BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Thursday, October 05, 2023


Innovate. Achieve. Lead.

Research Areas of the Faculty

Research Areas:  Computer Networks, Distributed Computing Systems, Information Security, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security and Cloud Forensics, Online Social Networks, Data Privacy, Internet of Things, Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Databases, Data Science and Data Analytics, Computer Architecture, Cyber Security and Secure Information Systems, Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Algorithms and Computational Geometry, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Software Engineering, Theoretical & Computational Neuroscience.
Name of the Research Area Research Group Members
1. Distributed Computing Systems and Information Security Prof. Chittaranjan Hota
Prof. G Geethakumari
Dr. Barsha Mitra
Dr Subhrakanta Panda
Dr. Suvadip Batabyal
Dr. Paresh Saxena
Dr. Rajib Ranjan Maiti
Dr. Dipanjan Chakraborty
Dr  Manik Gupta
Dr. D V N Sivakumar
Dr. Nikumani Choudhury
2. Data Sciences Prof. N.L.Bhanu Murthy
Prof. Aruna Malapati
Dr Subhrakanta Panda
Dr. Lov Kumar
Dr. Jabez J Christopher
Dr Venkatakrishnan Ramaswamy
Dr. Manik Gupta
Dr. Ayan Das
3. Theoretical Computer Science Prof. Tathagata Ray
Dr. B Manjanna
Dr. Venkatakrishnan Ramaswamy
Dr. Mrityunjay Singh
Dr. Apurba Das
Dr. Raghunath Reddy M
4. Database Management Systems Prof. R. Gururaj
5. Software Engineering Dr. Subhrakanta Panda
Prof. Narasimha Bolloju

  • Projects

    Sponsored Projects (Ongoing)
    • "Geometric Obnoxious Facility Location Optimization"; PI: Dr. Manjanna B; Funding Agency: TARE SERB, DST; Total Outlay: INR 18.3 lakhs; Duration: 3 years.
    • "MASTIC: ML-Aided Secure SoC and Analytics"; PI: Dr. Paresh Saxena, Co-PIs : Dr. Rajib Maiti and Dr. Manik Gupta; Duration: 2 years, Total Outay: INR 67.3 lakhs.
    • "Design, development and project management support for fwo Al-based dialogue systems (e.g. voice-based chatbot) in Indian language"; PI: Dr. Dipanjan Chakraborty; Funding Agency: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ); Total Outlay: INR 6,839,988; BITS' share: INR 8,96,000; Duration: 1 year.
    • "Defend Internet of Things-based Cyber Espionage through Analysis of Encrypted or Unencrypted Network Traffic using Machine Learning"; Funding Agency: CRG SERB, DST; Total Project Outlay: Approx. 28 lakhs; Duration of the project: 3 years; (Principal Investigator: Dr. Rajib Maiti).
    • "QoE Optimized Multimedia Content Delivery through Caching in D2D underlay Networks"; Funding Agency: DST-SERB (CRG); Total Project outlay: Approx. Rs 14 lakhs; Duration of the project: 3 years; (Principal Investigator: Dr Suvadip Batabyal).
