1. Chauhan, R. K., Mohanty, S. K., Subramanian, S. V., Parida, J. K., & Padhi, B. (2016). Regional Estimates of Poverty and Inequality in India, 1993–2012. Social Indicators Research, Springer, 127(3), 1249-1296 (48).
2. Padhi, B., Mishra, US and Pattanayak, U. (2019). Gender Based Wage Discrimination in Indian Urban Labour Market: An Assessment, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Springer, pp 361-388, 62(3)
3. Padhi, B. and Triveni. T. (2021). Employment and Informality in the Indian Labour Market: Emerging Trends, Labour & Development, Vol. 28, No.1, pp-93-111
4. Padhi, B. and Motkuri, V. (2021). Labour Force and Employment growth in Recent times in India: Evidence from EUS (2011-12) & PLFS (I-II) Survey, Economic and Political Weekly (Accepted and Forthcoming)
5. Mishra, US. & Padhi, B. (2021) Sustaining the Sustainable Development Goals: Assessing India’s Recent Progress, Economic and Political Weekly (Accepted and Forthcoming)
6. Padhi, B. and Mishra, U.S. (2021). Introspecting Human Development, Economic and Political Weekly, vol 56:4
7. Padhi, B. (2017). Structure of Growth and Wage Inequality in the Rural Labour Market of India. Manpower Journal, NILERD, L1, pp-23-56 (33).
8. Padhi, B, Khan, MK and Lalhriatchiani (2020). A Poverty Decomposition Analysis for the Northeastern Region of India , Review of Development and Change, 25(2), 237-255, Sage Publishers.
9. Padhi, B. and Panda, S. (2020). Employment and Income Growth Dynamics in Odisha, India, in Journal of Public Affairs, Wiley- Blackwell Publishers, 21:2, 2168-2169.
10. Padhi, B., Mishra, US and T. Triveni (2021). Living Condition of Urban Slum Dwellers in India in the New Millennium: An Assessment, Urban Research and Practice, pp-1-23, 17535069
11. Panda, S and Padhi, B. (2020). Poverty and Inequality in Odisha, India. Journal of Public Affairs, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 21:2, 2220.
12. Mishra, U.S., Padhi, B., and Rinju. (2020). Examining Calorie Undernourishment in India: Is it due to Choice or Inadequacy?. Nutrition and Health, Sage Publishers
13. Padhi, B., and Triveni, T. (2020) Impact of COVID-19 on the Tourism Sector , Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 55:30.
14. Mishra, US. & Padhi, B. (2020) Concerns around the NDHM, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 55:36
15. Mishra, US. & Padhi, B. (2021) On Ageing in India, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 56:19
16. Mishra, US. & Padhi, B. (2021) Evolving Inequalities, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 56:06
17. Dash, S.K., Kakarlapudi, K.K. and Padhi, B. (2020). Evidence-Based Suggestions to Improve UGC JRF-NET Examination. Available at SSRN 3563576.
18. Barik, A. and Padhi, B. (2020). Pandemic beyond lockdown in India, Orissa Economic Journal, 52 (3), pp-10-29, 0976-5409
Book/Study report
1. Srivastava, R S, Keshri, K., Gaur, K., Padhi, B. and Jha, A. (2020). Internal Migration in India and the Impact of Uneven Regional Development and Demographic Transition across States: A study for evidence-based policy recommendations. A Study Report prepared for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Published by Institute for Human Development (IHD), New Delhi (E-Book).
Book Chapters
1. Srivastava, R, Padhi, B. and Ranjan, R. (2020) “Structural Change and Increasing Precarity of Employment in India” in Mishra, N.K. (Eds.), Development Challenges of India After Twenty-Five Years of Economic Reforms: Inequality Labour Employment and Migration, Springer, (pp 133-156).
2. Srivastava, R S and Padhi, B. (2019). The Future of Work in Retail and Construction in India, in SEWA (Eds.) Towards a Just, Dignified and Secure Future of Work, SEWA-ILO (pp. 215-258).
3. Padhi, B., Mishra, U. S., & Khan, M. K. (2015). Is Poverty Comparable Across Varying Size of Population Among Indian States? In Almas Heshmati, Esfandiar Maasoumi and Guanghua Wan (Eds.) Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices in Developing Asia (pp. 205-215), Asian Development Bank, Springer, Singapore.
4. Khan M.K., Padhi B. (2017). Poverty, Inequality and Relative Deprivation among Northeastern States of India: Evidence from NSS. In: De U., Pal M., Bharati P. (eds) Inequality, Poverty and Development in India. Focus on the North Eastern Regions (pp. 207-221-15) India Studies in Business and Economics. Springer.
Working Papers
1. Srivastava, R S and Padhi, B. (2020). Collapse in Wage/Salary Income Growth in India, 2011-12 to 2017-18. IHD Working Paper, 01/2020
Media Articles
1. Trajectory of employment in post-COVID-19 India, Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI), June 30, 2020. (with T. Tripati)
2. SDG Compliance of Maternal Mortality: A Cause for Concern or Celebration?, The Wire, March 13, 2020. (with U S Mishra)
3. A drive forward in low gear, slow lane, OrissaPost, April 29, 2020. (with U S Mishra)
4. Medical care beyond reach, OrissaPost, February 6, 2020. (with Anirudha Barik)
5. Have Lockdowns Flattened The COVID-19 Curve?, OdishaBytes, May 14, 2020. (with Anirudha Barik)
6. Population prospect of Odisha, Orissapost, June 16, 2020. (with U S Mishra)
7. NET needs tightening, OrissaPost, December 23, 2019. (with Santosh Kumar Dash, Kiran Kumar Kakarlapudi)
8. COVID-19 and Challenges of virtual mode of education in India, Azim Premji University-University Practice Connect portal, September 18, 2020. (with Lalhriatchiani)
Reviewed articles from Journals
· International Journal of Development Issues, PLOS ONE Journal, Journal of Public Affairs, Indian Journal of Social Economics, Journal of Public Health, Children and Youth Services Review