BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, November 18, 2022




  1. Papers in refereed journals

    1.       M. Amaranatha Raju, T.P. Ashok Babu, C. Ranganayakulu, Investigation of flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop of R134a in a rectangular channel with wavy fin, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 147 (2020) 106055, IP 3.5.


    2.       C Ranganayakulu, Veeredhi Vasudeva Rao, Measurement of heat transfer coefficient and pressure drops in a compact heat exchanger with lance and offset fins for water based Al2O3 nano-fluids, Heat and Mass Transfer, 1-11, 10.1007/s00231-019-02707-w, 2019.


    3.       C. Ranganayakulu, Numerical Analysis of Compact Plate-fin Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications” International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol 28, Issue 2, pp. 395-412, 2018., IP 2.45


    4.       C. Ranganayakulu, Xing Luo, Stephan Kabelac, The Single-blow transient Testing technique for Offset and Wavy Fins of Compact Plate-fin heat excahngers, Journal of Applied thermal Engineeing,, No. 111, pp 1588-1595, 2017., 3.444

    5.       Amaranatha Raju Muppala, M.E; Ashok Babu T P; Chennu Ranganayakulu, “Boiling heat transfer and pressure drop analysis of R134a in a brazed heat exchanger with offset strip fins" Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, No. 10, pp: 3167-3180, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s00231-017-2060-1 2017., IP 1.494


    6.       Amaranatha Raju Muppala, M.E; Ashok Babu T P, C. Ranganayakulu, Heat Transfer and Friction correlations for R134a with Offset strip fin surface, Int. Journal of Aeronautical Society of India, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp: 615-627, November 2017.


    7.       C. Ranganayakulu,“Steady state and transient analysis of Compact plate fin heat exchanger fins for generation of design data using CFD”, International J of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, vol. 26, Iss:2, pp:440-460, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2009.03.026


    8.       K.V.Ramana Murthy, Mahesh Bondhu, C. Ranganayakulu. T.P. Ashok Babu, Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure drop of R134a saturated vapour inside a brazed plate fin heat exchanger with serrated fin, 53(1), Paper DOI 10.1007/s00231-016-1827-0, Online in J of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016.


    9.       K V Ramana Murthy, C. Ranganayakulu, T P Ashok Babu, “Influence of hydraulic diameter on heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of R134a refrigerant in a brazed plate fin heat exchangers” Int. J Engineering and Innovative Technology(IJEIT), Vol. 5, Issue 7, ID: IJEIT201512-4802, 2016. Pp:21-31, ID: IJET 201512-4802, 2016, IP 0.799


    10.   Amaranatha Raju. Muppala, Ashok Babu T.P, Ranganayakulu Chennu, All Electric Cooling system for unmanned aircrafts, Int. Journal of Aeronautical Society of India, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp:488-499,2015 .


    11.   R. BalaSundar Rao, G. Ranganath&C. Ranganayakulu, Development of colburn ‘j’ factor and fanning friction factor ‘f’ correlations for compact surfaces of the triangular perforated fins using CFD, International Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering, Volume 37, Issue 2, pp 150-161, 2016.



    12.   K V Ramana Murthy, C. Ranganayakulu, T P Ashok Babu, Thermodynamic Analysis Of Vapor Compression Refrigeration System For Aircraft With Refrigerant R134a, Int. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies” Aeronautical Society of India, Vol. 68, No. 1, Feb. 2016. ISSN:0972.950x


    13.   K V Ramana Murthy, C. Ranganayakulu, T P Ashok Babu Development of Heat Transfer Coefficient and Friction Factor Correlations for Serrated Fins in Water Medium using CFD,International Journal of Physical Science and Application,     5(3), 238-248, 2015. doi:10.17265/2159-5348/2015/03.006.