    • "Data driven Multimodal System for Academic Stress Management in Indian Universities (ARU)"; Funding agency: SERB-POWER, DST, Govt of India; Total project outlay: Approx. Rs 30 lakhs; Duration: 3 years; (Principal Investigator: Dr Manik Gupta).
    • MUT- DROCO: Multipath Networking Test-bed for Drone Communications. Grant Amount: INR 16.6 Lacs. Funding Agency: Start-Up Research Grant by Science and Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India. Duration: 2020-2022. Type: Research Grant. (Chief Investigator: Dr Paresh Saxena).
    • Network Coding for Multipath Transport. Grant Amount: INR 5.5 Lacs. Funding Agency: AnsuR Tech., Oslo, Norway. Duration: 2019-2020. Type: Industrial Consultancy. (Chief Investigator: Dr Paresh Saxena).
    • Interpretation of Tuberculin Reaction Using Medical Photography and Computer Aided Diagnosis, Grant Amount: Rs. 9.94 lakhs, DST-SERB; Start up Research Grant, (Formerly known as Early Career Research Award), 2019 – 2021, (Chief Investigator: Dr Jabez Christopher).
    • ASCRIN Joint Ph.D. Scholarship (BITS Pilani, India & La-Trobe University, Australia) Approvals 2021:
    • * Dr Manjanna
      * Dr Dipanjan Chakraborty
      * Dr Manik Gupta
    Sponsored Projects (Completed) 
    • "Lightweight Code Self-verification for Internet of Things (IoT) Devices", under Indo-Dutch Joint Research Program for ICT funded by DeitY-NWO-Progress-Irdeto with a project outlay of 380, 000 Euros (INR 2.6 Crores) from July, 2015 to July, 2019. (Investigators: Prof. Chittaranjan Hota and Researchers from Vrije University, Amsterdam).
    • "Design and Development of Digital Forensic Tools for Cloud IaaS", Grant amount: Rs 55 lakhs, funded by Ministry of Communication & Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India, New Delhi, 2014 - 2017. (Chief Investigator: Prof G Geethakumari, Co-Investigator: Dr. Digambar Povar).
    • "Automated Detection of Security and Privacy Threats in Peer-to-Peer Networks", 61.95 Lakhs INR, Funded by Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi in 2012 (PI: C.R. Hota, Co-PI: Abhishek Thakur).
    • “Efficient Peer-to-Peer Overlay Infrastructure for Secure Computing over the Internet", Funded by University Grants Commission (UGC), Govt. of India, New Delhi: (2011-2014), 10.38 Lakhs INR (PI: C.R. Hota).
    • “Network Coding with Deterministic Coefficients”, Grant Amount: INR 5.6 Lacs. Funding Agency: AnsuR Tech., Oslo, Norway. Duration: 2018-2019. Type: Industrial Consultancy. (Chief Investigator: Dr Paresh Saxena).

