BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, September 19, 2023

People @ EEE


Faculty Members

Please click the Faculty names to visit their personal websites

#Please suffix | *For external Dialing, please prefix +91-40-66303  
  M B Srinivas, Professor 
PhD: IISc Bangalore
Area: VLSI Arithmetic, Biomedical instrumentation, Signal Processing
Email#/Room/Extn*: mbs /H215/521
(Prof. M B Srinivas is transferred to Dubai Campus)
S. Gurunarayanan, Senior Professor 
PhD: BITS Pilani
Area:  VLSI Architecture; Digital VLSI Design, Embedded Systems
    Sanket Goel, Professor
PhD: U of Alberta, Canada 
Area: MEMS, Microfluidics, Smart sensors, Biosensors, Fuel Cell, Solar, Nanoelectronics, Wearable Devices, Cyber-Physical Systems
Email*#/Room/Extn: sgoel/J222/686
  Subhendu K Sahoo, Head & Professor
PhD: BITS-Pilani 
Area: VLSI architecture for Digital Signal Processing
Email#/Room/Extn*: sahoo/H213 /597 
  BVVSN Prabhakar Rao, Professor
PhD: IIT Delhi 
Area: Biomedical Signal Processing and Modelling of Organic materials for solar cells
Email#/Room/Extn*: budhiraju/H229/544
  Alivelu Manga Parimi, Professor
PhD: U of Technology Petronas, Malaysia
Area: Power Systems: FACTS, Power system stability, Power Quality
Email#/Room/Extn*: alivelu/ H206/606
  Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Associate Professor
PhD: IISc Bangalore 
Area: Photonics, Optical Communications, Photonic Integrated Circuits, MEMS
Email#/Room/Extn*: pkpattnaik/H207/612
  Runa Kumari, Associate Professor 
PhD: NIT Roulkela 
Area:  Antenna (Dielectric Resonator, Log periodic, Reconfigurable, Microstrip), Antenna Array
Email#/Room/Extn*: runakumari/ H208/659
  Venkateswaran Rajgopalan, Associate Professor
PhD:  Cleveland State University, USA
Area: Biomedical signal /image processing, Machine Learning, Graph Theory
Email#/Room/Extn*: venkateswaran /H202/ 651 
  Surya Shankar Dan, Associate Professor
PhD: IISc Bangalore 
Area:  Device physics of `beyond CMOS', Analytical modeling for state-of-the-art VLSI
Email#/Room/Extn*: ssdan
/ H233/692
  Soumya J, Associate Professor
PhD: IIT Kharagpur  
Area:  Network-on-Chip design, Application Specific Synthesis of NoC, Reconfigurable NoC
Email#/Room/Extn*: soumyaj
/ H237/690
  Radhika Sudha, Associate Professor
PhD: Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan
Area: Power Electronics
Email#/Room/Extn*: sradhika /H239/ 662
   Sumit Kumar Chatterjee, Assistant Professor 
PhD: IIT Kharagpur 
Area:  Digital VLSI Design, Video Compression
Email#/Room/Extn*: sumit2702
/ H205/671
  Mithun Mondal, Assistant Professor
PhD: IIT Roorkee
Area: Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Transformers, High Voltage Engineering
Email#/Room/Extn*: mithun / H214 / 564
  Harish V DixitAssistant Professor  
PhD: VJTI / Univ of Mumbai
Area: Electromagnetics / Microwave
Email#/Room/Extn*: hvdixit / H235/650
  Syed Ershad Ahmed, Assistant Professor