    14.   Amaranatha Raju. Muppala, Ashok Babu T.P, Ranganayakulu Chennu, Development of single phase heat transfer correlations for water and R134a in rectangular channel with smooth wavy fin, International Journal of Physical Science and Application,     5(3), 199-208, 2015. doi:10.17265/2159-5348/2015/03.006., IP 0.773


    15.   R. BalaSundar Rao, G. Ranganath&C. Ranganayakulu, “ Colburn ‘j’ factor and fanning friction factor ‘f’ correlations of Triangular Plain fins surface of a compact heat exchanger using CFD"Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 787, pp 207-211, doi:10.4028/, Switzerland, 2015.


    16.   R. BalaSundar Rao, G. Ranganath&C. Ranganayakulu," Heat Transfer and pressure drop correlations of Rectangular perforated fin surface of a Compact Heat Exchanger" international j of Advanced Manufacturing Technology’ Annexure II, 7941, ISSN:0286-3768, Springer Verlag, Germany, 2015., IP 2.601


    17.   C. Ranganaykulu, S Kabelac, Boiling of   R134a   in a   Compact Plate-fin Heat Exchanger having Offset strip fins, ASME- Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 137, N0. 12, 2015, No. HT-14-1235. No. HT 14-1235, IP 1.602


    18.   R. BalaSundar Rao, G. Ranganath&C. Ranganayakulu, Development of Colburn ‘j’ factor and fanning friction factor ‘f’ correlations for compact heat exchangers plains fins by using CFD, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 49(7), pp 991-1000, 2013.



    19.   A.C. Bhaskar, M. Palanikumar, C. Ranganayakulu& S. Paul Vizhian, Endurance Life Estimation of Aircraft Compact Heat Exchanger, Int. Journal of Aerospace Science and Technologies, Volume 64, No. 4, Nov. 2012, pp 248-258


    20.   Pallavi P., Ranganayakulu C., Development of Heat Transfer coefficient and Friction factor correlations for Offset fins using CFD,  Int. Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 21, No. 8, pp 935-951, 2011.


    21.   L. Sheik Ismail, R. Velraj and C. Ranganayakulu, Studies on pumping power in terms of pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of compact plate-fin heat exchangers – A review International J of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 478-485, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2009.06.033 , IP 6.55


    22.   L. Sheik Ismail, C. Ranganayakulu and Ramesh K. Shah, Numerical study of flow patterns of compact plate-fin heat exchangers and generation of design   data for offset and wavy fins, International J of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 3972-3983, 2009. 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2009.03.026


    23.   Ranganayakulu C., Gerhard Herres, Heat Transfer from Horizontal Tubes in Pool Boiling: Influence of 3-Dimensional Heat Conduction in the Wall of the Evaporator Tube-A Finite Element Analysis, Heat and Mass Transfer Journal, Springer-Verlag, 42, 271-278, 2006.


    24.   Dieter Gorenflo, Elisabeth Danger, Andrea Luke, Stephan Kotthoff, Untung Chandra, Ranganayakulu C., Bubble Formation with Pool Boiling on Tubes with or without Basic Surface Modifications for Enhancement, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 25, 288-297, 2004. 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2003.11.018

    25.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K.N., The Combined Effects of Wall Longitudinal Heat Conduction and Inlet Flow Non-uniformity on Thermal Performance of Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, 247-256, 2000. 10.1007/s002310050392, IP: 3.891


    26.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K.N., The Combined Effects of Wall Longitudinal Heat Conduction, Inlet Flow Non-uniformity and Temperature Non-uniformity on Thermal Performance of Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 26, 669-678, 1999., IP 4.113


    27.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K.N., Sreevatsan K. V., The Combined Effects of Wall Longitudinal Heat Conduction, Inlet Flow Non-uniformity and Temperature Non-uniformity on Thermal Performance of Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger, InternationalJournal ofHeat and Mass Transfer, 42, 263-273, 1999. 10.1016/S0017-9310(98)00156-2


