BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, April 03, 2023




BE/B. Tech. and ME/M. Tech. students:
Internal (RP/SOP/LOP/DOP) and external (summer/winter internship) students who wish to carry research work with our group can apply using the following steps -
  1. Identify the topic of your interest from the list of the research topics
  2. Submit the relevant details to show your interest against a identified topic by filling the google form
The candidates with adequate understanding/relevant experience will be invited for discussion. 

Ph. D. Candidates
Eligible candidates who are interested to work in the area of microwave processing of materials or additive manufacturing are encouraged to email their CVs. Candidates with master degree in the area of Mechanical/ Manufacturing/ Metallurgy/ Material Science/ Digital manufacturing/ Chemistry/ Physics/ other relevant specializations can be considered for the JRF/Research scholar positions. 
Full Time: candidates with relevant academic requirements can apply under the below schemes -
Institute Fellow: no vacancy 
Project Fellow: no vacancy 
CSIR-NET/UGC-NET/Other external funding: positions are available  
Part Time: candidates from industries with relevant experience and academic requirements can apply under the below schemes -
Aspirant Scheme: positions are available (for relevant information visit the link)
Regular call for PhD admission positions are available (for relevant information visit the link)

Post-Doctoral Candidates
Candidates who are pursuing PhD/completed PhD can write to me with detailed CV including areas of interest, research carried during PhD, publication record, funding for pursuing Postdoc if any etc. The suitable candidates will be invited for discussion on possible funding opportunities and future research. 

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    An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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