BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, November 06, 2023

Research Projects, Patent and Publications

Research Projects Patent and Publications

Research Projects and Publications

Research Projects (as Principal Investigator)

1. Title of the Research Project:
    Development and Validation of Sustainability Measurement Framework for
    Manufacturing Industries.
    Funding Agency: University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India
    Duration: 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2016 
    Amout: 3.5 Lakhs
    Status: Completed
2. Title of the Research Project:
     Empirical Investigation and Analysis of Factors for Sustainable Growth of Electric Vehicles 
     Manufacturing in India
      Funding Agency: IMPRESS-ICSSR
      Amount: 14.70 Lakhs 
      Status: Completed (2019-21) 
Research Projects (as Co-Principal Investigator)
 1.  Title of the Research Project:
       Design and Development of a Mobile App Interface and a Smart Wearable Device for Awareness, Tracking and Alerting the Citizens to Inculcate Improved Risk Understanding 
      Funding Agency: DST-NCSTC
      PI: Dr. Mayuri A. Digalwar, IIIT Nagpur 
      Amount: Rs.14 Lakhs 
      Status: Ongoing (2021-23) 
  • Title: Developing Artificial Intelligent Based Feedback System in Higher Education Institutions, Indian Patent (Published), Application No.: 202241041368 A  Dated: 29-07-2022.
Books/Book Chapters
  1. Saraswat S.K., Digalwar A., Yadav S.S. (2021) Development of Assessment Model for Selection of Sustainable Energy Source in India: Hybrid Fuzzy MCDM Approach. In: Kahraman C., Cevik Onar S., Oztaysi B., Sari I., Cebi S., Tolga A. (eds) Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques: Smart and Innovative Solutions. INFUS 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1197. Springer, Cham.
  2. Saraswat S.K. and Digalwar A.K. (2020) Application of Hybrid MCDM Approach for Selection of Sustainable Energy Sources in India, Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 1197, Springer, Cham.
  3. Saraswat, S. K., Digalwar A.K. and Yadav S.S. (2021) Application of Fuzzy AHP Approach for Evaluation of Sustainable Energy Sources in India, Mathematical Modeling and Computation of Real-Time Problems: An Interdisciplinary Approach, CRC Press (Publishing in 2021)
  4. Digalwar, A. K., Singh, Alok Kumar and Singh, Rajwinder (2017), “Decision Sciences for Business Sustainability: A Cross-functional Perspective”, First Edition, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi India (ISBN: 978-93-86724-24-3). 
  5. Dambhare, Sunil, Deshmukh, Samir, Borade, Atul, Digalwar, A.K. (2014) " Sustainability Assessment Model for Machining Process (pp.281-291)", in Metri Bhimaraya and PujwanMyoman (Eds) Trends in Operations and Supply Chain Management", First Edition 2014, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, (ISBN: 978-93-392- 1937-6).
  6. Digalwar A. K. and Metri B. A. (2012), "Key Success Factors in Implementation of knowledge Management in Indian SMEs" , pp.Chp.5;81-99 in Rai, S. K. and Metri B.A. (Eds) Global Business in Changing World, First Edition (2012), Excel Books, New Delhi 110028, INDIA.
  7. Sangwan, K. S., Digalwar, A. K. and Sharma, Monica (2011), " Sustainable Manufacturing: Issues, Trends. and Practices", First Edition, EPH, New Delhi, INDIA (ISBN: 978-93-81583-10-4).
Laboratory Manuals
  1. Digalwar, A. K., Shrivastava, Sharad, Jalan, A. K. and Sharma, Tulsiram (2013), "Laboratory Manual for Mechanical Engineering Laboratory", EDD, BITS Pilani