    28.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K.N., Sreevatsan K. V., The Effects of Longitudinal Heat Conduction in Compact Plate-Fin and Tube-Fin Heat Exchangers using a Finite Element Model, InternationalJournal ofHeat and Mass Transfer, 40, 1261-1277, 1997.  10.1016/S0017-9310(96)00182-2


    29.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K.N., Sreevatsan K. V., The Effects of    Inlet Fluid Flow Non-uniformity on Thermal Performance and Pressure Drops in Cross-Flow Plate-Fin Compact Heat Exchangers, InternationalJournal ofHeat and Mass Transfer, 40, 27-38, 1997. 10.1016/S0017-9310(96)00087-7


    30.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K.N., The Combined Effects of Inlet Flow Non-uniformity and Temperature Non-uniformity on Thermal Performance of Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger, International Journal of Warme und Stoffubertragung, 32, 375-383, 1997.


    Journal Papers under Review:


    31.   A.C Bhaskar, C. Ranganayakulu, S. Paul Vizhian & K.N. Seetharamu, “ Estimation of Endurance life of Compact Heat Exchanger used in Aerospace application by computational and Experimental approach”, Communicated to J of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020.

  2.  32.    Bhavani Sankar G, Ranganayakulu Chennu, Configuration Studies of Aircraft Environmental System using Exergy Analysis of Compact Heat Exchangers for Multi-Disciplinary Optimization, Submitted to J of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, No. JTAC-D-22-00319, 16-2-2022.


    33.  Raghu Vamsi P, Sombhotla Mani Krishna Hemanth C. Ranganayakulu, Generation of Colburn-j factor and Friction-f factor for the plain rectangular fins of a compact heat exchanger using CFD approach, submitted to International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, HFF-02-2022-0113,20-2-2022.


    34. Partha Pratim Kemprai, C. Ranganayakulu, P. Muthukumar, Numerical and Experimental Investigation for Water on Serrated Fins of Compact Plate Fin Heat Exchanger, submitted to Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022. 

  3. 35. Vinay Pratap Singh Negi and Chennu Ranganayakulu, Optimization of Rifled Tube by Parametric Changes Using CFD for Goodness Factor Enhancement, submitted to Applied Thermal Engineering journal, October 2022


  5.    Papers in conference proceedings:

    1.       Amit Hedge Sanjay and Chennu Ranganayakulu, CFD Analysis of a Precooler for Hypersonic Propulsion, presented in 16th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT-ATE), held online, Amsterdam, Netherlands, ID No. 157, August 8-10, 2022.


    2.        Pratyush Padmanabhan, Sanatkumar Samvit Rajagopalan and Chennu Ranganayakulu, Aerodynamic and Thermal Optimization of Plate Heat Exchanger Fin Arrangements, 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) to be held, December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.


    3.       Ankur Mishra and Chennu Ranganayakulu, Numerical analysis of generation of Colburn-j factor for the Pin fins of a compact heat exchanger using CFD approach, 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) to be held, December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.


    4.       Pankaj Kumar and Chennu Ranganayakulu, Numerical analysis of generation of Colburn-j factor for the plain triangular fins of a compact heat exchanger using CFD approach, 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) to be held, December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.

           5.   Vinay Pratap Singh Negi, Chennu Ranganayakulu, Optimization of Rifled Tube by Parametric Changes Using   CFD for Goodness Factor Enhancement, ICUE2022, AIT, Thailand, October 26-28, 2022.

    6.    C. Rangagayakulu, Compact Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers as Phase Change and Nano-Fluid Heat Transfer Applications in Aerospace Industry. XXV National Heat and Mass Transfer & 3rd ISHMT-ATE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 28-31 December 2019, IIT, Roorkee.


    3.       BhavaniSankar G, Ranganayakulu C, Exergy Analysis application for the configuration optimization of an aircraft ECS, XXV National Heat and Mass Transfer & 3rd ISHMT-ATE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 28-31 December, IIT, Roorkee, India, IHMTC2019-POS-386.