  • Research Scholars

    B S A S Rajita
    Supervisor Name: Prof. Anand Narasimhamurthy
    Co-Supervisor Name: 
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: Analysis of Temporally Evolving Social Network Patterns
    Research Abstract: In this work, we propose to investigate different techniques for identifying temporal patterns and events in social networks that evolve over time. We present a framework for detecting the evolution of dynamic social communities, along with tracking the events and transitions related to communities. These events can be considered as building blocks for pattern detection in networks with evolving communities. These detected events and transitions could then be used for predicting the future patterns of these social networks.
    Avinash kumar 
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Aruna Malapati 
    Co-Supervisor Name: Dr.N.L.Bhanu Murthy
    Email ID:  ; 
    Research Topic: Opinion Mining Challenges of Social Media Content & Sentiment Polarity Detection.
    Research Abstract: Experiences and viewpoint expressed by others have always been important part of decision making process. In current era very large pool of public opinion is available on social media about certain event. These web contents are unstructured data set and a rich source for not only commercial exploitation but also for psychological & sociopolitical research. Our proposed research aims to find an efficient method to extract important features/ aspect about a particular event from social media message and then do the features based sentiment analysis about the same. The proposed method can be adapted to work for text from other online media as well.
    Gourish Goudar
    Supervisor Name:  Dr. Suvadip Batabyal
    Co-Supervisor Name: 
    Email ID:
    Research Topic:   Estimators for Efficient Buffer Management in Mobile Opportunistic Networks.
    Abstract of the Research: Most of the congestion control mechanisms that have been proposed, have a common goal of increasing the message delivery ratio and decreasing the message delivery delay. To achieve this goal, several congestion mechanisms employ dropping the message or try to transfer the message to other nodes. Existing research shows that the several congestion control mechanisms are dependent on the underlying routing protocol. As a result, the congestion control mechanisms are not interoperable with variety of routing protocols. Many existing congestion control mechanisms relies completely on the network information to make the congestion control decisions. Several congestion control algorithms depend on the simulation platforms to evaluate protocols and algorithms, which is a necessary step, but cannot replace the real world experiments. In our work, we aim to use controlled message replication policies to increase the congestion control strategy range to various routing protocols. We also intend to use local information available with the node along with global network information to make a congestion control decision. We will also setup a DTN testbed for our research to verify the results produced by the simulator. 
    Soumya Prakash Otta
    Supervisor: Dr Subhrakanta Panda
    Co-Supervisor: Prof Chittaranjan Hota
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: Security as a Service: Secured Authentication in a Hybrid Cloud Environment.
    Abstract of the Research: As the first and last line of defence in almost all cases, authentication is a crucial aspect of any cloud. With the desired authentication mechanisms in place, any unauthorised access to the system can be prevented. Through the research the effort would be to design and implement Security as a service by ensuring and maintaining confidentiality, integrity and   availability as well as strict policy based authentication to access control in a hybrid cloud environment. 
    Anirudh Kasturi
    Supervisor Name: Prof Chittaranjan Hota
    Co-Supervisor Name: Prof. N.L. Bhanu Murthy
    Email ID :
    Research Topic:  Distributed and Resilient Cognitive Framework for Edge-centric IOT Applications
    Abstract of the Research: Major drawback with the current frameworks revolving around IoT architectures is the increase in actuation time as the analysis of data happens on a central server. So there is a strong need to come up with truly scalable architectures and improved intelligent algorithms that can run on the edge devices. The focus of the research will primarily be on the distributed ML and process discovery resource-aware ML algorithms. 
    Tummalapalli Sahithi
    Supervisor: Dr Lov Kumar
    Co-Supervisor: Prof N L Bhanu Murthy
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: Detection of web service anti-patterns using machine learning algorithms
    Abstract of the Research: The objective of our research is to identify different types of anti-patterns by investigating source code, WSDL file and text based metrics. In particular, our motivation is to investigate the application of machine learning based techniques for building predictive models from source code metrics as features for the task of detecting web-services anti-patterns. 
    Saibharath S
    External Supervisor: Dr Sudeepta Mishra
    On campus Supervisor: Prof. Chittaranjan Hota
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: QoS Based Traffic Management through NFV in Next Gen Networks
    Research Abstract: Design traffic categorization and classification framework to label and segregate LTE and 5G traffic based on QoS attributes; Propose a novel traffic scheduling, resource allocation, load balancing, and offloading mechanism at RAN slices to meet necessary QoS; Joint admission control policies and forecasting through feedback in the Network slices. 