  2. Digalwar A. K. and Srinivasan, P. (2012), " Laboratory Manual for Metal Forming and Machining", EDD BITS Pilani


  1.  Digalwar, A. K., Saraswat, S. K., Rastogi Arpit and Thomas George Rohaan (2022), "A Comprehensive framework for analysis and evaluation of factors responsible for the sustainable growth of electric vehicles in India", Journal of Cleaner Production (DOI: h t t p s : / / d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 0 1 6 /j . j c l e p r o . 2 0 2 2 . 1 3 4 6 0 1 ) (SCI Indexed IF 11.070)
  2. Gupta Mahesh, Digalwar A.K., Gupta Ajay and Goyal Animesh (2022), “Integrating Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma: A Framework Development and its Application”, Production Planning and Control (DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2022.2071351.) (SCI Indexed IF 7.03).
  3.  Digalwar A. K. and Rastogi Arpit (2022), “Assessments of Social Factors Responsible for Adoption of Electric Vehicles in India: A Case Study”, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, DOI (10.1108/IJESM-06-2021-0009) (Scopus Indexed, Cite Score 3.4)
  4. Tillu Prasanna, Digalwar, A.K. and Reosekar Ravi (2022), " Study of key attributes of sustainability of automobile solutions in India", SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0313, 2022, doi:10.4271/2022-28-0313. (Scopus Indexed)
  5. Tillu Prasanna, Sharma, Himanshu, Digalwar, A. K. and Reosekar Ravi (2022), " Empirical Investigation of various mobility solutions for urban transport planning: A study from Western India", SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0314, 2022, doi:10.4271/2022-28-0314.(Scopus Indexed)
  6. Digalwar A.K. and Gawande Sankalp (2022), "Modeling of various issues in orange supply chain: An ISM approach", SPICON-22 International Conference held on 22-23 December 2022 at SPCE Mumbai.
  7. Digalwar A. K., Jain Manan and Tillu Prasanna (2022), "A Comparative Review of ICEVs, BEVs, HEVs and FCEVs on the Technical, Economic, and Environmental Basis for Sustainable Mobility: Challenges and Prospects in India", SPICON-22 International Conference held on 22-23 December 2022 at SPCE, Mumbai.
  1. Saraswat S. K. and Digalwar A. K. (2021), " Empirical investigation and validation of sustainability indicators for the assessment of energy sources in India", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, DOI: (SCI Indexed, IF 16.80)
  2. Saraswat, S. K. and Digalwar, A.K. (2021), “Evaluation of energy alternatives for sustainable development of energy sector in India: an integrated Shannon's entropy fuzzy multi-criteria decision approach”, Renewable Energy  DOI : (SCI Indexed, IF 8.63)
  3.  Saraswat, S.K., Digalwar, A.K. Yadav, S.S., Kumar, Gaurav (2021), MCDM and GIS based modelling technique for assessment of solar and wind farm locations in India”, Renewable Energy, Vol 169, pp. 864-884. (SCI Indexed, IF 8.63).
  4. Rastogi Arpit, Thomas, George Rohaan, Digalwar, A.K. (2021), “Identification and Analysis of Social Factors Responsible for adoption of Electric Vehicles in India”, Current Science, Vol. 121, Issue. 9, pp. 1180-1187. doi: 10.18520/cs/v121/i9/1180-1187 (SCI Indexed, IF 1.10)
  5. Saraswat, S.K., Digalwar, A.K. Yadav, S.S.(2021), “Sustainability Assessment of Renewable and Conventional Energy Sources in India Using Fuzzy Integrated AHP-WASPAS Approach”, J. of Mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, Vol. 37, pp. 335–362. (SCI Indexed, IF0.84)
  6. Thomas, RG, Saraswat, S.K., Rastogi, Arpit, Digalwar, A.K. (2021), “On grid system evaluation for EV charging stations using renewable sources of energy”, IEEE Xplore, (DOI: 10.1109/IPRECON49514.2020.9315235) (SCOPUS Indexed)
  7.  Digalwar, A.K. , Thomas, George Rohaan, Rastogi, Arpit (2021), “Evaluation of Factors for Sustainable Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India”, Procedia CIRP (article reference PROCIR397803) (SCOPUS Indexed)
  8. Digalwar A.K., Rastogi Arpit (2021), “Fostering Adoption of Electric Vehicles in India: A Comprehensive Framework to Evaluate the Driving Factors”, Abstract Proceedings of ISDSI Global Conference held during 27-30 2021 at IIM Nagpur.
  9. Digalwar A K and Saraswat S. K. (2021), “Assessment of Power potential of Sustainable Energy sources in India using Multi constraint Factors”, Abstract Proceedings of ISDSI Global Conference held during 27-30 2021 at IIM Nagpur.
  10. Gupta Mahesh, Digalwar A K and Sahi, Gurjeet Kaur (2021), “Integrating Theory of Constraints, Lean, and Six-sigma: TLS Orientation Construct Development and Measurement Validation”, Abstract Proceedings of ISDSI Global Conference held during 27-30 2021 at IIM Nagpur.
  11. Digalwar Mayuri, Digalwar A K and Pandhare, Rashmi (2021), “Smart Wearable Device for People to Sustain in New Normal”, Abstract Proceedings of ISDSI Global Conference held during 27-30 2021 at IIM Nagpur.
  1. Saraswat S. K. and Digalwar A.K. (2020), “Evaluation of energy sources based on sustainability factors using integrated fuzzy MCDM approach”, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 246-266. (Scopus Indexed).
  2. Digalwar, A.K., Narkhede, B. E. Raut R. D. (2020), “Analyzing the critical factors of successful implementation of sustainable supply chain practices in lean-agile firms-A hybrid ISM ANP approach”, Business Strategy and Environment, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 1575-1596. (SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed, IF 10.80)