PhD: BITS-Pilani 
Area:  VLSI Arithmetic Circuits, Low Power VLSI Design
Email#/Room/Extn*: syed/ H203/ 576
  Ponnalagu R N, Assistant Professor
PhD: IIT Madras 
Area: Instrumentation and Control
Email#/Room/Extn*: ponnalagu / H226 / 582
Rajesh K Tripathy, Assistant Professor
PhD: IIT Guwahati 
Area: Digital Signal Processing
Email#/Room/Extn*: tripathyrk / H234 / 683
Sayan Kanungo, Assistant Professor 
PhD: IIEST, Shibpur 
Area: Microelectronics & VLSI 
Email#/Room/Extn*: sayan.kanungo / H232 / 585
Chetan Kumar, Assistant Professor
PhD: BITS-Pilani  
Area: Computer Arithmetic, CNFET based MVL Circuits, FPGA based System Design 
Email#/Room/Extn: chetan / H231/598
   Sourav Nandi, Assistant Professor
Ph: IIT Kharagpur
Area: Microwave Engineering
Email#/Room/Extn*: sourav / H211 / 724
Parikshit Sahatiya, Assistant Professor     PhD in Electrical Engineering (IIT Hyderabad)
Area: Nanomaterials for Flexible Electronic devices
Email#/Room/Extn* : parikshit / H227 / 617
Prashant Wali, Assistant Professor
PhD: IIIT-Bangalore
Area: Green Communications in Broadband Wireless Networks (4G and 5G), Energy Efficient Traffic Scheduling.
Email#/Room/Extn*: wali/H210/640
Ankur BhattacharjeeAssistant Professor 
PhD: IIEST, Shibpur
Area: Renewable Energy, Energy Storage, Hybrid Microgrids
Email#/Room/Extn*: a.bhattacharjee/H236/725
Pratyush ChakrabortyAssistant Professor
PhD: University of Florida
Area: Power System, Control Theory, Game Theory, Cyber-Physical Systems, Data Science
Email#/Room/Extn*: pchakraborty/I-201/749
STP Srinivas,
Assistant Professor 
PhD: IIT Madras
Area: Power System Analysis, optimization, microgrids, optimal protection coordination 
Email#/Room/Extn*: stps/H218/739 
Gopal Krishna Kamath M, Assistant Professor
PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2018)
Area: Control and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Networked Control Systems
Email#/Room/Extn*: gopal.kamath/I-202/754
Subhradeep PalAssistant Professor
PhD: IIT Patna
Area: Silicon Photonics, Photonic Integrated Circuits, Optical Fiber Communications.
Email/Room/Ext: subhradeep/I-203/761
Amit Kumar Panda, Assistant Professor,
PhD: IIT Patna
Area:  VLSI Architectural Design, VLSI Architecture for Pseudorandom Bit Generator and Cryptography, Hardware Security. FPGA Based System Design.  
Email#/Room/Extn*: amit /H204/748
Joyjit Mukherjee, Assistant Professor
PhD: IIT Delhi
Area: Control Theory, Robotics, Aerospace Control, 
Human-Robot Interaction, Digital Twin
Email#/Room/Extn*: j.mukherjee/I-220/791 
Atri MukhopadhyayAssistant Professor
PhD : IIT Kharagpur
Area : MAC Protocol Design, Wireless Optical Integrated Networks, Edge Computing and Free Space Optical Networks. Optimisation and Game Theory
Email#/Room/Extn*: atri.mukhopadhyay/H-212/681
Niladri Das, Assistant Professor
PhD: IIT Guwahati
Area: Communication Networks, Coding Theory and Graphs
Email#/Room/Extn*: niladri.das/H-225/660

