BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Debi Prasad Bal


  1. Thakur, B. K., Debi Prasad Bal, Nurujjaman, M., & Debnath, K. (2023), "Developing a model for residential water demand in the Indian Himalayan Region of Ravangla, South Sikkim, India". Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 100923. (SCI and Scopus)
  2. Pritish Kumar Sahu, Debi Prasad Bal & Pradip Kundu (2022), “Gold Price and Exchange Rate in Pre and During Covid-19 Period in India: Modelling Dependence using Copula”, Vol79, Resources Policy, (SCI and Scopus)
  3. Debi Prasad Bal,  Sujit Kumar Patra & Seba Mohanty (2022), “Impact of sectoral decompositions of electricity consumption on economic growth in India: evidence from SVAR framework”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (SCI and Scopus)
  4.  Dutta, N., Thakur, B. K., Nurujjaman, M., Debnath, K., & Debi Prasad Bal (2022), “An assessment of the water quality index (WQI) of drinking water in the Eastern Himalayas of South Sikkim, India”. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 100735. (SCI and Scopus)
  5.  Debi Prasad Bal, Ashish Chhetri, Barun Thakur and Kanish Debnnath, (2021) “Estimation of Price and Income Elasticity of water: A Case Study of Darjeeling Town, West Bengal, India” Vol. 120, Current Science, (SCI and Scopus).
  6. Mahata, A., Rai, A., Nurujjaman, M., Prakash, O., & Debi Prasad Bal (2021). Characteristics of 2020 stock market crash: The COVID-19 induced extreme event. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science31(5), 053115 (Scopus & SCI).

  7.  Debi Prasad Bal and Seba Mohanty, (2021) “Sector wise nonlinear causality between stock market volatility and COVID19 pandemic: Evidence from India”, Vol. 2 (1), Asian Economic Letter
  8. Ankita Sharma and Debi Prasad Bal, (2021) “Does Crude Oil Price affect the Inflation rate and Economic Growth in India? A new Insight based on Structural VAR Framework, Indian Economic Journal, Published by Sage, (ABDC Ranking=B,).
  9. B Thakur, Debnath, K., Dhingra, V and Debi Prasad Bal, (2020) “Rising Drinking Water Insecurity in the Indian Himalayan Region of Sikkim: A multi-stakeholder perspective”, Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal3(1), 125-129. (Scopus).
  10. Debi Prasad Bal and Devi Prasad Dash (2020), “Nonlinear Granger Causality between Oil Price and Stock Returns in India”, e2137, Journal of Public Affairs, Published by Wiley, (ABDC Ranking=B , Web of Science and Scopus).
  11. Ajit Mahata, Debi Prasad Bal and Md Nurujjaman (2020), “Identification of Short-term and Long-term Time Scales in Stock Markets and Effect of Structural Break”, Vol. 545, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Published by Elsevier, (ABDC Ranking=A, SCI and Scopus).  
  12. Debi Prasad Bal and Badri Narayan Rath (2019), “Nonlinear Causality between Crude Oil Price and Exchange Rate: A Comparative Study of China and India-A Reassessment”, Vol. 39 (1), pp. 592-604, Economic Bulletin, (ABDC Ranking=C).
  13. Badri Narayan Rath, Vaseem Akaram, Debi Prasad Bal and Mantu Mahalik, (2019) “Do fossil fuel and renewable energy consumption affect total factor productivity growth? Evidence from cross-country data with policy insights”, Vol. 127, pp. 186-99, Energy Policy, Published by Elsevier, (ABDC Ranking=A, SCI and Scopus).
  14. Devi Prasad Dash, Narayan Sethi and Debi Prasad Bal (2018), “Is the Demand for Crude Oil Inelastic for India? Evidence from Structural VAR analysis”, Vol.118, pp. 552-58, Energy Policy, Published by Elsevier, (ABDC Ranking=A, SCI and Scopus).
  15. Debi Prasad Bal and Badri Narayan Rath (2017), “Do macroeconomics channels mater for examining relationship between public debt and economic growth in India?” Vol. 16(1), Journal of Quantitative Economics, Published by Springer(ABDC Ranking=B and Scopus).
  16. Debi Prasad Bal and Badri Narayan Rath, (2016) “Is Public Debt Burden for India?”, Economic papers: a journal of applied economics and policy, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 184-201, Published by Wiley, (ABDC Ranking=B, SCI and Scopus).
  17. Debi Prasad Bal, Devi Prasad Dash and Bibhudutta Subasis, (2016) “The Effects of Capital Formation for Economics Growth: Evidence from India”, Global Business Review, Vol. 17 (6), pp. 1-13, Sage Publication, (ABDC Ranking=C, Scopus).
  18. Devi Prasad Dash, Debi Prasad Bal and Manoranjan Sahoo, (2016) “The Nexus Between Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth in BRIC Economies”, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Vol. XXIII, pp. 89-102, Published by ECTAP (ABDC Ranking = C).
  19.  Debi Prasad Bal and Badri Narayan Rath, (2015), “Nonlinear Causality between Crude Oil Price and Exchange Rate: A Comparative Study of China and India”, Energy Economics, Vol. 51, pp. 149-56, Published by Elsevier, (ABDC Ranking=A*, SCI and Scopus).
  20. Debi Prasad Bal, (2014), “The Effects of Public Debt on Capital Formation in India: Evidence from Structural VAR Analysis”, International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Vol.7 (1), pp. 66-80, Published by Inderscience, (Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC Ranking = C, Scopus).
  21. Debi Prasad Bal and Badri Narayan Rath, (2014), “The Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth in India: A Reassessment”, Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol.44 (3), pp. 292-300, Published by Elsevier, (ABDC Ranking = B, SCI and Scopus).
  22. Badri Narayan Rath and Debi Prasad Bal, (2014), “Do FDI and Public Investment Crowd in or Crowd out Private Domestic Investment in India”, Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 48 (3), pp. 269-284  Published by Project Muse, (ABDC Ranking = B).
  23. Debi Prasad Bal and Seba Mohanty, (2014), “Determination of Willingness to Pay for Entrance fee to National Park: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, Vol. 35 (4), pp. 65-73, Published by CESER Publications, (ABDC= C, SCI and Scoupus).
  24. Debi Prasad Bal and Seba Mohanty, (2013), “Causal Link between FDI, Export and Economic Growth in India: A Comparison of TYDL and Granger Causality Test”, Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol.13 (2), pp. 133-143, Published by Serial Publication, (ABDC Ranking = C).
  25. Debi Prasad Bal, (2012) “Exchange Rate Volatility and Its Effect on Export of India: An Empirical Analysis”, The Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. XIIC (367), Part IV, pp. 693-707, (ABDC Ranking = B).


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