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The research & development in biotechnology is constantly growing and expanding into other industrial sectors, a true driving force of interdisciplinary applications. Research activities in the department of biotechnology covers wide range of interdisciplinary research focused on fundamental biology and applied biotechnology. The department encourages collaborative research and interaction between students and faculty. Faculty members have presented their research work in international conferences and symposiums. The major research areas include Applied Microbiology, Environmental biotechnology, Biosensor technology, Agricultural biotechnology, Computational Biology and Water Quality Modeling and Simulation. The ongoing research projects are bioluminescent bacteria for development of biosensors, studies on desert ecology, biodiversity, conservation of endangered plants, development of biofertilizers, molecular characterization rhizobia, microalgal biotechnology and water quality modeling & simulation. The state-of-the-art research laboratories of department are advanced molecular biology, microbiology, genetic engineering and bioprocess engineering & Instrumental methods of analysis, equipped with UV- Visible spectrophotometers, DNA and protein gel electrophoresis systems, gel documentation system, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), refrigerated centrifuges, spectofluorimeter, multilabel plate reader, Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy, High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography (GC), High performance Thin layer chromatography, Polarimeter, Inductively coupled plasma-Optical emission spectrophotometer (ICP-OES), Lyophilizer, CO2 and BOD incubators and Fermentor.

a. Thrust Areas for Research: 
  1. Microbiology: Soil microbiology, water quality, environmental biotechnology, development of biosensors for environmental pollutants
  2. Agricultural biotechnology:  stress tolerance in plants, biodiesel production using plants, biomass production, Native plants of UAE and their application in medicine
  3. Bio-MEMS: MEMS devices, biosensors, simulations
  4. Nanobiotechnology: Nanoparticle synthesis, characterization and applications 
  5. Microalgal biodiversity: Biodiversity in arid environments, photobioreactor, microalgal biotechnology
  6. Cell culture technology: Animal cell culture, stem cells, genetic disorders and counseling
b. Ongoing projects:
  1. Optimization of Selected High Yield Grass Species for Biomass and Bioenergy Applications using Saline and Recycled Wastewater; PI: Ramchandran S, CoPI: Gokhale, T, Sood, N, Ismail S, Prakashkumar BG,. Babu C, Khalil.Ur.Rahman, Feb 2017 to date
  2. Roof top rainwater harvesting for safe, potable, and healthy drinking water and ground water replenishment for BITS Pilani, Pilani. PI: Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Co-PIs: Dr. Sunil Bhand, Dr. Utpal Roy, Dr. Neeru Sood, Dr. Trupti Gokhale; Funding agency: CoE: Water, Waste and Energy management, BITS Pilani; Rs. 91lakhs, 5 years 
  3. Zinc Recovery from Industrial Waste using Bioleaching; PI: Dr. Suresh Gupta, Co-I: Prof. S. K. Verma, Dr. Anupam Singhal, Dr. S. Ramachandran; Funding agency:  CoE: Water, Waste and Energy management, BITS Pilani; Rs. 48 lakhs, 5 years
c. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized:
  1. 4th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY (BIOTECH 2014) jointly organized by Department of Biotechnology BITS Pilani Dubai Campus & GSTF (Global Science and Technology Forum) during 10-11 March 2014, Over 25 delegates from UAE and India presented their work at the conference. S. Rajeshwari,  received the best paper award. 
  2. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING-2014 (ICBB2014), jointly organized by Department of Biotechnology BITS Pilani Dubai Campus, Microbiologist Society and Babasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, India during 29-30th October 2014. Over 82 delegates from UAE, India, UK and Bangladesh presented their work in their respective field at the conference. Following participants received the Best Paper Award: Gayathri Ganesh, Salma Sheriff, S Rajeshwari, Srishti Singh, Nirupama Dixit, K Aruna, Shruti Samant, Seema Sambarani, Jitendra Panwar
  3. One day symposium on Agricultural Biotechnology in collaboration with International Center for Biosaline Agriculture in December 2009 at BITS Pilani Dubai Campus.


  •        Ms. Shristi Singh received the best oral presentation award,   Ms. Gayathri Ganesh received the best oral presentation award and Ms. Nirupama Dixit received the best poster presentation award at the International Conference On Biotechnology And Bioengineering-2014 (ICBB 2014), 29-30th October 2014, Dubai, UAE.

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Mr. Shaikh Faisal Zaman Shaikh received the best poster presentation award at the 3rd International Conference on Life Science’s Research & Development - Current Trends in Biotechnology (CTBT-2017), 12-13 April, 2017 organized by Manipal University Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE.

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