Research Facilities

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We provide well equipped laboratories for students which enable them to conduct their research studies without any hassles. The instruments range from simple analytical instruments like the UV-Vis spectrophotometer to Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer. 

  • Microbiology Laboratory, Microscopy and Imaging Facility

    1. Analytical Electronic Balance, Sartorius
    2. Autoclave JSAC-100, JSR
    3. Autoclave, Presoclave II, JP Selecta, SA
    4. BOD Incubator, TS 606/2-I, WTW, Germany
    5. Centrifuge, Hettich
    6. Water Distillation unit
    7. Fume Hood with exhaust system
    8. Incubator, JSGI-50T, JSR
    9. Incubator, JSGI-250T, JSR
    10. Heating Mantle
    11. Hot Air Oven, natural convection, JSOF 150 JSR
    12. Hot Plate Stirrer, Labtech
    13. Incubator Shaker, Innova 42 New Brunswick Scientific
    14. Laminar Flow Chamber, Telstar MH 100
    15. Microscopes
    16. Microwave oven (Panasonic)
    17. pH meter 2005, JP Selecta
    18. Plant Growth Chamber, Climacell, EVO line
    19. Refrigerator
    20. Fluorescence Research Microscope, Olympus BX53
    21. Shaking Incubator, JSSI 300C, JSR
    22. Ultra low temperature freezer (-80 o C), TSE series, Thermo Scientific
    23. Ultra sonic pipette cleaner
    24. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
    25. Vacuum Pump (for filtration), Sartorius
    26. Vortexer, Thermo Scientific
    27. Water bath, JSWB-22T, JSR.

  • IMA Laboratory, Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory, and Cell Culture Facility

    1. Analytical Electronic Balance, Sartorius
    2. Bath Sonicator, Branson 2800
    3. Biosafety Cabinet, JSR
    4. Centrifuge, Eppendorf 5415R
    5. Centrifuge, Eppendorf 5810R
    6. Centrifuge, Sorvall, ST16R. Thermo Scientific
    7. Chemiluminoscence System, iBright750, Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific
    8. CO 2 Incubator, Galaxy 170 R, New Brunswick Scientific
    9. DNA/ Protein Electrophoresis Systems (Biorad; Fisher Scientific; Thermo Scientific);
    Protein Western Blot System, Biorad
    DNA Southern Blot System, Power Blotter, Invitrogen, Thermofisher Scientific
    10. Inverted Fluorescence Microscope, Leica
    11. Fluorescence Spectrometer, LS 45, Perkin Elmer
    12. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), Spectrum BX II, Perkin Elmer
    13. Fume Hood with exhaust system
    14. Gas Chromatograph (GC), Clarus 400, with TCD and FID Detectors, Perkin Elmer
    15. Gel Documentation system, G:BOX, Syngene
    16. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Series 200 UV-Vis Detector
    (with Auto sampler Series 225), Perkin Elmer
    17. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPLTC), Desaga, Germany
    18. Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrer, Labtech
    19. Incubator Shaker, Innova 42, New Brunswick Scientific
    20. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer, (ICP-OES) Optima 7000
    DV (with Auto sampler S10 Series), Perkin Elmer
    21. Liquid Nitrogen Tank, MVE cryosystem 750
    22. Microwave oven (Panasonic)
    23. Microwave Reaction System, Multiwave PRO, Anton Paar
    24. Multilabel Reader, Victor X3, Perkin Elmer
    25. NanoDrop One Thermo Scientific
    26. PCR, Gradient, PeqSTAR, PeqLab Biotechnologie GmbH
    27. PCR, PeqLab, Primus 25, PeqLab Biotechnologie GmbH
    28. pH meter, PH-2005, JP Selecta
    29. Polarimeter, (Auotmatic), Autopol I, Rudolph Research Analytical
    30. Refrigerator
    31. Reverse Osmosis, euRO RO-DI Water Purification System, SG Water
    32. RT PCR, Quant Studio-1, Applied Biosystems, Themo Fisher Scientific
    33. Ultra Low Temperature Freezer (-20 o C), Thermo Scientific
    34. Ultrasonicator, QSonica
    35. UV/Vis Spectrophotometer, Lambda 25, Perkin Elmer
    36. Vortexer, Lab Companion
    37. Water bath, Circulating, CW-20G, Lab Companion
    38. Water bath, Lab companion- BW-20G
    39. Zetasizer, Malvern

  • Biotechnology Research Laboratory

    1. Bead beater, Bead Ruptor12, OMNI International
    2. Biohydrogen Production System
    3. Centrifuge, Eppendorf 5415R
    4. Centrifuge, Rotanta 460RF, Hettich, Germany
    5. Calorimeter, Parr 6050
    6. Evaporating System, EZ-2 Plus, HCl Compatible, Genevac
    7. Fermenter/ Bioreactor, BioFlo110, New Brunswick Scientific
    8. Freeze Drier, VirTis, SP Scientific
    9. Fume Hood with exhaust system
    10. Hot Air Oven, Venticell
    11. Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrer, Labtech
    12. Incubator Shaker, Innova42, New Brunswick Scientific
    13. Laminar Flow Chamber, Thermo Scientific 1300 series A2
    14. Microalgal Culture Facility
    15. Pellet Press, Parr
    16. pH meter, PH-2005, JP Selecta
    17. Platform Shaker, Innova 2100, New Brunswick Scientific
    18. Refrigerator
    19. Rheometer, Rheolab QC, Anton Paar
    20. Rotavapor, Heidolph, Germany
    21. Soxhlet apparatus, Behrotest
    22. Ultra Sonicator, QSonica.
    23. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Lambda 25, Perkin Elmer
    24. Vortex Mixer, Lab-Companion
    25. Water bath, Clifton


Protein GEL


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