BITS Pilani

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  1. S. Chavan and S. Trivedi, Failure of the wandering subspace property for analytic norm-increasing 3-isometries, preprint, arXiv:2212.04446.
  2. S. Trivedi, Bounded point evaluation for operators with the wandering subspace property, Journal of Operator Theory, arXiv:2109.10846.
  3. S. Trivedi, Bounded point evaluation for a finitely multicyclic commuting tuple of operators, Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, 162 (2020), 20 pp.
  4. R. Gupta, S. Kumar and S. Trivedi, Unitary equivalence of operator-valued multishifts, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 487 (2020), 23 pp.
  5. A. Anand, S. Chavan and S. Trivedi, Analytic m-isometries without the wandering subspace property,  Proceedings of the American Math. Soc., 148 (2020), 2129-2142.
  6. R. Gupta, S. Kumar and S. Trivedi, von Neumann's inequality for commuting operator-valued multishifts,   Proceedings of the American Math. Soc., 147 (2019), 2599-2608.
  7. S. Chavan, D. Pradhan and S. Trivedi, Classification of Drury-Arveson-type Hilbert modules associated with certain directed graphs, Journal of Operator Theory, 81 (2019), 21-60.
  8. S. Chavan, S. Podder and S. Trivedi, Commutants and reflexivity of multiplication tuples on vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 466 (2018), 1337-1358.
  9. S. Chavan, D. Pradhan and S. Trivedi, Multishifts on directed Cartesian products of rooted directed trees,  Dissertationes Mathematicae, 527 (2017), 1-102.
  10. S. Chavan, D. Pradhan and S. Trivedi, Dirichlet Spaces Associated with Locally Finite Rooted Directed Trees,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 89 (2017), 209-232.
  11. S. Chavan and S. Trivedi, An Analytic Model for Left-Invertible Weighted Shifts on Directed Trees, Journal of London Mathematical Society, 94 (2016), 253-279.
  12. S. Trivedi and H. Chandra, Local spectral theory of Endomorphisms of the Disk Algebra, Demonstratio Mathematica, de Gruyter Open, 49 (2016), 95-106.
  13. S. Trivedi and H. Chandra, Local spectral properties of a Composition operator on Lp spaces, Journal of Indian Mathematical Society, 82 (2015), 219-226.
  14. S. Trivedi and H. Chandra, Decomposability of Weighted Composition Operators on Lp of Atomic Measure Space, Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput., 7 (2015), 1-13.
  15. S. Trivedi and H. Chandra, Some results on local spectral theory of Composition operators on lp spaces,   Matematicki Vesnik, 66 (2014), 294-300.

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