  3. Digalwar, A.K., Tusnial, Anirudh (2020), “A systematic review of the integration of best practices for world class manufacturing”, Int. J. of Business Excellence, (Accepted for publication on 29-05-2019) DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2020.10023289 (SCOPUS Indexed)
  4. Digalwar A. K. Dambare Sunil and Saraswat, Santosh (2020). “Social sustainability assessment framework for Indian Manufacturing Industry” Materials Today: Proceedings (SCOPUS Indexed)
  5. Bhakar, V., Sangwan, K. S., &  Digalwar, A. K. (2020). Readiness self-assessment of cement industry for sustainable manufacturing implementation: A case study of India. Procedia CIRP, 90, 449-454 (SCOPUS Indexed)
  6. Saraswat, S. K., Digalwar, A. K. and Yadav, S.S. (2020), “Development of Assessment Model for Selection of Sustainable Energy Source in India: Hybrid Fuzzy MCDM Approach”, International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS-2020), Held during 20-22 July 2020 at Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 649-657.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  7. Rohan George Thomas, Saraswat, S.K., Rastogi Arpit, Digalwar, A. K. (2020), On-grid system evaluation for EV charging stations using renewable sources of energy, 2020 IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference, held during 30,31 October and 1 November 2020, College of Engineering Karunagappally, Kollam, Kerala , 30 , 31 October and 1 November 2020 (SCOPUS Indexed)
  1. Wankhede, Sahil, Digalwar, A.K. and Wnakhede Sangita, P. (2019), “Analysis of sustainable machining process: A multicriteria decision making approach”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2104 (1), pp. 3-26. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  2. Sangwan K.S., Bhakar Vikrant and Digalwar A.K. (2019), " A sustainability assessment framework for cement industry: A case study", Benchmarking: An International journal , Vol 26, No. 2, pp. 470-497.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  3. Digalwar, A.K., Digalwar, Mayuri, Deshpande, Pranav (2019) “Analysis of Impediments for Adoption of Industry 4.0 Practices: An ISM Fuzzy MICMAC Approach”, Proceedings of 13th ISDSI International Conference held at Bhubaneswar organized by IIM Sambhalpur during 27-30 Dec. 2019.
  4. Sarswat, Santosh Kumar, Digalwar, A. K. and Yadav, Shyam Sundar (2019), “Application of Fuzzy AHP Approach for Evaluation of Sustainable Energy Sources in India”, International conference and 22nd Annual convention of Vijñana Parishad of India on ADVANCES IN  OPERATIONS RESEARCH, STATISTICS AND MATHEMATICS  (AOSM 2019) BITS Pilani-Pilani campus held from 28-30 December 2019.
  5. Digalwar A.K., Agarwal Suyash and Agarwal Rishabh (2019), “Application of Quality Function Deployment for sustainable growth of Electric Vehicles Manufacturing in India”, 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019) S.V. National Institute of Technology Surat, held from 12-14 Dec 2019.
  6. Bajaj Satyajeet and Digalwar, A. K. (2019), Integrating Lean-Green-Frugal Strategies for New Product Development In Developing Economy”, 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019) S.V. National Institute of Technology Surat, held from 12-14 Dec 2019.
  7. Digalwar A. K. Dambare Sunil and Saraswat, Santosh (2019). “Social sustainability assessment framework for Indian Manufacturing Industry” 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT 2019), BITS Pilani Dubai, UAE held from 20-22 Nov 2019, pp. 51.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  1. Sarda Akshay and Digalwar, A. K. (2018), “Performance analysis of vehicle assembly line using discrete event simulation modelling” International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol 14, Issue 2, pp. 240-255. ( SCOPUS Indexed)  
  2. Digalwar, A.K. (2018), “Application of Fuzzy TOPSIS for evaluating machining techniques using sustainability metrics”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 346, issue 1, pp. 012039.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  3. Bhakar, Vikrant, Digalwar, A. K., Sangwan, K.S. (2018), “Sustainability Assessment Framework for Manufacturing Sector–A Conceptual Model”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 69, Issue 1, pp. 248-253.(SCOPUS Indexed).
  4. Sangwan, K.S., Bhakar, Vikrant, Digalwar, A.K.(2018), Sustainability assessment in manufacturing organizations: Development of assessment models” Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp.994-1027.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  5. Bhakar, Vikrant, Digalwar, A.K. and Sangwan, K.S. (2018), “A sustainability assessment framework for cement industry-A case study”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 470-497. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  6. Saraswat, Santosh and Digalwar, A. K. (2018), “Identification of Sustainable Energy Source for Indian Climatic Conditions: A MCDM Approach”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2018) 31, December, 2017 – 03, January, 2018, IISc, India
  7. Digalwar, A. K., Bedekar, Akshay and Agarwal, Mohit (2018), “System Dynamics Approach for the Assessment of Leanness of Organizations”, IEEE Xplore 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2018), held from 16 to 19 Dec 2018 at Bangkok, Thailand.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  8. Sharma Ankur and Digalwar A. K. (2018), “Industry 4.0 Implementation: Evidence from Indian manufacturing industries”, Proceedings of 12th ISDSI International Conference held at SPJIMR Mumbai during 27-30 Dec. 2018.
