Title of Project: Development of a Cyber Physical System Based Smart Water Grid for Community Usage
PI: Prof KK Gupta, Co PI: Prof. AP Singh; Dr. Kamlesh Tiwari; Dr. Amit Dua
Funding Agency:
Project Description: Safe and abundant water resources are critical to social, economic and environmental sustainability. Although water is a renewable resource, water availability and water quality may not be sufficient for desired water uses. A smart water grid, conceptually, involves elements related to sources of water, water collection systems, water treatment systems and water pumping and distribution systems. Special sensors deployed at selected points of a smart water grid could transmit real-time data about pressures, temperature, flow rates, vibrations, water level fluctuations etc. to a central server for an intelligent control. Here data analysis and machine learning comes into the picture to construct a Cyber Physical Systems. The project is funded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India costing about 70Lac.