BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, August 04, 2023




Publications in International Journals 

[1]. Sengar, V., Nynaru, M., Watts, G., Kumar, R. and Singh, S., 2023. Postbuckled vibration behaviour of skew sandwich plates with metal foam core under arbitrary edge compressive loads using isogeometric approach. Thin-Walled Structures, 184, p.110524. [SCI] - Link

[2]. Watts, G., Kumar, R., Singh, S., Sengar, V., Reddy, G.R. and Patel, S.N., 2022. Postbuckling and postbuckled vibration behaviour of imperfect trapezoidal sandwich plates with FG-CNTRC face sheets under nonuniform loadings. Aerospace Science and Technology, p.107716. [SCI] - Link

[3]. Keshav, V., Patel, S.N., Kumar, R. and Watts, G., 2022. Effect of Cutout on the Stability and Failure of Laminated Composite Cylindrical Panels Subjected to In-Plane Pulse Loads. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, p.2250087. [SCI] - Link

[4]. Pathan, F., Singh, S., Natarajan, S. and Watts, G. 2022. An analytical solution for the static bending of smart laminated composite and functionally graded plates. Archive of Applied Mechanics. [SCI] - Link

[5]. Singh, V., Vescovini, R., Kumar, R., Patel, S.N. and Watts, G., 2022. Nonlinear vibration and instability of a randomly distributed CNT-reinforced composite plate subjected to localized in-plane parametric excitation. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 101, pp.453-480. [SCI] – Link

[6]. Watts, G., Kumar, R., Patel, S. N., and Singh, S., 2021. Dynamic instability of trapezoidal composite plates under non-uniform compression using moving kriging based meshfree method. Thin-Walled Structures, 164,107766. [SCI] - Link

[7]. Singh, S., Ravi Raj, B. M., Mali, K. D., and Watts, G., 2021. Elastic properties and nonlinear elasticity of the noncarbon hexagonal lattice nanomaterials based on the multiscale modelling. ASME Journal of Engineering  Materials and Technology, 143(2), pp.021006 [SCI] - Link

[8]. Watts, G., Singh, S. and Pathan, F., 2020. Meshfree analysis of non-rectangular sandwich plates based on refined C0 higher order shear deformation theories. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 120, pp.180-194. [SCI] - Link

[9]. Watts, G., Pradyumna, S., and Singha, M. K.,  2018. Free vibration analysis of non-rectangular plates in contact with bounded fluid using element free Galerkin method. Ocean Engineering, 160 pp.438-448 [SCI]  - Link

[10]. Watts, G., Singha, M. K. and Pradyumna, S., 2018. Nonlinear bending and snap-through instability analyses of conical shell panels using element free Galerkin method. Thin-Walled Structures, 122, pp.452-462. [SCI] - Link      

[11]. Watts, G., Singha, M. K. and Pradyumna, S., 2018. A numerical study on the nonlinear behavior of corner  supported flat and curved panels. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88(4), pp.503-516. [SCI] - Link

[12]. Watts, G., Pradyumna, S. and Singha, M.K., 2017. Nonlinear analysis of  quadrilateral composite plates using moving kriging based element free Galerkin method. Composite Structures, 159, pp.719-727. [SCI] - Link

[1]  Papers Presented in Conferences

[1]. Watts, G.,  Kumar, R. and Sengar, V., Postbuckling and postbuckled vibration behaviour of imperfect trapezoidal sandwich plates under nonuniform edge compressionEleventh European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2022), NUI Galway, Ireland, July 4th – 8th, 2022.

[2]. Watts, G., Pradyumna, S. and Singha, M. K., Nonlinear analysis of skew plates on Winkler foundation using element free Galerkin Method, Seventh International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2017), IIT Kharagpur, India, December 28th – 30th, 2017.

[3]. Watts, G., Pradyumna, S. and Singha, M. K., Nonlinear analysis of shallow hypar shells using element free Galerkin method, Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2017), MNNIT Allahabad, India, July 5th – 7th, 2017

[4]. Watts, G., Pradyumna, S. and Singha, M. K., Stability analysis of doubly curved roof panels using moving kriging based element free Galerkin method. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2016), Metz, France, October 25th – 27th, 2016.

[5]. Watts, G., Pradyumna, S. and Singha, M. K., Large deformation analysis of point supported conoidal shells using element free Galerkin method. Sixth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2016), IIT Bombay, June 25th – July 1st, 2016.

[6]. Watts, G., Singha, M. K. and Pradyumna, S., Nonlinear bending analysis of isotropic plates supported on Winkler foundation using element free Galerkin method, International Conference on Development of Civil Engineering (ICDCE 2015), Istanbul, Turkey,  September 21st – 22nd , 2015.

[7]. Watts, G., Singha, M. K. and Pradyumna, S., Large deflection analysis of continuous plates using element free Galerkin method. Indian National Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2015), IIT Delhi, July 13th – 15th, 2015.

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