  9. Bedekar Akshay and Digalwar A.K. (2018), “Identification and Analysis of Social Factors Responsible for Growth of Electrical Vehicles Manufacturing in India”, Proceedings of 12th ISDSI International Conference held at SPJIMR Mumbai during 27-30 Dec. 2018.
  10. Rastogi, Arpit, Jain, Shobhit and Digalwar A. K. (2018), “Sustainability Comparison between Electric and Diesel Buses A Case Study”, Proceedings of 12th ISDSI International Conference held at SPJIMR Mumbai during 27-30 Dec. 2018.
  11. Saraswat Santosh, Digalwar, A. K. and Yadav, S.S. (2018), “Evaluation of Sustainable Energy Sources in India: A Fuzzy AHP Approach”, Proceedings of 12th ISDSI International Conference held at SPJIMR Mumbai during 27-30 Dec. 2018.
  12. Deshpande Pranav, Digalwar A. K. and Digalwar, Mayuri (2018), “Applications of Industrial IoT in Manufacturing Industry for Predictive Maintenance: A Survey”, Proceedings of 12th ISDSI International Conference held at SPJIMR Mumbai during 27-30 Dec. 2018.
  13. Samantoroy Premchand and Digalwar, A.K. (2018), “Location Analysis and Layout improvement of Agricultural Warehouse”, Proceedings of 12th ISDSI International Conference held at SPJIMR Mumbai during 27-30 Dec. 2018.
  14. Wankhede Sahil and Digalwar, A.K. (2018), “Assessment of Maintenance Improvement using OEE approach: A case of Indian Manufacturing Industry”, Proceedings of 12th ISDSI International Conference held at SPJIMR Mumbai during 27-30 Dec. 2018.
  1. Digalwar, A.K., Mundra Nidhi, Tagalpallewar, A. R., Sunnapwar, V. K. (2017), “Roadmap for the implementation of green manufacturing practices in Indian manufacturing industries: An ISM approach, Benchmarking an International Journal, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp.1386-1399. (Scopus Indexed)  
  2.  Digalwar, A. K., Agrawal, Mohit and Shah, Harshal (2017), Modelling the Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Growth of Mining Industry in India”, IUP Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 16, Issue-2, pp. 7-15. ( Indexed in EBSCO and ProQuest)  
  3. Goyal, Animesh, Digalwar, A. K. and Gupta Mahesh (2017), “Theory of Constraints + Lean + Six Sigma: A Unified Framework to improve TLS Orientation”, Proceedings of 11th ISDSI International Conference held at IIM Trichy during 27-30 Dec. 2017.  
  4. Digalwar, A. K. and Kannan Govindan (2017), “Application of a Hybrid Decision Making Approach for the Evaluation of Sustainable Supply Chain Practices” Proceedings of 11th ISDSI International Conference held at IIM Trichy during 27-30 Dec. 2017. 
  5. Bathrinath, S and Digalwar, A.K.(2017), “Solving Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling problem using modified multi-objective particle swarm optimization”, Proceedings of 11th ISDSI International Conference held at IIM Trichy during 27-30 Dec. 2017. 
  6. Maheshwari, Shivam and Digalwar, A. K. (2017), “Application of Internet of Things for Lean Practices: A Case of Connected Cars”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering held at SVNIT Surat during 21-23 December 2017, pp. 1027-32. 
  7. Digalwar, A. K. (2017), Application of Fuzzy TOPSIS for evaluating machining techniques using sustainability metrics“ Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT 2017) held at BITS Pilani Dubai campus, Dubai, UAE during 28-29 November, 2017.(SCOPUS Index)
  1.  Digalwar, A.K., Mundra Nidhi, Tagalpallewar, A. R., Sunnapwar, V. K. (2016), “Roadmap for the implementation of green manufacturing practices in Indian manufacturing industries: An ISM approach, Benchmarking an International Journal, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp.1386-1399. (SCOPUS Index)
  2. Digalwar, A. K. and Date, Prasanna (2016), “Development of Fuzzy PROMETHEE Algorithm for evaluation of Indian World Class Manufacturing Organizations”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. 24, No.3, pp.308-330 (SCOPUS Index)
  3. Bhakar Vikrant, Kumar Kiran, Digalwar, A K and Sangwan, K S,(2016), “Prioritizing 6R strategies for Manufacturing Sustainability: An AHP Approach”, Proceedings of 6th International and 27th AIMTDR conference held at COEP Pune during 16-18 December 2016.
  4. Agrawal Mohit and Digalwar A. K. (2016), “Developing causal loop relationships for analyzing Leanness of an organization: System Dynamics approach” Proceedings of 10th ISDSI Conference held at BKC MET Institute of Management  Nasik during 28-30 Dec. 2016.
  5. Nath Anunjay and Digalwar A K (2016), “Identifying the barriers and opportunities in the Small and Medium Scale Garment Industries in India using MCDM approach”, Proceedings of 10th ISDSI Conference held at BKC MET Institute of Management  Nasik during 2, 8-30 Dec. 2016
  6. Wankhede Sahil and Digalwar A K (2016), “Improving OEE by Emulsion to Oil conversion of CBN Crankshaft Grinder”, Proceedings of 10th ISDSI Conference held at BKC MET Institute of Management  Nasik during 28-30 Dec. 2016..
  7. Goyal Animesh and Digalwar A K (2016), “Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology in Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprise: A Case Study” Proceedings of 10th ISDSI Conference held at BKC MET Institute of Management  Nasik during 28-30 Dec. 2016.
  8. Shubham Shukla and Digalwar A K (2016), “Application of 5S for Work-place Performance Improvement: Case Study”, Proceedings of 10th ISDSI Conference held at BKC MET Institute of Management  Nasik during 28-30 Dec. 2016