    4.       Partha Pratim Kemprai, Chennu Ranganayakulu and P Muthukumar Numerical and Experimental Investigation in Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces with wavy fins, XXV National Heat and Mass Transfer & 3rd ISHMT-ATE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 28-31 December, IIT, Roorkee, India, IHMTC2019-PRE-111.


    5.       R. BalaSundar Rao, G. Ranganath&C. Ranganayakulu, “ Colburn ‘j’ factor and fanning friction factor ‘f’ correlations of Triangular Plain fins surface of a compact heat exchanger"Presented in Thermacomp2018, held at IISc, Bangalore, 9-11 July 2018.


    6.       Ramana Murthy, Ashok Babu T P,C Ranganayakulu and Xing Luo, Experimental investigation on heat transfer coefficients and frictional pressure drop during R134a condensation inside a plate-fin heat exchanger with wavy fin, Presented in 16th Int. Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, held at Beijing China, August 10-15, 2018.


    7.       Ramana Murthy, Ashok Babu T P and C Ranganayakulu, Experimental investigation of local heat transfer coefficient and frictional pressure drop during R134a condensation inside a plate-fin heat exchanger with serrated fins, Presented in NCRA 2018 held at NIT Suratkal, India, May 2018.


    8.        G BhavaniSankar and C Ranganayakulu, A CRITICAL REVIEW OF CONDENSATION HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT CORRELATIONS,Presented in Thermacomp2018 held at Indian Institute of Science,India, 9-11 July, 2018.


    1.       G BhavaniSankar and C Ranganayakulu, Configuration Studies of an Aircraft Environmental Control System using Exergy Analysis, Presented in NCRA 2018 held at NIT Suratkal, India May 2018.


    2.       C Ranganayakulu, Veeredhi Vasudeva Rao, “Measurement of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Compact Heat Exchanger with Lance and Offset Fins for water based Al2O3Nanofluids”, 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer (ISHMT 2017), held at BITS Pilani Campus Hyderabad, India, Dec. 27-30, 2017.


    3.       G BhavaniSankar, C Ranganayakulu, Exergy Analysis of Aircraft Environmental Control System, 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer, BITS Pilani campus Hyderabad, India, 27-30 Dec. 2017,


    4.       C. Ranganayakulu, Numerical analysis of Compact Plate-fin Heat Exchangers for Aerospace applications in 4th international conference on “Computational Methods for Thermal Problems (Thermacomp 2016)” held at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, 6-8 July, 2016 (keynote Talk).


    5.       C. Ranganayakulu, Visiting Researcher talk on “Design and Development of Environmental Control Systems and Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace applications” at UNISA, Johannesburg , South Africa, 25th May 2016.


    6.       C. Ranganayakulu, Compact Heat Exchanger Analysis and Development for Aerospace Applications, Key note talk at 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference & 1th Int. ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, ISRO, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 2015. (Keynote talk)


    7.       C. Ranganayakulu, “Generation of Single-phase and Two-phase Design Data for Compact Heat Exchanger Fins for Aerospace Applications” 2nd International workshop on Compact Heat exchangers , held at PES University, Bangalore, India, Dec. 21-22, 2015, Invited talk.


    8.       K V Ramana Murthy, Mahesh Bondhu, C. Ranganayakulu, T P Ashok Babu, V Vasudeva Rao, Development Of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Test Rig And Evaluation Of Test Data For R134a Condensation In Compact Heat Exchangers With Serrated Fin, 11th Int. Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT2015, University of Pretoria, South Africa, paper #1570073007, pp 184-193.


    9.       C. Ranganayakulu, Xing Luo, Stephan Kabelac, The Single-blow transient Testing technique for Offset and Wavy Fins of Compact Plate-fin heat excahngers, Proceedings of 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference & 1th Int. ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 2015.