    Priyanka Rushikesh Chaudhary
    Supervisor: Dr. Rajib Ranjan Maiti
    Co-Supervisor : 
    Email ID :
    Research Topic: Detection and mitigation of cyber attacks on IoT using machine learning.
    Abstract of the Research: The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next wave of advancement that is revolutionizing our society, cities and homes. People use these smart devices creating smart environments unaware whether each IoT device is functioning properly safe from cyber-attacks. The communication networks are jeopardized by growing of intrusion attempts, various attacks, worms etc. Appropriate countermeasures initiates an important property for network privacy and security in terms of ongoing attack detection. Machine learning is one of the technique which empowers system with the capability of using data to learn from previous experiences and makes decisions. The research topic aims to identify and reduce security threats over iot devices with the help of machine learning technique to improve the performance of system. 
    Mandan Naresh
    Supervisor: Dr. Paresh Saxena
    Co-Supervisor: Dr Manik Gupta
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: NANCY: Neural Adaptive Network Coding methodology for video distribution through wireless networks. 
    S.Vishwanath Reddy
    Supervisor Name:  Dr. B Manjanna
    Co-Supervisor Name: 
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: Computational Geometry and Approximation Algorithms. 
    Pattiwar Shravan Kumar
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Paresh Saxena
    Co-Supervisor Name:
    Email Id:
    Research Topic: Multipath Networking Protocols  
    Mithun Kumar S R
    Supervisor: Dr Lov Kumar
    Email ID: 
    Research Topic: Perception algorithms in sparsely labelled datasets  
    Deepa Kumari
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Subhrakanta Panda
    Co-Supervisor Name: Dr. Jabez J Christopher
    Email id:
    Research Topic: A Blockchain- based patient centric MHR system for prediction of future medical complications.
    Research Abstract: The project proposal aims to develop a patient-centric blockchain-based framework to store data and keep a trail of the users’ action to avoid any fabrication and/or misuse of sensitive and private medical information, and to predict the onset of any medical complications due to certain treatment. The application of Social Network Analysis methodologies on the relational medical data (relationship between certain diseases and their corresponding drugs) will enable to discover the hidden patterns and will also help to build an individualized patient profile to predict the likelihood of any medical complications in near future. 
    Nida Fatima
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Paresh Saxena
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: Efficient routing and resource allocation techniques for future integrated hybrid satellite-terrestrial 5G/B5G networks. 
    Ramisetty Kavya                                                                                        
    Supervisor Name: Dr Jabez Christopher
    Co-Supervisor Name: Dr Subhrakanta Panda
    Email id:
    Research Topic: Decision Support Systems for Health Informatics 
    Chillara Anil Kumar
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Paresh Saxena
    Co-Supervisor Name: Dr. Manik Gupta & Dr. Rajib Maiti
    Email id:
    Research topic : performance enhancements in Multi core architecture .
    Research Abstract: Considering the volume of data and the complexities involved in computations, majority of the bottlenecks in the context of performance/processing in multicore architectures is due to the data movement in the NoC. Research topic aims at considering suitable hardware/software architecture to minimize the data movement in NoC to increase the overall performance of the system. 
    Priyanka Gupta
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Subhrakanta Panda
    Co Supervisor name : 
    Email ID:  
    Research Topic: Application of Machine Learning  
    Lalitha Chavali
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Paresh Saxena
    Email ID :
    Research Domain: Machine Learning techniques for non terrestrial networking and communications.
    Anand Agrawal
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Rajib Ranjan Maiti
    Co-Supervisor Name:
    E-mail ID:
    Research Topic: Cyber Espionage in the Internet of Things
    Research Abstract: The objectives of the research is to explore the vulnerabilities of the MAC layer and PHY layer security protocols, like WPA2 (and newly proposed WAP3), in Wi-Fi network and their impact on IoT devices.   Configuration of different security protocols on commercially available Wi-Fi routers and exploring the impact on the security association of the IoT devices.  The ultimate goal of this research work is to develop a  model  of IoT-aware router that can automatically white/black-list the IoT devices associated with it depending on the security vulnerabilities. 
    Simran Ketha
    Supervisor Name: Dr. Venkatakrishnan Ramaswamy
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: Understanding Deep Neural Networks 
    S Rasagna Vakkalanka                                                                                     
    Supervisor Name: Prof. G Geethakumari
    Email ID:
    Research Topic: Securing the Fog Computing Networks 

