BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, April 24, 2023

Research Interests,Completed&Ongoing Projects,Ph.DSupervised

Research Interests,Completed&Ongoing Projects,Ph.DSupervised

Research Interest

  • Performance Based Seismic Design
  • Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
  • Concrete Technology
  • Structural Health Monitoring

Ph.D Supervised

Ph.D Supervision at BITS Pilani: 


  1. Mr. M. Jaya Kumar Bhaskar, "Investigation on the Seismic Behaviour of Masonry Infilled Walls Strengthened With Textile Reinforced Concrete”, Supervisor: Dr. Dipendu Bhunia, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Lampros Koutas, The University of Thessaly, Greece, (Jan, 2019 to Till Date).
  2.  Mr. Gourav Tyagi, " Development of construction materials from galvanic and electroplating sludge:  A Sustainable Business Model”, Supervisor: Dr. Anupam Singhal, Co-Supervisors: Dr. Srikant Routroy, and Dr. Dipendu Bhunia, (Jan, 2019 to Till Date).
  3. Mr. Akash Samadhiya, " Potential of using Sandstone Waste as a Raw Material for Geopolymerization”, Supervisor: Dr. Dipendu Bhunia, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Sayantan Chakraborty, (Jan, 2021 to Till Date).
  4.  Mr. Karthik J., "Investigation on The Effect of Fiber Pattern in Strength of Light Transmitting Light Weight Concrete”, Supervisor: Dr. Dipendu Bhunia, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Subhasish Pradhan, (Jan, 2021 to Till Date)
  1.  Mr. Shaik Hussain, "A study on the effect of Carbonation on properties of Concrete", Supervisor: Dr. Dipendu Bhunia, Co-Supervisor: Prof. S.B.Singh, (Jan, 2014 – July, 2018). 
  2. Mr. Manpreet Singh, "Potential of Marble Slurry as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete”, Supervisor: Dr. Anshuman, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Dipendu Bhunia, (July, 2015 – April, 2019).
  1. One of the research collaborators from BITS-Pilani in ASCRIN (Asian Smart Cities Research Innovation Network), La Trobe University, Australia. 
  2. One Ph.D thesis is ongoing under research collaboration with Dr. Lampros Koutas, The University of Thessaly, Greece (Jan, 2019 to Till Date).
  3. One of the coordinators in establishment of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between BITS Pilani and Trinity College, Dublin.
  4. One of the members from BITS-Pilani in IICRI (Ireland-India Concrete Research Initiative) concrete research project.


  • Completed project entitled "Waste Management of Generated Sludge from Indian Steel and Steel Related Plants: A Sustainable Business Model" under Ministry of Steel, Government of India, as Co-Principal Investigator, Prof. Srikanta Routroy as Principal Investigator and Prof. Anupam Singhal as Co-Principal Investigator, Rs. 38,04,600/-, 20.11. 2018 – 31.03.2022.
  • Completed the project entitled "Investigation into the Behavior of Coupling Beam" under the category of Research Initiation Grant of Rupees 2 Lakhs received from BITS, Pilani as a Principal Investigator and Prof. S.B.Singh (Co-principal Investigator), 14.12.2011 to 15.12.2013.
  •  Completed the project entitled "Investigation of the Effect of Carbonation on the Properties of Concrete" received from from DST, New Delhi Rupees 34 Lakhs for 3.5 years as a Principal Investigator and Prof. S.B.Singh (Co-principal Investigator), 30.07.2012 to 28.02.2016.
  •  Completed project entitled "Effect of Partial replacement of cement with marble slurry on concrete", DST-SERB, 28.38 lakhs, PI: Dr. Anshuman, Co-PI: Dr. Dipendu Bhunia, 01.08.2014-31.03.2018.

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