BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Sunday, July 09, 2023




Vyas, A.; Raman, S.; et al, Machine Learning-Based Diagnosis and Ranking of Risk Factors for Diabetic Retinopathy in Population-Based Studies from South India. Diagnostics 2023, 13, 2084


R Khan, V Bhandari, S Raman, et al. (2023). Image Processing in Retinal Imaging. In: Yogesan, K., Goldschmidt, L., Cuadros, J., Ricur, G. (eds) Digital Eye Care and Teleophthalmology. Springer


Khan, R., Surya, J., Roy, M., Swathi Priya, M. N., Mohan, S., Raman, S., Raman, A., Vyas, A., & Raman, R. (2023). Use of artificial intelligence algorithms to predict systemic diseases from retinal images. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, e1506


Kumar, S., Raman, S. (2023). Benchmarking State-of-the-Art Methodologies for Optic Disc Segmentation. In: Thakur, M., Agnihotri, S., Rajpurohit, B.S., Pant, M., Deep, K., Nagar, A.K. (eds) Soft Computing for Problem Solving. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 547. Springer, Singapore


Deshpande A, Raman S, Dubey A, Susvar P, Raman R (2023) An ImageJ macro tool for OCTA-based quantitative analysis of Myopic Choroidal neovascularization. PLoS ONE 18(4)


Vyas A, Raman S et al. The Need for Artificial Intelligence Based Risk Factor Analysis for Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Review. Diagnostics 2023, 13, 130.


Natarajan R, Matai HD, Raman S, et al. Advances in the diagnosis of herpes simplex stromal necrotising keratitis: A feasibility study on deep learning approach. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2022 Sep;70(9):3279-3283.  


S Raman, A Chougule et al., A low power consumption mobile based IoT framework for real-time classification and segmentation for apple disease, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol 94, 104656 (2022) 


Raman S., Soni M., Ramaprasad R. et al., LWCNN: a lightweight convolutional neural network for agricultural crop protection. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 22323–22334 (2022).


Rohit R, Raman S, SEMFD-Net : A Stacked Ensemble for Multiple Foliar Disease Classification, CODS-COMAD 2022: 5th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (9th ACM IKDD CODS and 27th COMAD) January 2022 Pages 241–245


Deepika V, V JeyaLakshmi, P.Latha, R Raman, Kiruthika V, S Raman,  J Surya, 

Relationship of fractal analysis in retinal microvascularity with demographic and diagnostic parameters, Microvascular Research, Jan 2022, Vol 139, 104237


R Khan, S Raman, Sri Krishna MK, S Srinivasan, A Sharma, J Surya, M Bhende, K Ramasamy, A Verma, R Raman, Comparison of Two Ultra-Widefield Cameras With High Image Resolution and Wider View for Identifying Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions, Translational Vision Science & Technology October 2021, Vol.10, 9 


Deepika V, Jeyalakshmi V, Latha P, Srinivasulu S, R Raman, Janani S, Sundaresan Raman , Kandle KS, Comparison of various fractal analysis methods for retinal images , Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Jan 2021, 63, 102245


Gaurang Bansal, Chamola V, Narang P, Kumar S, Sundaresan Raman , Deep3DSCan: Deep Residual Network And Morpholo gical Descriptor Based Framework for Lung Cancer Classification And 3D Segmentation, IET Image Processing , May 2020, 14(7), 1240 - 1247


Anirudh Srinivasan, Sundaresan Raman , Early Blight Identification in Tomato Leaves Using Deep Learning, International C onference on Contemporary Computing and Applications, Feb 2020, AKTU, Lucknow, India


Sundaresan Raman , Manoj Kannan, Demonstrating Key Concepts through Student - participated Classroom Activities in Computer Programming Course, Evidence based Teaching an d Learning, Lilly Conference , Austin, TX Jan 2020


Sundaresan Raman , Shantanu Singh, Thierry Pecot, Enrico Caserta, Kun Huang, Jens, Rittscher, Gustavo Leone, Raghu, Machiraju, Capturing Variations in Nuclear Phenotypes, Journal of Computational Sciences , Volume 36 (2019)


L Goel, S Raman, SS Dora, A Bhutani, AS Aditya, A Mehta, Hybrid computational intelligence algorithms and their applications to detect food quality, Artificial Intelligence Review, pp 1 - 26, 2019


Subham Kumar, Sundaresan Raman , Lung Nodule Segmentation using 3 - Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks, Soft Computing for Problem Solving, VIT, Vellore, 2018


Ines Khandelwal, Sundaresan Raman , Analysis of Transfer and Residual Learning for Detecting Plant Diseases Using Images of L eaves, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, IIT Kanpur, 2017


Puneet Jolly , Sundaresan Raman , Analyzing Surface Defects in Apples Using Gabor Features, 12th International Conference on Signal - Image Technology & Internet - Based Systems, Naples, 2016


Sundaresan Raman , Pecot Thierry, Singh Shantanu, Caserta Enrico, Leone Gustavo, Huang Kun and Machiraju Raghu, Robust Reconstruction of Tubular Structures in Tissue Microenvironment, Pattern Recognition and Image Ana lysis, Samara, 2013


Chen, H. - Z., Ouseph, M. M., Li, J., Pecot, T., Chokshi, V., Kent, L., Bae, S., Byrne, M., Duran, C., Comstock, G., Trikha, P., Mair, M., Senapati, S., Martin, C. K., Gandhi, S., Wilson, N., Liu, B., Huang, Y. - W., Thompson, J. C., Raman, S ., Singh, S., Leone, M., Machiraju, R., Huang, K., Mo, X., Fernandez, S., Kalaszczynska, I., Wolgemuth, D. J., Sicinski, P., Huang, T., Jin, V., and Leone, G. Canonical and atypical E2Fs regulate the mammalian endocycle. Nature, Cell Biology. 2012


Shantanu Singh, Sundaresan Raman , Enrico Caserta, Gustavo Leone, Michael Ostrowski, Jens Rittscher, Raghu Machiraju. Analysis of Spatial Variation of Nuclear Morphology in Tissue Microenviroments. International Symposium on Biological Imaging, Apr 2010, Rotterdam, Netherlands


Oleg Mishchenko, Sundaresan Raman , and Roger Crawfis, Distributed Visualization Framework Architecture. VDA 2010, San Jose, CA


Shantanu Singh, Sundaresan Raman , Jens Rittscher, Raghu Machiraju, Segmentation Evaluation for Fluores cence Microscopy Images of Biological Objects; MIAAB, Sept 2009, Bethesda, MD


Sundaresan Raman , Oleg Mishchenko, Roger Crawfis, Layers for Effective Volume Rendering, Volume Graphics/IEEE - VGTC Symposium on Volume Graphics, Aug 2008, Los Angeles, CA


Sundaresan Raman , Rephael Wenger, Quality Isosurface Mesh Generation Using An Extended Marching Cubes Lookup Table, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 27 (2008) Number 3, Eindhoven, Netherlands




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