  • Details of Ph.D. students graduated

    NAME OF THE SUPERVISOR: Prof. Chittaranjan Hota
    Student Name &
    Graduated year
    Ph.D. Thesis Title
    K. Haribabu / 2012 Methods for Efficient, and Secure Service Availability in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks
    Murali P / 2014 Quality of Service Aware Routing and Resource Management in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
    Sunita Singhal / 2015 Design and Development of Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing Systems
    Pratik Narang / 2016 Mechanisms for Intrusion Detection in Peer-to-Peer Networks
    V. Balaji / 2016
    Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radios
    (as Co-Supervisor) 
    Jagan Mohan Reddy / 2017 Peer-to-Peer Network Traffic Classification using Statistical and Behavioral Analysis
    M. K. Kaushik / 2018
    CInvestigations on Building Robust Cognitive Radio Based Networks
    (as Co-Supervisor) 
    Abhishek Thakur / 2019 Optimization of Video Delivery Over Opportunistic Networks
    Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava / 2020 Code Tamer-proofing using Return Oriented Programming on IoT Devices
    Gokul Kannan Sadasivam / 2020 Identification of Malicious SSH Network Activities using Honeynet
    Sanket Mishra / 2021 Cognitive and Resilient Framework for IoT Data Streams
    Vijayalakshmi V / 2021 Crowdsourcing and Machine Computation for Social Media Applications
    NAME OF THE SUPERVISOR: Prof. R. Gururaj
    Student Name &
    Graduated year
    Ph.D. Thesis Title
    K Kavitha / 2015 Novel Data Routing, Compression and Query Processing Techniques for
    Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks
    NAME OF THE SUPERVISOR: Prof. G. Geethakumari
    Student Name &
    Graduated year
    Ph.D. Thesis Title
    K P Krishna Kumar / 2015 Information Diffusion Modelling to Counter Semantic Attacks in Online Social Networks
    Agrima Srivastava / 2016 Enhancing Privacy in Online Social Networks using Data Analysis
    Digambar Powar / 2016 A Novel Digital Forensic Framework for Cloud Computing Environment
    B K S P Kumar Raju / 2018 Incident Handling in IaaS Cloud Environment using Digital Forensic Practices
    Rashmi Sahay / 2021
    Securing the Internet of Things Environment against RPL Attacks
    (Co-Supervisor: Dr. Barsha Mitra) 
    Deevi Radha Rani / 2021 Securing the Cloud Forensic Investigation Process against Anti-Forensic Attacks
    NAME OF THE SUPERVISOR: Prof. N. L. Bhanu Murthy
    Student Name &
    Graduated year
    Ph.D. Thesis Title
    Muthukumaran Kasinathan / 2018 Prediction and Probability Distribution of Defects in Software Systems
    NAME OF THE SUPERVISOR: Prof. Aruna Malapati
    Student Name &
    Graduated year
    Ph.D. Thesis Title
    Surender Singh Samanth / 2020 Predicting Future Events by Identifying Causal Relations Between Events from Social Media
    Muthukumaran Kasinathan / 2018
    Prediction and Probability Distribution of Defects in Software Systems
    (as Co-Supervisor) 
    Priyanka purkayastha / 2016
    Classification, Structure prediction and Molecular dynamics study of novel protein targets involved in Neurodegenerative diseases
    (as Co-Supervisor) 
    NAME OF THE SUPERVISOR: Prof. Tathagata Ray
    Student Name &
    Graduated year
    Ph.D. Thesis Title
    Neha Singh / 2021
    Input size independent quality mesh generation from two-dimensional point cloud data
    (Co-Supervisor: Dr. Chandu Parimi) 

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination


•Dr. Paresh delivered an invited talk on "Deep Reinforcement Learning for MEC Enabled Non-Terrestrial Networks: Models, Applications and Challenges" at 48th Wireless World Research Forum's Plenary Session "Non-Terrestrial Networks", Abu Dhabhi, UAE, 7th-9th November 2022

•Dr. Jay Dave delivered an invited talk on "A Dive in Machine Learning for Cyber Security" at a workshop on AI & ML Applications in Cyber Security organized by KMIT, Hyderabad and ACM Hyderabad Deccan Chapter on October 1st, 2022.

•Dr. Aneesh Sreevallabh Chivukula delivered an Invited Talk titled “Deep Learning and its Applications”, on July 27th, 2022 in the Distinguished Lecture Series on Advanced Computing DLSAC 2022-23, Quarter 2, organized by Department of Artificial Intelligence, Anurag University in technical collaboration with ACM Hyderabad Deccan Chapter and Centre of Excellence - AI ML, Osmania University (under RUSA 2.0).

•As part of the Faculty Seminar Series, Dr Venkatakrishnan Ramaswamy presented a talk on 'The Interface of Neuroscience and Computer Science'. He gave an introduction to contemporary research in Neuroscience and Computational Neuroscience. He also spoke about how understanding the brain ought to involve ideas and tools from Computer Science

Faculty Seminar Series: Talk 3: Dense Graph Mining Dr Apurba Das gave a talk on Dense Graph Mining on November 17th, 2021.
He spoke about how the Dense structures serve as important primitives in solving many real-world problems such as understanding similar entities in a social network, identifying frauds in a transaction network, finding similar proteins in Protein-Protein interaction networks, and so on.

•The third talk in the faculty seminar series was delivered by Dr Nikumani Choudhury on October 27th, 2021. The title of the talk was "DSME MAC issues in IEEE 802.15.4 based IoT networks".