    10.   R. BalaSundar Rao, G. Ranganath & C. Ranganayakulu,“ Heat Transfer and pressure drop correlations of Rectangular perforated fin surface of a Compact Heat Exchanger" Int. Conference on advances in Design and Manufacturing, ICADM 14, NIT, Trichy, India, Dec. 5-7, 2014, Volume II, pp 1388-1393.


    11.   R. BalaSundar Rao, G. Ranganath&C. Ranganayakulu,"Development of Colburn ‘j’ factor and fanning friction factor ‘f’ correlations of Triangular Plain fins surface of a compact heat exchanger using CFD" Presented in Int. Conference on Sustainable Energy Resources, Materials and Technologies, ISERMAT-2015, No. 212, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, 8-9 Jan 2015..


    12.   C. Ranganayakulu, “Steady state and transient analysis of Compact plate fin heat exchanger fins for generation of design data using CFD”, 3rd International conference on computational methods for Thermal Problems, June 2-4, Lake Bled, Slovenia, 2014.


    13.   C. Ranganayakulu, Iris Mersmann, S. Kabelac,Boiling of   R134a   in a   Compact Plate-fin Heat Exchanger having Offset strip fins, Proceedings of 22nd National Heat and Mass Transfer & 11th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, held at IIT Kharagpur, India , 2013.


    14.   C. Ranganayakulu, Alternate Environmental Control System for Aircraft applications in view of Fuel saving and Renewable Energy, 2012 International Conference on Renewable Energy Policy, held at Taipei, Taiwan, 11-15 November 2012.


    15.   C. Ranganayakulu, CFD STUDIES ON COMPACT PLATE-FIN HEAT EXCHANGERS AND GENERATION OF DESIGN DATA, Second International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems, ThermaComp2011, September 5-7, 2011, Dalian, China, edited by X.K.Li, N.Massarotti and P.Nithiaras.


    16.   L. Sheik Ismail, Siva Kumar, C. Ranganayakulu, Evaluation of Ejector Performance for Aircraft Compact Heat Exchanger Application ,XX National Heat and Mass Transfer & IX ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, held at IIT, Mumbai, India, January 4-6, 2010.


    17.   Ranganayakulu C., FEM and CFD analysis of Compact Plate –fin Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, International Workshop on Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, held at Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore, India, 8th - 9th January 2010.


    18.   L. Sheik Ismail, N. GovindhaRasu, C. Ranganayakulu, M.A. Ramaswamy, CFD Studies on Multi Jet Ejector Configuration for Improvement of Aircraft Compact Heat Exchanger Performance, 7th International Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: From Micro-scale Phenomena to Industrial Applications, CHE-28, Presented at Costa Rica, 238-246, September 13-18, 2009.


    19.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Vasudeva Rao V., Rajeshwar S., Optimization of Wavy Fin Parameters in Compact Heat Exchangers, Proceedings of XIX National Heat and Mass Transfer & VIII ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, held at JNTU, Hyderabad, India, January 3-5, 2008.


    20.   Ranganayakulu C., Development and Optimisation of Compact Heat Exchangers for Single Phase and Phase Change Applications, presented in Indo_German workshop held at New Delhi, 30th Oct.-1st November, 2008.


    21.   Bhaskar A. C., Ranganayakulu C., Paul Vizhial, Mohan Rao T., Design of Qualification Test Facility and Endurance Tests of Compact Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of 13thInternational Symposium on Air Breathe Engines (ISABE-13) held at Beijing, China, September 2007.


    22.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Shah R. K., Numerical Study of Flow Patterns of Compact Plate Fin Heat Exchangers and Generation of Design Data for Offset and Wavy Fins, 6th International Conference on Compact and Ultra Compact Heat Exchanger; Science, Engineering and Technology, held at Potsdam, Germany, CHE2007-0016, pp 113-122, September 16-21, 2007.


