BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Sunday, April 16, 2023




For a complete and up-to-date list of my publications, please see my Google Scholar profile or my DBLP page.
Peer-reviewed Journals:
  1. S Yadav, A Mehra, H Rohmetra, R Ratnakumar, P Narang, DerainGAN: Single image deraining using wasserstein GAN. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-17, 2021. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.313]
  2. K Kotecha, D Garg, B Mishra, P Narang, VK Mishra, Background Invariant Faster Motion Modeling for Drone Action Recognition. Drones 5 (3), 87, 2021.
  3. V Jain, RK Kaliyar, A Goswami, P Narang, Y Sharma. AENeT: an attention-enabled neural architecture for fake news detection using contextual features. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-12.  [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 4.774]
  4. A. Jain, R. Ramprasad, P. Narang, et al. AI-enabled Object Detection in UAVs: Challenges, Design Choices, and Research Directions. IEEE Network. 2021 [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 8.8]
  5. H. Rohmetra, N. Raghunath, P. Narang, et. al. AI-enabled remote monitoring of vital signs for COVID-19: methods, prospects and challenges. Computing. 2021. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.044]
  6. R. K. Kaliyar, A. Goswami, P. Narang, EchoFakeD: improving fake news detection in social media with an efficient deep neural network, Neural Computing and Applications. 2021 [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 4.774]
  7. R. K. Kaliyar, A. Goswami, P. Narang, FakeBERT: Fake news detection in social media with a BERT-based deep learning approach. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2021. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.313]
  8. A. Mehra, M. Mandal, P. Narang, V. Chamola, ReViewNet: A Fast and Resource Optimized Network for Enabling Safe Autonomous Driving in Hazy Weather Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 6.319]
  9. P. Garg, A. S. Chakravarthy, M. Mandal, P. Narang, V. Chamola, M. Guizani, ISDNet: AI-enabled Instance Segmentation of Aerial Scenes for Smart Cities, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. 2020 [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.75]
  10. B. Mishra, D. Garg, P. Narang, V. Mishra, A Hybrid Approach for Search and Rescue using 3DCNN and PSO, Neural Computing and Applications. 2020 [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 4.774]
  11. R. K. Kaliyar, A. Goswami, P. Narang, DeepFakE- Improving Fake News Detection using Tensor Decomposition-based Deep Neural Network, The Journal of Supercomputing. 2020 [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.157]
  12. B. Mishra, D. Garg, P. Narang, V. Mishra, Drone-surveillance for Search and Rescue in Natural Disaster, Computer Communications, 156, 1-10. 2020. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.766]
  13. G. Bansal, V. Chamola, P. Narang, S. Kumar, S. Raman, Deep3DSCan: Deep Residual Network and Morphological Descriptor based Framework for Lung Cancer Classification and 3D Segmentation, IET Image Processing, 14(7), 1240-1247. 2020. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.004]
  14. R. K. Kaliyar, A. Goswami, P. Narang, S. Sinha, FNDNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fake News Detection, Cognitive Systems Research, 61, 32-44. 2020. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor 1.384]
  15. R. Bhardwaj, S. Sinha, N. Sahu, S. Majumder, P. Narang, R.Mukhiya, Modeling and Simulation of Temperature Drift for ISFET based pH Sensor and its Compensation through Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. 2019. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor 1.44] [The paper was recognized as a top downloaded paper of the journal]
  16. M. Lahoti, P. Narang, K.H. Tan, E.H. Yang, Mix design factors and compressive strength prediction of metakaolin-based geopolymer, Ceramics International, 43 (14), pages 11433-11441, October 2017 [SCI journal, Impact Factor 2.98]
  17. P. Narang, C. Hota and H. T. Sencar, Noise-resistant Mechanisms for the Detection of Stealthy P2P Botnets. Computer Communications, Elsevier, May 2016 [SCI journal, Impact Factor 2.766]
  18. P. Narang and C. Hota, Game-theoretic strategies for IDS deployment in P2P networks, Information Systems Frontiers, Springer, 17(5), pages 1017-1028, July 2015 [SCI Journal, Impact Factor 2.5]
  19. P. Narang, C. Hota and V.N. Venkatakrishnan, PeerShark: flow-clustering and conversation-generation for malicious P2P traffic identification, EURASIP Journal on Information Security, Springer, Vol 2014(1), pages 1-12, October 2014 [Scopus indexed]

Peer-reviewed Conferences/Workshops/Symposia:

  1. R. K. Kaliyar, A. Goswami, P. Narang, MCNNet: Generalizing Fake News Detection with a Multichannel Convolutional Neural Network using a Novel COVID-19 Dataset. ACM CODS-COMAD, India. 2021
  2. R. K. Kaliyar, A. Goswami, P. Narang, A Hybrid Model for Effective Fake News Detection with a Novel COVID-19 Dataset. 13th ICAART, 2021
  3. Aditya Mehta, Harsh Sinha, Murari Mandal and Pratik Narang, Domain-Aware Unsupervised Hyperspectral Reconstruction for Aerial Image Dehazing, WACV 2021
  4. Prateek Garg, Murari Mandal and Pratik Narang, Improving Aerial Instance Segmentation in the Dark with Self-Supervised Low Light Enhancement, The 35th AAAI Conference on AI, 2021.
  5. Harsh Sinha, Aditya Mehta, Murari Mandal and Pratik Narang, Learning to Enhance Visual Quality via Hyperspectral Domain Mapping,  The 35th AAAI Conference on AI, 2021.
  6. Dawei Du et. al, VisDrone-DET2020: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results. ECCV Workshops (virtual), Aug 2020. [Note: Our team was among the qualifying participants of the VisDrone challenge on aerial object detection. All qualifying participants are invited to contribute to and co-author the challenge report]
  7. Jai Singhal and Pratik Narang, DeblurRL: Image deblurring with Deep Reinforcement Learning. CVIP (virtual), India, Dec 2020
  8. E Ntavelis, et al. AIM 2020 challenge on image extreme inpainting. European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2020. [Note: Our team was among the qualifying participants of the AIM challenge on image inpainting. All qualifying participants are invited to contribute to and co-author the challenge report]
  9. C. O. Ancuti et. al., NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing. CVPR Workshops, USA, June 2020. [Note: Our team was among the qualifying participants of the NTIRE challenge on non-homogenuous dehazing. All qualifying participants are invited to contribute to and co-author the challenge report]
  10. A. Mehta, H. Sinha, P. Narang and M. Mandal, HIDeGAN: A Hyperspectral-guided Image Dehazing GAN, CVPR Workshops, USA, June 2020.
  11. Rohit Kaliyar, Anurag Goswami and Pratik Narang, Multiclass Fake News Detection using Ensemble Machine Learning. IEEE 9th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Chennai, December 2019. 
  12. Rohit Kaliyar, Pratik Narang and Anurag Goswami, SMS Spam Filtering on Multiple Background Datasets Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Novel Approach. IEEE 8th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Noida, December 2018. 
  13. Rishabh Bhardwaj, Sagnik Majumder, Pawan K. Ajmera, Soumendu Sinha, Rishi Sharma, Ravindra Mukhiya and Pratik Narang, Temperature Compensation of ISFET Based pH Sensor Using Artificial Neural Networks. 2017 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, Malaysia, August 2017.
  14. Pratik Narang and Biplab Sikdar, Anomaly Detection in Diurnal CPS Monitoring Data Using a Local Density Approach. IEEE 24th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2016, Singapore, November 2016
  15. Vinay Chamola, Pratik Narang and Biplab Sikdar, Battery Lifetime Estimation for Solar Powered Cellular Base Stations. The IEEE Symposium on Emerging Topics in Smart and Sustainable Grids, Singapore, September 2016
  16. Vinay Chamola, Pratik Narang and Biplab Sikdar, Downlink Power Control for Latency Aware Grid Energy Savings in Green Cellular Networks. The 37th Sarnoff Symposium, USA, September 2016.
  17. Pratik Narang, Abhishek Thakur and Chittaranjan Hota, Hades: A Hadoop-based Framework for Detection of Peer-to-Peer Botnets. The 20th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD) 2014, Hyderabad, December 2014.
  18. Pratik Narang, Kunal Mehta and Chittaranjan Hota, Game-theoretic Patrolling Strategies for Intrusion Detection in Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Networks. The International Conference on Secure Knowledge Management in Big-data era (SKM) 2014, Dubai, UAE, December 2014.
  19. Pratik Narang, Vansh Khurana and Chittaranjan Hota, Machine-learning Approaches for P2P Botnet Detection using Signal-processing Techniques. The 8th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event- Based Systems (DEBS), Mumbai, India, May 2014.
  20. Pratik Narang, Subhajit Ray, Chittaranjan Hota and V.N. Venkatakrishnan, PeerShark: Detecting Peer-to- Peer Botnets by Tracking Conversations. IEEE Security & Privacy Workshops (co-located with the 35th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy), San Jose, USA, May 2014.
  21. Pratik Narang, Jagan Mohan Reddy and Chittaranjan Hota, Feature Selection for Detection of Peer-to-Peer Botnet Traffic. The 6th ACM India Compute conference, Vellore, India, August 2013. 


 Book chapters:

  1. Chittaranjan Hota, Pratik Narang, and Jagan Mohan Reddy, Unwanted Traffic Identification in Large-scale University Networks: A Case Study, Big Data Analytics, pp. 163-187. Springer India, October 2016.


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