Faculty Seminar Series - Talk1: The CSA organized the first seminar of the Faculty Seminar Series on October 1st, 2021, by Dr Ayan Das on the topic "An Outline of Natural Language Processing"

Session on career opportunities and career planning: The Computer Science Association (CSA) organized a Session on Career Opportunities and Career Planning on Sept 25th, 2021 by Dr Prashant Chintapalli, a BITSian and currently Assistant Professor, IIM, Bangalore.

•The Department of Computer Science organized a talk by BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus CSIS alumnus Mr. Abhijit Kane - the founder of the $2 Billion company, Postman - on the 30th of January 2021.

•Dr Venkatakrishnan Ramaswamy delivered an Invited talk (online) on “Axiomatic theory for neural circuit”, in the Computational Neuroscience Seminar, organized by the University of Bristol, UK. November 2020.

•Dr Paresh Saxena delivered an Invited Talk on “Machine Learning for 5G/B5G Non-Terrestrial Networks”, organized by the IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), 2020, Nov 2020.

•Prof. Chittaranjan Hota delivered an invited talk titled "IoT Code Tamper-proofing: Challenges and Solutions", 25th Sept 2020 at UGC-HRDC, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.

•Dr Lov Kumar delivered an Invited Talk on “Ensemble Methods in AI”, in Online AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Artificial Intelligence (AI)", organized by the National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506004, Telangana, May 2020.

•Dr Dipanjan Chakraborty delivered an Invited Talk on “Experiences from a Mobile-Based Behaviour Change Campaign on Maternal and Child Nutrition in Rural India”, in the Interaction Design for Development, organized by IIT Bombay February, 2020.

•Dr Manik Gupta gave a session on “Celebrating Women in Computing” at the GRAD COHORT, a pan-India Workshop for Women in Computing, hosted by IIT Gandhinagar, during July 24th - 26th, 2020.

•Dr Manjanna B received the VGST Award for Research Publications (ARP) 2018-19 by the Government of Karnataka, Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST) on Sept 12, 2019.

•Mr. Mandan Naresh, Ph.D. student of Dr. Paresh Saxena, has received the prestigious TCS Fellowship from the TCS Research Scholarship Program (RSP) for a period of four years starting from July 2019. The team will be working on using machine learning techniques for efficient video distribution over wireless networks.

•Dr. Suvadip Batabyal has been awarded the TUBITAK fellowship 2019, Govt. of Turkey, for visiting scientist position in the dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Sabanci University, Turkey.

•Prof.G Geethakumari gave an invited talk on “Cloud Computing Security” at the Workshop on “Virtualization and Cloud Computing” organized by the UGC – Human Resource Development Centre (UGC – HRDC), JNTUH on February 14, 2019.

•Dr. Anoop Kunchukuttan, Senior Applied Researcher, Microsoft AI and Research, gave a talk on “Machine Translation for Related Languages”, on Feb 7th, 2019. He discussed about Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) for related languages as well as about some of the useful and powerful extensions to the standard phrase-based SMT.

•Dr. Abhaya Nayak, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computing, Macquire University, Sydney, Australia visited the Dept during January 15 – 16, 2019. He gave a talk on Trust in Context”. The talk discussed about how Spohn’s Ordinal Conditional Functions, which are used to model belief dynamics, when appropriately adapted and interpreted, can be applied to fruitfully model the dynamics of trust.

•Dr. Jagadish Suryadevara, Global Product Architect, VOLVO Group (Construction Equipment), Sweden visited the Dept on January 2, 2019. He delivered a lecture on “Emerging Systems Landscape: From Connected Machines to Data Analytics”.

•Prof. Sakthi Balan, Associate Professor, LNMIIT, Jaipur, gave an invited talk on “Online Social Synchrony and its Application to Detect Events in Social Media”, on December 21st, 2018.

•Prof. G Geethakumari gave an invited talk on "Embedded System Security" at the Defense Electronics Research Lab (DLRL), DRDO, Hyderabad, on December 12th, 2018.