    23.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Vasudeva Rao V., Rajeshwar S., Ramu M., Investigation of Waviness of Wavy Fins and Maldistribution Effects on the Performance of Compact Plate Fin Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of International Conference on Trends in Product Life Cycle, Modeling, Simulation and Synthesis PLMSS-2006, 159-168, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 2006.


    24.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Vasudeva Rao V., Rajeshwar S., Ramu M., Effects of Flow Maldistribution in a Compact Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger for Aerospace Applications – a CFD Approach, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP17), No. 2 C-III-3, Toyama, Japan, 2006.


    25.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Vengudupathi C., Uncertainties in Estimation of Colburn Factor (j) and Friction Factor (f) for Offset Strip Fin and Wavy Fin Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces, Proceedings of XVIII National Heat and Mass Transfer & VII ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Guwahati, India, 1096-1103, 2006.


    26.   Ranganayakulu C., Gerrard Herres, Heat Transfer from Horizontal Tubes in Pool Boiling: Influence of 3-Dimensional Heat Conduction in the Wall of the Evaporator Tube and Fouling Aspects, Proceedings of International Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling, KlosterIrsee, Germany, 2005.


    27.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K. N., The Effects of Inlet Fluid Temperature Non-Uniformity in Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers, Proceedings of XVII National Heat and Mass Transfer & VI ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India, 2004.


    28.   Dieter Gorenflo, Danger E., Andrea Luke, Stephan K., Chandra U., Ranganayakulu C., Bubble Formation with Pool Boiling on Tubes with or Without Basic Surface Modification for Enhancement, Proceedings of V Int. Conference of Boiling Heat Transfer, Jamaica, 2003.


    29.   Ranganayakulu C., Panigrahi A., Influence of Header Design on Pressure Drop and Thermal Performance of a Compact Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of III International Conference on Compact Heat Exchanger for Process Industries, Davos, Switzerland, 251-258, 2001.


    30.   Ranganayakulu C., Murthy T. S. R., Koushik P. S., On Flow Control of Kerosene based Inflammable Fluids at High Temperature, Proceedings of International Conference on Fluid Flows, Palghat, India, 2000.


    31.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K. N., The Combined Effects of Wall Longitudinal Heat Conduction and Inlet and Fluid Flow Non-uniformity on Thermal Performance of Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger- a Finite Element Method, Proceedings of I International Conference on Compact Heat Exchangers for Process Industries, Snowbird, USA, 425-437, 1997.


    32.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K. N., Sreevatsan K. V., The Performance Evaluation of Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger Considering the Effects of Inlet Flow Non-uniformity and Temperature Non-uniformity using a Finite Element Method, Proceedings of 9th International Confereence on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Atlanta, USA, IX, 1010-1021, 1995.


    33.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K. N., Sreevatsan K. V., The Performance Evaluation of Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger Considering the Combined Effects of Inlet Flow Non-uniformity and Temperature Non-uniformity using a Finite Element Method, Proceedings of XIII National Heat and Mass Transfer & III ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, REC, Surathkal, India, 713-718, 1995.


    34.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K. N., Sreevatsan K. V., The Effect of Longitudinal Heat Conduction in Cross Flow Compact Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of XI National Heat and Mass Transfer & I ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Madras, India, 57-62, 1991.


    National Level


    35.   Ranganayakulu C., Development of Environmental Control Systems and Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Application, INAE e-annals, 2016.


    36.   Ranganayakulu C.,G. BhavaniSankar, “ Emerging Trends in Aircraft Environmental Control System” National conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (e-TIME’16), 24th Aug 2016, JNTUACE, Anathapuram, India


    37.   Ranganayakulu C.,Design and Development of Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, National workshop on Heat Exchangers, 23-24 December, 2014, PESIT, Bangalore.