  1. “Identifying and ranking green product development factors: An Analytical Hierarchy Process approach”, 57th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering and 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, SVNIT Surat, Nov. 26-28, 2015, pp. 423-428.
  2. 'Simulation of vehicle assembly lineusing ARENA”, 57th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering and 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, SVNIT Surat, Nov. 26-28, 2015, pp. 857-862...
  3. "Life cycle assessment of CRT, LCD and LED monitors", Procedia CIRP, Vol. 29, pp. 432-437. (Elsevier Publication, Scopus Indexed)
  4. "Interpretive Structural Modeling approach for the development of Electric Vehicle Market in India", Procedia CIRP, Vol 26, Pp. 40-45. (Elsevier Publication, Scopus Indexed)
  5. Sustainability Issues in Turning Process: A Study in Indian Machining Industry", Procedia CIRP, Vol. 26, pp. 379-384. (Elsevier Publication, Scopus Indexed)
  6. "Modeling the performance measures of world class manufacturing using interpreting structural modeling", Journal of Modelling in Management , 2015, Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 4-22  (Emerald Journal, Indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest, INSPEC).
  7.  “Development of Fuzzy PROMETHEE Algorithm for evaluation of Indian World Class Manufacturing Organizations”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. xx, No.x, (Inderscience Publication, Indexed in SCOPUS) (In Press)
  8.  “Strategic Framework for sustainable development of heavy engineering sector in India”, 8th ISDSI Conference  held in Pune during 2-4 January 2015.
  9. Barriers to VMI -FAHP based analysis of VMI stakeholders”, 8th ISDSI Conference  held in Pune during 2-4 January 2015.
  10.  “An Application of TOPSIS for Selection of Machining Parameters From Environmental Impact Perspective”, 8th ISDSI Conference  held in Pune during 2-4 January 2015.
  11. “Development of self assessment model for enterprise sustainability”, Proceedings of National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (NCSM-2015), 2-3 January 2015, MNIT Jaipur, pp. 44-52.
  1. "A Fuzzy AHP Approach for Supplier Selection", Operations and Supply Chain Management : An International Journal, Vol. 7 No.4, pp. 46-53. (Scopus Indexed)
  2. "Development and validation of quality management constructs for software industries: an empirical investigation from India", International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2014, Vol. 17, No.4, pp. 453-478.(Inderscience, Scopus Indexed)

