Visited ICTP Trieste, Italy to
participate in a workshop on Mathematical Ecology Including an Introduction to
Mathematical Economic held from February 28-March 25, 2000. I also delivered an
invited talk on “A predator-prey interaction model with self and
as an expert for the selection of Professor in Mathematics at Kathmandu
University, Nepal held on August 08, 2013.
an invited talk on “Modeling the
dynamics of a fishery model with optimal harvesting policy” in the
2015 Joint meeting of the 5th China-Japan-Korea Colloquium and the 25th
Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology held at Doshisha
University, Kyoto, Japan during August 26-29, 2015.
4. Visited the School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences during August 19-21, 2019 and delivered an ionvited talk on “Role of optimal harvesting in resource management: a mathematical modelling approach’’.
5. Delivered an invited talk on “Dynamics of a prey-predator system: role of fear, refuge and delay” in the 7th China-India-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology held at University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China during August 23-27, 2019.