    38.   K V Ramana Murthy, J N Raghu, C. Ranganayakulu, T P Ashok Babu, Generation of Heat Transfer Coefficient and Friction Factor Correlations for Lance & Offset Fins of a Compact Heat Exchanger for water using CFD Analysis, 16th Annual CFD Symposium, Bangalore, CP26, pp 107-111, August 11-12, 2014.


    39.   Ranganayakulu C.,Generation of Colburn ‘j’ factor and friction ‘f’ factors for Compact Heat Exchanger fins , Symposium on Micro and Nano Scale Heat Transfer & its Applications,26-27 December, 2013, PESIT, Bangalore.


    40.   K V Ramana Murthy, Ranganayakulu C, CFD Analysis of Flow Distribution in Compact Plate Fin Heat Exchanger Header Using Baffle Plate, 14th annual CFD Symposium, August 10-12, 2012.


    41.   Ranganayakulu C., L. Sheik Ismail, CFD Analysis of Compact Plate Fin Heat Exchangers, Presented in National Workshop on CFD2K9, held at MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore, 6th May 2009.


    42.   Srinivasula Reddy Pilli, Sheik Ismail, C. Ranganayakulu, V. Vasudeva Rao, Heat Transfer and Flow friction correlations for Compact wavy plate fin heat Exchangers, 19th National 8th ISHMT ASME HMT Conference, Hyderabad, 2008


    43.   Ranganayakulu C., L.Sheik Ismail, K.N. Seetharamu, Numerical and Experimental Studies on Compact Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, Proceedings of 35th National conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, PESIT, Bangalore, December 2008.


    44.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Vasudeva Rao V., Rajeshwar S., Ramu M., Optimization of Compact Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger – a CFD Approach, Proceedings of Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India, 2006.


    45.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Vasudeva Rao V., Rajeshwar S., Ramu M., Effects of flow maldistribution in a compact plate fin heat exchanger for Aerospace applications – a CFD approach, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India, 2006.


    46.   Ranganayakulu C., Ismail L. S., Vasudeva Rao V., Optimization of Compact Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Performance – a case study through CFD, Proceedings of National Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India, 8-10 March 2006.


    47.   Ranganayakulu C., Subramanyam P. S., Strategic Initiatives in Aircraft Mechanisms, Proceedings of Workshop on Aerospace Mechanisms at Indian National Society for Aerospace and Related Mechanisms, Hyderabad, India, 2005.


    48.   Ranganayakulu C., Mechanical and Avionics Systems of Light Combat Aircraft, National Indigenization workshop, presented at Maintenance Command, Indian Air Force, Nagpur, India, 28-30 November 2005.


    49.   Ranganayakulu C., Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, Proceedings of Work shop on Heat Exchangers – Design and Optimization, IIT Delhi, India, 2004.


    50.   Ranganayakulu C., Panigrahi A., Influence of Header Design on Pressure Drop and Thermal Performance of a Compact Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Thermal Systems held at Banaras Hind University, Varanasi, India, 178-184, 2001.


    51.   Ranganayakulu C., Srinatha H. R., Verma M. B., Environmental Control System (ECS) Testing-LCA, Proceedings on Advances in Testing of Aerospace Structures and Systems, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore, India, 2000.


    52.   Ranganayakulu C., Seetharamu K. N., Sreevatsan K. V., The Performance Evaluation of Cross Flow, Counter Flow and Parallel Flow Compact Plate Fin Heat Exchangers with Longitudinal Heat Conduction, Flow Maldistribution and Fluid Property Variation Effects using Finite Element Method, Proceedings of Advanced Study Institute on Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis, IIT Madras, India, 1993.1.        Amit Hedge Sanjay and Chennu Ranganayakulu, CFD Analysis of a Precooler for Hypersonic Propulsion, presented in 16th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT-ATE), held online, Amsterdam, Netherlands, ID No. 157, August 8-10, 2022.


    53. C. Rangagayakulu, Complete life cycle of design and development of Compact Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, 3rd International work shop on Compact Heat Exchangers, 2-3 Jan. 2020, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore.

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