  3. “Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance in Manufacturing Industries: A Literature Based Metadata Analysis”, The IUP Journal of Operations Management”, 2014, Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 39-53.(Indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest)

  4. "Interpretive structural modelling approach for Sustainable development of electric vehicle market in India", Procedia CIRP, 12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. held at Johor Bahru, Malaysia during 22-24 Sept 2014  ( To be Published by Procedia CIRP, Elsevier, Science Direct Journal, Scopus Index)

  5. "Sustainability issues in turning process: A study in Indian machining Industry", Procedia CIRP, 12th GCSM  held at Johor Bahru, Malaysia during 22-24 Sept 2014, (To be Published by Procedia CIRP, Elsevier, Science Direct, Scopus Index)

  6. "Life cycle assessment of flexible manufacturing system training process”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering held at BNCE, Pusad, During 26-27 March 2014, pp. 1-6. 

  1. "Green manufacturing performance measures: an empirical investigation from Indian manufacturing industry:, Measuring Business Excellence, 2013,Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 59-75. (Emerald Journal, Scopus Indexed)
  2. "Value Network Mapping for Productivity Improvement: A Case Study", The IUP Journal of Operations Management, 2013,Vol XII, No. 4, pp. 1-16. (EBSCO, ProQuest Indexed)

  3. "Life Cycle Assessment of Smithy Training Process", Procedia Engineering, 2013, Vol. 64, pp. 1267-1275 (Elsevier Publication, Scopus Indexed)

  4. “A Fuzzy AHP Approach for Supplier Selection”, Proceedings of 7th ISDSI and 5th OSCM Conference held at IMI New Delhi during 28th-30th Dec 2013.(Edited by Prof. B.A.Metri)

  5. “Sustainability Assessment Model for Machining Process”, Proceedings of 7th ISDSI and 5th OSCM Conference held at IMI New Delhi during 28th-30th Dec 2013.(Edited by Prof. B.A.Metri)

  6. "Development of Fuzzy AHP model for Evaluation of Aggregate Risk in Green Manufacturing", Proceedings of 2nd IIIE conference on Industrial Engineering", Nov. 20-22, 2013, SVNIT Surat, pp.233-236. (Proceedings published by: Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-83083-37-4).