Former HoDs

Prof. Alivelu Manga Parimi 2020 - 2022 
Prof. Sanket Goel 2017 - 2020 
Prof. Y. Yoganandam  2012 - 2017
Prof. Moorthy Muthukrishnan 2008 - 2012


[Project] Dr. Amit Kumar Panda (PI) received a Project from SERB SRG (2 years →25.21 Lakhs) – “Design and Implementation of a Hardware Efficient Secure Pseudorandom Bit Generator for Physical Layer Security in the Resource Constraint IoT Devices”.
[Project] Dr. Sourav Nandi (PI) received a Project from SERB SRG ( 2 years → 12.70 Lakhs) – “Design and development of miniaturized MIMO antennas with high isolation at sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave for 5G MIMO and massive MIMO systems applications”.
[Award] Dr. Runa Kumari (faculty) and Mr. Prakash Rewatkar (PhD candidate) won second prizes in the DSIR Bright S&T Innovative Idea competition.
[Press] Our students [Harshit Soni (ECE 4th year) and Aakrit Patel (MechE 4th year)] appeared in Deccan Chronicle (4th Oct)
[Project] Dr. Souvik Kundu received a project from SERB (3 years, ~35 lakhs).

Recent Publications

Detailed List...

1. Naveen Bokka and Parikshit Sahatiya, “Heat and Light Triggered Mechanical Destruction of 2d Materials Based Electronic Devices Fabricated on Wax Substrate” in FlatChem, 2022.

2. Sresth Gupta, Anurag Singh, Abhishek Sharma and Rajesh Kumar Tripathy, “dSVRI: A PPG-based Novel Feature for Early Diagnosis of Type-II Diabetes Mellitus” in IEEE Sensors Letters, 2022.

3. PS Prasad and AM Parimi, “Robust μ-Synthesis Controller Design and Analysis for Load Frequency Control in an AC Microgrid System” in IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 55 (1), pp. 547-554, 2022.

4. PS Prasad and AM Parimi, "Recent advancements in hybrid AC/DC microgrids" in Microgrids, 2022.

5. PS Prasad, AM Parimi and L Renuka, "Control of hybrid AC/DC microgrids" in Microgrids, 2022.

6. P. Sai Phaneendra, C. Vudadha and M. B. Srinivas, " Optimization of Reversible Circuits Using Gate Pair Classification " in SN Computer Science, vol. 3, pp. 40, 2022.

7. Sharvani Gadgil and Chetan Vudadha, “Novel Design Methodologies for CNFET-Based Ternary Sequential Logic Circuits” in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 21, pp. 289–298, 2022.

8. Samit Kumar Ghosh, R. N. Ponnalagu, Rajesh Kumar Tripathy, Ganapati Panda and Ram Bilas Pachori, "Automated Heart Sound Activity Detection from PCG Signal using Time-frequency Domain Deep Neural Network," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2022.

9. Subhradeep Pal and Sumanta Gupta, " Linear Dual-Series Mach Zehnder Modulator Employing Electrostatic Doping for Photonic Integrated Circuits," in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 6638510, 2022.

10. Rajagopalan. V, Erik. P. Pioro, "Graph theory network analysis provides brain MRI evidence of a partial continuum of neurodegeneration in patients with UMN-predominant ALS and ALS-FTD" in Neuroimage Clinical, vol. 35, pp. 103037, 2022.

11. Dheerendranath Battalapalli, BVVSN Prabhakar Rao, P. Yogeeswari, C. Kesavadas, Rajagopalan. V, "An optimal brain tumor segmentation algorithm for clinical MRI dataset with low resolution and non-contiguous slices," in BMC Medical Imaging, vol. 22, no. 89, 2022.

12. Jayapiriya U S, Shuhei Inoue and Sanket Goel, "A facile technique to develop conductive paper based bioelectrodes for microbial fuel cell applications," in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 214, pp. 114479, 2021.

13. Mrunali D Wagh, Renuka H, Pavar Sai Kumar, Khairunnisa Amreen, Subhendu Kumar Sahoo and Sanket Goel, " Integrated Microfludic Device with MXene enhanced Laser-Induced Graphene Bioelectrode for Sensitive and Selective Electroanalytical Detection of Dopamine," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 14, pp. 14620-14627, 2022.

14. Venkatarao S, Abhishek M, Harini R, Gomathi T, Chandrashekhar Reddy, Subhradeep Pal, Arnab Hazra and Parikshit Sahatiya, " Plasmonic Au Nanoparticles Coated on ReS2 Nanosheets for Visible-NIR Photodetector," in ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 11381–11390, 2022.

15.S Amrutha Lahari, Khairunnisa Amreen, Satish Kumar Dubey, Ponnalagu R N, S Goel, “Modified Ultra Micro-Carbon Electrode for Efficient Ammonia Sensing for Water Quality Assessment” in IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2022.


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