BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, July 27, 2021




International Journal:

1.      Saha, V., Goyal, P. and Jackabarthy, C. (2021), “Value Co-creation: A Review of Literature and Future Research Agenda”, Journal of Business & Industrial marketing, (forthcoming) (SCI Indexed, ABDC-A, Scopus Indexed)

2.      Phulwani P.R., Kumar, D. and Goyal, P. (2021), “From Systematic Literature Review to a Conceptual Framework for Consumer Disposal Behavior towards Personal Communication Devices”, Journal of Consumer Behavior, (forthcoming) (SCI Indexed, ABDC-A, Scopus Indexed)

3.      Jackabarthy, C., Saha, V., Goyal, P. and Venkatesh, M. (2020), “How do value co-creation and e-engagement enhance e-commerce consumers’ repurchase intention? : An empirical analysis”, Journal of Global Information Management (Accepted). (SCI Indexed, ABDC-A, Scopus Indexed).

4.      Praveen Goyal, Divesh Kumar, Vinod Kumar (2020), “Application of multicriteria decision analysis (mcda) in the area of sustainability: a literature review”, International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Vol. 12 No.3. (Scopus Indexed)

Chanda, U. and Goyal, P. (2020), “A Bayesian Network model on the interlinkage between Socially Responsible HRM, employee satisfaction, employee commitment and organizational performance”, Journal of Management Analytics, Vol. 7 No.1, pp.105-138. (Scopus, ESCI and ABDC Indexed)

P Phulwani, D Kumar, Goyal, P. (2020), A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Recycling Behaviour, Journal of Global Marketing (Scopus Indexed)

Kumar V., Vandana, Goyal, P. and Kumar, D. (2020), “Enhancing public engagement for green diwali: An initiative of Centre for Sustainability, Growth and Development (CSGD)”, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 15-26. (Scopus Indexed)

Saha, V., Venkatesh, M. and Goyal, P. (2020) “Emerging trends in the literature of value co-creation: a bibliometric analysis”, Benchmarking, Vol. 27 No.3, pp. 981-1002- (Scopus, ESCI & ABDC Indexed)

Saha, V. and Goyal, P. (2019), “How co-creation Drives the success of Public Service Initiatives? A Case-study Based Analysis, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing (forthcoming). (Scopus, ESCI & ABDC Indexed)

Chanda, U. and Goyal, P. (2019), “Optimal Investment of Resources in Creation of Human Capital: A Control Theoretic Approach”, International J. of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 25 No.4, pp. 239-252- (Scopus Indexed)

Kumar, D., Goyal, P. and Kumar V. (2019), “Prioritizing CSR barriers in the Indian Service Industry: A Fuzzy AHP Approach, Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, Vol. 66 No.2, pp. 213-233 (Scopus & ESCI Indexed)

Kumar, D., Goyal, P. and Kumar V. (2019), “Modeling and classification of enablers of CSR in Indian firms”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 456-475- (Scopus, ESCI & ABDC Indexed)

Goyal, P. and Chanda, U., (2019), Assessing impact of Human Capital, SRHRM and Employee related factors on Firm Performance, Journal of Industrial Integration and Management: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 1-35, (ESCI & Scopus Indexed)

Goyal, P. and Chanda, U., (2017). A Bayesian Network Model on the association between CSR, perceived service quality and customer loyalty in Indian Banking Industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 10, pp. 50-65, (SCI & Scopus Indexed) Impact Factor-3.66,

Goyal, P. and Kumar, D. (2017), “Modelling the CSR barriers in manufacturing industries”, Benchmarking: an International Journal, Vol. 24 No. 7, pp. 1871-1890. (Scopus, ESCI & ABDC Indexed)

Chanda, U., Goyal, P. and Kadadevaramath, R.S., (2017) “Editorial: Evidence-based Processes in Business and Systems”, Int. J. of Business and Systems Research, Vol. 11 No.1/2, pp. 1-5, (Scopus Indexed)

Shaikh, I., Sharma S.K. and Goyal, P. (2016), “Editorial: Evidence based management practices in accounting and finance”, International Journal of Management Practices, Vol. 9 No.3, pp. 209-212, (Scopus Indexed)

S. Kamboj, Z, Rahman and M. Yadav, Goyal, P. (2016), “Impact of Social CRM Capabilities on Firm Performance: Examining the Mediating Role of Co-Created Customer Experience” International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, Vol. 8 No.4, pp.1-16 (Indexed in Scopus, ESCI) 

S. Kamboj and Z. Rahman, Goyal, P. (2015), “A resource-based view on marketing capability, operations capability and financial performance: An empirical examination of mediating role, Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 189, pp. 406-415     

Goyal, P., Rahman, Z. and Kazmi, A.A. (2015). “Identification and Prioritization of Corporate Sustainability Practices using Analytical Hierarchy Process”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp.23 - 49. (Highly Commended Paper Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, 2016)- (Scopus, ESCI & ABDC Indexed)