  7. "Selection of pattern material for casting operation using fuzzy PROMETHEE", Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, July 1-3, 2013, SVNIT Surat, pp. 238-242.

  8. "Analysis of sustainability practices of Indian manufacturing industries: A MCDM approach", Proceedings of International Conference on Advances inMechanical Engineering, May 29-31, 2013, COEP Pune, Maharashtra, India, (Paper ID-ICAME2013 S15/P6)

  9.  "Development of organizational and technological performance measures for sustainable manufacturing", Proceedings of International Conference on Management and Business Innovation, May 17-18, 2013, M.N.I.T. Jaipur, pp. 1-4.

  10. “Rain water harvesting system for sustainable industrial water use”, Proceedings of National conference on Sustainable Water Resources Planning, Management and Impact of Climate Change (SWRM 2013), April 5-6 2013, BITS Pilani-Hyderabad Campus, pp. 51.


  1. “Roadmap for the growth of electric vehicles market in India”, Conference on Technological Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering-2012 (TACEE-2012), Organized by Chemical Engineering Department of BITS Pilani during 23-24 March 2012.

  2. “Selection of manufacturing system for business sustainability: A MCDM approach”, 25th AIMTDR 2012 Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Manufacturing,held at Jadhavpur University Kolkata, 14-16 December 2012, pp. 1323-1328.

  3. “Life Cycle Assessment of recumbent bicycle” International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME-2012) held at PEC Kapurthala, 5-7 October 2012, pp. 373-377.

  4. "Imperative of sustainability measurement framework for manufacturing industries:, 6th ISDSI conference on Operational Excellence: A Key for Performance Excellence, held at IBS Hyderabad, 27-29 December 2012, pp. 20-29.

  5. “Quality management practices of software industries: An empirical investigation from India”, 6th ISDSI conference on Operational Excellence: A Key for Performance Excellence, held at IBS Hyderabad, 27-29 December 2012, pp. 132-143.


  1. “An overview of existing performance measurement frameworks in the context of world class manufacturing performance measurements”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2011,Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.60-82.

  2. "Manufacturing practices from Indian Industries”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM-2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-24 Jan 2011.

  3. “Experimental and numerical optimization based approach for fibre reinforcement in rotomolding” , 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2011), Organized by Deptt. Of Mechanical Engineering at SVNIT Surat during 6-8 June 2011, pp. 11-15. (Editor of Proceedings: Dr. R. Venkat Rao)

  4. “Machine Tool Guideways: research scope and directions”, 2nd National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM 2011), Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVNIT Surat during 15-17 Sept. 2011, pp. 205-211. (Editor of Proceedings: Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Dr. K.P. Desai, Dr. H.K.Raval and Mr. H.K. Dave)

  5. “Supplier Partnering for Sustainable Business Development”, International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: Issues, trends and Practices, Organized by Mechanical engineering Department of BITS Pilani during 10-12 Nov. 2011, pp. 296-302, (Editors: K S Sangwan, A K Digalwar and Monica Sharma)., Organized by Mechanical engineering Department of BITS Pilani during 10-12 Nov. 2011, pp 379-383.(Editors: K S Sangwan, A K Digalwar and Monica Sharma). 

  6. “Power generation and saving from machine tools”, International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: Issues, trends and Practices, Organized by Mechanical engineering Department of BITS Pilani during 10-12 Nov. 2011, pp 379-383.(Editors: K S Sangwan, A K Digalwar and Monica Sharma). 

  7. “Sustainability Issues and Challenges in Automobile Industry: An Indian Perspective”, International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: Issues, trends and Practices, Organized by Mechanical engineering Department of BITS Pilani during 10-12 Nov. 2011, pp 392-396.(Editors: K S Sangwan, A K Digalwar and Monica Sharma).

  8. “Role of knowledge management in world class manufacturing: an empirical investigation”, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2011), Singapore, 6-9 December 2011, PP. 415-419.