•Prof. G Geethakumari gave an invited talk on “Introduction to Cloud Forensics and its Challenges”, at the Training Programme for experts from BIMSTEC Countries) Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand , Nepal and Bhutan), on November 16th, 2018 at the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL), Hyderabad. The event was jointly organized by National Investigation Agency (NIA), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India and CFSL, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.

•The Computer Science Association of BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus won the Best Technical Association for the year of 2017-2018. We congratulate the team and wish them success in all their future endeavours!

•Dr. Shailesh Kumar, Chief Data Scientist, Reliance Jio and Visiting Faculty, Indian School of Business, delivered an expert talk on “Evolution of AI Thinking for building Products of the Next Decade”, on 23rd October 2018. The talk was followed by a Hands-on session on “How to build AI Systems for unlimited scale”, by Mr.Shobhit Agarwal and Mr Prateek Srivastava, founders of and BITS Pilani graduates.

Sponsored Projects

Newly Approved Projects

•Dr. Rajib Maiti // Title of the project: "Defend Internet of Things-based Cyber Espionage through Analysis of Encrypted or Unencrypted Network Traffic using Machine Learning" // Funding Agency: CRG SERB, DST // Total Project Outlay: Approx. 28 lakhs // Duration of the project: 3 years.

•Dr. Suvadip Batabyal // Title of the project: "QoE Optimized Multimedia Content Delivery through Caching in D2D underlay Networks" // Funding Agency: DST-SERB (CRG) // Total Project outlay: Atleast 14 lakhs (exact amount is not communicated by the agency) // Duration of the project: 3 years.

Sponsored Projects – (Ongoing)

•"Geometric Obnoxious Facility Location Optimization"; PI: Dr. Manjanna B; Funding Agency: TARE SERB, DST; Total Outlay: INR 18.3 lakhs; Duration: 3 years.

•"MASTIC: ML-Aided Secure SoC and Analytics"; PI: Dr. Paresh Saxena, Co-PIs : Dr. Rajib Maiti and Dr. Manik Gupta; Duration: 2 years, Total Outay: INR 67.3 lakhs.

•"Design, development and project management support for fwo Al-based dialogue systems (e.g. voice-based chatbot) in Indian language"; PI: Dr. Dipanjan Chakraborty; Funding Agency: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ); Total Outlay: INR 6,839,988; BITS' share: INR 8,96,000; Duration: 1 year.

•MUT-DROCO: Multipath Networking Test-bed for Drone Communications. Grant Amount: INR 16.6 Lacs. Funding Agency: Start-Up Research Grant by Science and Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India. Duration: 2020-2022. Type: Research Grant. (Chief Investigator: Dr Paresh Saxena).

•Network Coding for Multipath Transport. Grant Amount: INR 5.5 Lacs. Funding Agency: AnsuR Tech., Oslo, Norway. Duration: 2019-2020. Type: Industrial Consultancy. (Chief Investigator: Dr Paresh Saxena).

•Interpretation of Tuberculin Reaction Using Medical Photography and Computer Aided Diagnosis, Grant Amount: Rs. 9.94 lakhs, DST-SERB; Start up Research Grant, (Formerly known as Early Career Research Award), 2019 – 2021, (Chief Investigator: Dr Jabez Christopher).

Sponsored Projects – (Completed)

•. "Lightweight Code Self-verification for Internet of Things (IoT) Devices", under Indo-Dutch Joint Research Program for ICT funded by DeitY-NWO-Progress-Irdeto with a project outlay of 380, 000 Euros (INR 2.6 Crores) from July, 2015 to July, 2019. (Investigators: Prof. Chittaranjan Hota and Researchers from Vrije University, Amsterdam).

•"Design and Development of Digital Forensic Tools for Cloud IaaS", Grant amount: Rs 55 lakhs, funded by Ministry of Communication & Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India, New Delhi, 2014 - 2017. (Chief Investigator: Prof G Geethakumari, Co-Investigator: Dr. Digambar Povar).

•Network Coding with Deterministic Coefficients. Grant Amount: INR 5.6 Lacs. Funding Agency: AnsuR Tech., Oslo, Norway. Duration: 2018-2019. Type: Industrial Consultancy. (Chief Investigator: Dr Paresh Saxena).

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