Recent advances in concrete science, structural and geotechnical materials,
computational and experimental techniques, and the gradual diffusion of certain
interdisciplinary areas with structural mechanics and engineering as well as geotechnical
engineering have nearly revolutionized. The expansions of civil engineering
infrastructures such as dams, railways, highways, bridges, mass transit systems, ports,
and airports contribute significantly to the movement of raw materials, agricultural
products, and, most importantly manpower from producing regions to urban areas.
These expansions depend mainly on the technological developments in concrete science
and structural and geotechnical engineering. Many problems in contemporary structural
and geotechnical engineering are looked upon, solved, and extended for use in the
context of soil-structure interaction, construction, structural materials and geometry, and
other uncertainties. Therefore, there is an urgent need for researchers and practicing
engineers working in the broad field of concrete technology, and structural and
geotechnical engineering, to keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in these
fields with the aim of updating their analytical and practical skills. Therefore, considering
a pressing need to update the latest developments in the above fields, the third
international conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering
(ACSGE) is being organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of
Technology & Science, Pilani (Rajasthan) during February 26-28, 2024.