M.Phil. in Liberal Studies

M.Phil. in Liberal Studies


Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Liberal Studies

Programme Description:

The M.Phil. programme in Liberal Studies offers students a unique opportunity to pursue an interdisciplinary course of study that encompasses diverse fields such as literature, cultural studies, philosophical and sociological approaches to culture, arts, and political economy. The focus of the programme is on research (a dissertation) which will culminate in the award of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Liberal Studies.

Educational Philosophy and Praxis:

The M.Phil. programme in Liberal Studies at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, offers a strong intellectual commitment to theoretical linkages between diverse fields that combine the insights of social sciences, literary and cultural studies, sciences and technologies. Students are invited to explore the connections between the theoretical cross currents of socio-historical analyses while remaining connected to emerging trends in science and technology. For instance, this programme offers the student the opportunity to study (and eventually write about) the connections between Darwinian thought, social control, and public health. A student may be able to write a dissertation on heritage preservation policies in India and the use of digital technologies. A student might pursue a course of study that leads him/her to write a dissertation on the history of technological innovation in India.

The M.Phil. programme’s unique strength lies in three approaches to teaching and research: First, the focus on understanding the deep societal connections between humanities disciplines and core science/technologies. Second, to strengthen the students’ core argumentative writing―a must-have skill in a highly competitive world of research grants and funding opportunities. Third, the programme allows students to join their supervisors in learning the craft of teaching through a hands-on immersion in pedagogical practices.

The programme is designed in such a way that it will prepare students for both employment (in social sector, NGOs, and corporate sector) and/or admission to Doctoral programmes.


S. No.

Course No.

Course Title & Description



Writing Seminar



Understanding claims structures; multiple rhetorical contexts and diverse persuasion strategies in classical, Rogerian and the Toulminian framework; Analyzing arguments rhetorically; Analyzing visual arguments, an overview of anthology of arguments, re-evaluating sources and presenting new operational definitions; Project


HSS G511

Philosophical Foundations of Liberal Studies



Idea of being; modes of being; causation; metaphysical education; natural education; social education; refutation of metaphysics; the concept of necessity; humanism; epistemology; search for the method of science; Reasoning – constructing Arguments- Standards for constructing and evaluating arguments; validity, truth, and soundness; Fallacies; Project


HSS G512

Theoretical Approaches to Liberal Studies



Introduction to Ideologies in Social Sciences; Developmentalism, Political Culture, Sociological approaches; Psychoanalysis as bridging the fields of humanities, natural and social sciences; Institutions and institutionalism; Irrationalism; Environmentalism; Sociobiology; The present as post; Culture,

Intellectuals and Media; Indigenous theories of change; Project


Semester-wise Pattern of Courses:


M.Phil. in Liberal Studies


First Semester


Second Semester





HSS    G511    Philosophical Foundations of Liberal Studies

HSS    G512    Theoretical Approaches to Liberal Studies BITS  G518  Writing Seminar

Elective I







BITS G661     Research Methodology I BITS E583     Case studies I

Elective II Elective III OR

Dissertation (5 Units)





* 5




BITS G561T Dissertation




* Minimum 3 Units

Students will spend the Third Semester in writing and revising their M. Phil. dissertations.


Note: The three electives will be fulfilled by opting for one or more of the following courses offered by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences or any other course from other departments, subject to the approval by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

i.                                          BITS E573            Study in Advanced Topics I

ii.                                       BITS E574            Study in Advanced Topics II

iii.                                    BITS E584            Case Studies II



Course Duration:

While the above semester-wise pattern shows a 3-semester structure, a meritorious student may be able to complete the programme in 2 semesters and an additional summer term. In such a case, a partial dissertation of 5 units may be taken in place of Elective 3. This will be followed by a Dissertation of 10 units during the summer term.


Minimum Eligibility Criteria for Admissions:

  • Integrated First Degree of BITS Pilani in any discipline
  • M. A. /M. Sc. in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Any other M.Sc./M.S.W. degree or its equivalent with the requirement of taking certain additional courses (Additional courses will be decided from the pool of Humanities electives by the department)


Financial assistance:

  • Students admitted into the M.Phil. programme are eligible to be considered for an Institute fellowship of Rs.13,400/ per month in the first year.
  • It will be obligatory on the part of every admitted Full-time student to undertake 8 to 10 hours (per week) of work as assigned to him/her by the institute.


An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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