R.P.Pradhan

“Indian Ocean Region Seaports & Vessel Traffic Atlas Project for Class Room Teaching”

BITS Goa, (TLC Grant)


Dr. R.P.Pradhan

“Mining Closer and Alternative Livelihood in Goa”


9 Lakh

Prof. Rayson K Alex (Co-PI)

Development and Demonstration of Two Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems

BITS Pilani

50 Lakhs

Prof. Reena Cheruvalath

Comparison on the Academic performance, class-room interaction and college students’ feedback between Tele-presence and On-campus students

BITS Goa, (TLC Grant)


Prof. Reena Cheruvalath (Co-PI)

Revisiting Employment Relation in Domestic Work from a Socio-Economic Perspective in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic



Dr. Sayantani Sarkar


Impact and prospects of computer gaming on academic and socio-cultural progress of undergraduate students at BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus (15 Oct-2020-  31 March 2021)

BITS Goa, (TLC Grant)


Dr. Sayantani Sarkar (Co-PI)

Generation 2: Reinvent the toilet challenge.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)






· Co-PI; Technical Writing Training Programme; Funding Agency: CIPLA BIOTEC; Duration: 6 weeks (July-September 2016); Sanctioned Amount of the Project: INR 6,65,160.
·Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme, World Bank; MHRD, Govt. of India & Ministry of Education, Govt. of West Bengal 2013 to Date. PI: Dr. Basavadatta Mitra (ELT consultant—only travel and hospitality given)
·Impact Analysis on Training Programme for Empowering Women and SC/ST candidates Using ICT Tools in the State of Goa – A consultancy project was carried out for KEONICS ( Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation Ltd.) during October 2009-January 2010 Team : Meenakshi Raman, VVSNV Prasad, Basavadatta Mitra (amount involved Rs.50000)
· Client: Zuari Industries,Goa. Topic: Communication Skills for Managers/Executives Period: 15 Days (every quarterly @ Rs. 40000/-, 2005-2008)
·Client: Technochem, Indore Topic: Oral and Written Communication Skills for Managers/Executives Period: 2 weeks (every quarterly @ Rs. 60000/-, 2009)
· Client: Frontline officers and Managers of CIPLA Biotec, Verna, Goa, 30 participants. Topic: Technical Writing.  Period: 12 July-05 October 2016 (6 sessions/12 Hours)  Amount: Rs. 6.65Lakhs
· Analysis of Stakeholders in Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Chorao, Goa, German Development Corporation (GIZ) Rs. 2,60,000/- Aug 2014-Jan 2015, PIs: Dr. Rayson Alex and Solano Da Silva
·Development and Demonstration of Two Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems BITS Pilani Rs. 50,00,00 2014-2017, PI: Dr. Srikanth Mutnuri, Co-PI: Rayson Alex
·Constitutional and other Legal Provisions that Enable Political Parties to Revoke the Parliamentary Mandate: A study of Twenty-Nine Countries from the Asia-Pacific Region, 2009: This study commissioned by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Geneva sought to compile a listing of the various legal provisions, in a set of 29 countries, through which political parties can control parliamentarians. A report of the study was submitted to IPU in June, 2009.

· Lokniti website: When working at CSDS-Lokniti I also designed and managed the Lokniti website: which houses the CSDS Election Datasets a.k.a. the National Election Studies (NES). 


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