BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, August 20, 2021

Research Interest

Research Interest

Research Interest

My current research at BITS-Pilani is directed towards understanding the following aspects of cancer:
1. Analyzing the role of cytokines in cancer development: It is currently understood that cancer develops in an inflammatory niche and the stromal components are not just active bystanders in the pathogenesis of the disease. There is huge role of cytokines which are part of the tumor micro-environment contributing to the disease progression. In this aspect, in our lab we are currently investigating the effects of cytokines like, TNF, TGF and IL-6 on progression of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Interestingly, our research shows that in the cellular milleu cytokines like, TGF and TNF can act antagonistically regulating EMT. We are currently characterizing the cellular signaling involved in such mechanism. Our future scope of study involves simulating tumor micro-environment by co-culture of stromal cells along with cancer cells and analyzing the cross-talk at the molecular level. Such analysis can facilitate the collapse of the resistance niche against chemotherapy. A part of our future plans, we want to validate our wet lab research in patient cancer tissue samples and set up a tissue bank at BITS-Pilani. (Presently guiding 1 PhD student as co-supervisor).
2. Analyzing the anti-cancerous efficacy of native plant extracts against drug refractory cancer cells: In our lab, we have developed tumor cell lines that are resistant to conventional therapeutics, like, cisplatin/5-FU through high dose drug exposure and clonal selection of surviving cells. In a collaborative research with department of Pharmacy we are analyzing the anticancer activities of native plants like Berberis aristata (Daruharidra) and Azadirachita indica (Neem) against the parental and resistant cells types and analyze the molecular mechanism involved. The plant extracts are further fractionated to isolate and purify the potent anti-cancerous compound present in these plants (Guiding 1 higher degree research practice student for the same). As part of future scope, in collaboration with engineering discipline, we want to analyze the anti-cancerous efficacy of these compounds in "3D" like culture environment and through in vivo studies. 
3. Analyzing the bio-compatibility of hard tissue implants: In collaboration with department of chemical engineering I am guiding "1" PhD student as co-supervisor in analyzing the bio-compatibility of hard tissue impant coatings, like titanium oxide which are undoped or doped with several metals. 

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