  1. “Knowledge management and employee empowerment for manufacturing excellence: An empirical study”, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2010), Organized by Deptt. Of Mechanical Engineering at SVNIT Surat during 4-6 Jan 2010, pp. 707-712 

  2. "Critical success factors for green manufacturing”, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2010), Organized by Deptt. Of Mechanical Engineering at SVNIT Surat during 4-6 Jan 2010, pp. 666-671. 

  3. “Tools and techniques for virtual manufacturing”, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAM-2010) organized by Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering of SVNIT Surat during 19-21 July 2010.

  4. “Advances in ball screw mechanism”, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAM-2010) organized by Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering of SVNIT Surat during 19-21 July 2010.

Pre 2010

  1. “Evaluation of world class manufacturing systems: a case of Indian automotive industries”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management,2008, Vol. 4, No.6, pp. 687-708.

  2. “Development and Validation of Performance Measures for World Class Manufacturing Practices in India”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2007,Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 21-38.

  3. “Performance measurement framework for world class manufacturing”, International Journal of Applied Management and Technology,2005, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 83-101.

  4. “Generalized guide lines for Inplant Training” Two day ISTE 4th State level Convention(Maharashtra –Goa Section) held at B.N.C.E.Pusad

  5. ”How to Improve First Year Result : Some Suggestions” One day workshop on First Year Result held at B.N.C.E. Pusad

  6. “World-Class Performance Measures for Strategic Advantage”, Proceeding of National Conference on Strategic Imperatives for Indian Corporations, Organized by TITS, Bhiwani, Feb. 14-15,2004.

  7. ”Critical Factors and Performance Measures of World-Class Manufacturing”, Proceeding of National Conference on World-Class Manufacturing, organized by B.D.College of Engineering, Sewagram, March 26, 2004.

  8. “Key Success Factors for Implementation of World-Class Manufacturing” National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering-README’2004, Mangalore December,1-3, 2004.

  9. “Imperatives of New Performance Measurement System for World-Class Manufacturing”, Proceeding of All India Seminar on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Enginering, NIT Kurukshetra, March 29-30, 2005.

  10. “Critical Success Factors for World-Class Manufacturing Performance Measurement”, Proceeding of 14th ISME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering in Knowledge Age, December,12-14, 2005, pp.260-267.

  11. “Changing Basis of Performance Measurement”, UGC Refresher Course on Manufacturing Excellence , Dec. 12-31, 2005 at BITS Pilani.

  12. “Performance measurement system for green Manufacturing”, Proceeding of National Conference on Environmental Conservation, Sept.1-3, 2006, BITS Pilani, pp.581-589.

  13. “Statistical analysis for justification of world-class manufacturing performance measures”, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference  on Quality, Reliability and Infocom Technology Trends and Future Directions (ICQRIT), December,2-4, 2006,held at INSA, New Delhi.

  14. “Performance measurement practices of Indian manufacturing companies :an empirical analysis”, 10th SOM Conference, December 21-24, 2006, held at IIM Ahmedabad

  15. "Industrial automations and robotics for manufacturing excellence”, National Conference on State of the Art of Technologies in Mechanical Engineering (NCSAME-2006), May. 4-5, 2006, held at JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad.

  16. “Guidelines for implementation of world class manufacturing in Indian manufacturing industries”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology: FRONTIER-2007, Dec. 17-18, 2007, held at B.N.College of Engineering, Pusad.

  17. "The role of knowledge management in new product development”, XI Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, Dec. 21-23, 2007.

  18. “Imperatives of New Performance Measurement System for Green Manufacturing”, Proceeding of First National Conference on MOCT at IMT Nagpur, Feb., 16-17, 2008.

  19. "Total quality management in technical education institutions”, National Conference on Innovations in Engineering & Technology (IET 2008), Sept. 15, 2008, Organized by Takniki Shiksha Vidyarthi Parishad in association with Poornima group of colleges, Jaipur.

  20. "A comparative analysis of world class manufacturing practices of SMEs and Large Indian manufacturing organizations”, AIMTDR 2008, IIT Chennai, Dec. 17-19, 2008.



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