Goyal, P. and Rahman, Z. (2014), “Corporate sustainability performance and firm performance association: a literature review”, International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management, Vol.4 No.4, pp.287 – 308

Goyal, P. and Rahman, Z. (2014), “Corporate sustainability performance assessment: an analytical hierarchy process approach”, International Journal of Intercultural Information Management, Vol. 4 No.1, pp.1-14

Goyal, P., Rahman, Z. and Kazmi, A.A. (2013), “Corporate Sustainability Performance and Firm Performance Research Literature Review & Future Research Agenda”, Management Decision, Vol. 51 No.2, pp. 361-379 {Emerald Publication}, (Scopus, SCI & ABDC Indexed, Impact Factor 2.723)

Kumar, V., Rahman, Z., Kazmi, A.A. and Goyal, P. (2012), “Evolution of sustainability as marketing strategy: Beginning of new era”, International Conference on Emerging Economies - Prospects and Challenges (ICEE-2012), Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 37, pp. 482-489.


Book Chapter:

Maheshwari, H., Saha, V., Goyal, P. and Kumar, V. (2018), "Understanding the impact of social media on the process of value co-creation", in edited book on Facets of Business Excellence in marketing and strategy, edited by Ashish Bhattacharya, Renato Pereira, Rajeev Sharma, Antonio Robalo, Sandeep Puri, Jayanthi Ranjan, Bloomsbury, 23-11-2018, pp. 75-83.

Shishodia, M. Saha, V., Goyal, P. and Kumar, V. (2018), "Assessing online reviews: A text analysis approach", iin edited book on Facets of Business Excellence in marketing and strategy, edited by Ashish Bhattacharya, Renato Pereira, Rajeev Sharma, Antonio Robalo, Sandeep Puri, Jayanthi Ranjan, Bloomsbury, 23-11-2018, pp. 349-356.


Conferences Publications/Presentations

Goyal, P., Saha, V. and Shishodia, M. (2019), "Are Companies in The Indian Hotel Industry Paying Attention to their Customers' Feedback? A Lexical Study of Online Reviews" has been accepted for presentation at the 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 20 – 22, 2019, in Rome, Italy.

Saha, V. and Goyal, P. (2018), “Journey of Social Marketing in the last two decades: A Bibliometric Analysis”, PAN IIT International Management Conference 2018 to be held during Nov 30 – Dec 02, 2018 organized by IIT Roorkee, Uttrakhand, India. 

Chanda U., Goyal P. and Sharma V. (2018), “A Bayesian Network Model for Impact of SHRM on Employee Commitment and Performance”, International Conference on Business, Economics & Sustainable Development, Feb. 22-23, 2018, organized by Department of Business & Sustainability TERI School of Advanced Studies.

Goyal, P. and Chnada, U. (2017), “Impact of CSR on customer satisfaction and trust: A study of Indian Hotel Industry", 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2017 organized by Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (ATEI) and Manchester Metropolitan University held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 21-23 June 2017 and presented a paper titled,

Goyal, P. (2016), "Assessing Managers Awareness about CSR Issues: A study of Indian IT Industries”, 7th International Conference on Information Technology & Business Intelligence (ITBI-15) organized by IMT-Nagpur at RIT, Goa Campus during 21-23 Jan, 2016.

Goyal, P. and Rahman, Z. (2015), “Influence of perceived CSR on Service Quality, Trust and Customer Loyalty: Insights from Indian Hotel Industry”, 4th Asian Management Research and Case Conference (AMRC) 2015 on Management Issues in Emerging Markets for Sustainable Business, Organized by Universiti Sains, Malyasia during 10 – 11 January 2015.

 Goyal, P. Rahman, Z. and Kumar, V. (2014), “CSR Influence on Customer Relational Outcome: A Study of Indian Telecom Industry” International Conference on Research on Sustainable Conference, organized by Department of Management IIT Roorkee, March, 8-9, 2014, presented a paper titled,

Goyal, P. and Rahman, Z. (2013), “Corporate Sustainability Performance Assessment Model: A Case Study of Cement Industry”, International Conference on Trade, Market and Sustainability, Organized by Symbiosis Institute of International Business, Pune, Feb., 22-23, 2013

Goyal, P. and Rahman, Z. (2012), “"Adoption of Corporate Sustainability Practices: A Strategic Shift in Post Financial Crisis among Indian Companies", International Workshop on Post Economic Meltdown Era: Challenges & Strategies, organized by faculty of Management Studies BHU Varanasi, Feb., 4-5 2012.

Goyal, P. and Rahman, Z. (2010), National Seminar on Sustainable Consumption, Climate Change and Consumer, organized by Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, Nov., 11-12, 2010, presented a paper titled, "Greening the Marketing Mix: Rethinking Competition during Climate Change".

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