Amol Marathe, Dhanajay Joshi, Pradeep Mahadevan and Anindya Chatterjee, Unimportance of geometric nonlinearity in analysis of flanged joints with metal-to-metal contact, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 84, 2007.
5. Amol Marathe and Rama Govindarajan, Nonlinear dynamical systems, their stability and chaos, ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews, 66(2), AMR-13-1048.
6. Aseem Dua and Amol Marathe, Computing Melnikov curves for periodically perturbed piecewise smooth oscillators, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25 (05), 2015.
Reviewership -
ASME-Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics
Physical Letters - A
Pramana Journal of Physics IAS
Wave Motion