BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, June 26, 2023


Innovate. Achieve. Lead.
  • Projects

    • Development of Photocatalyst embedded Graphene based membranes for Treatment of Dye containing waste water under sunlight light irradiation, P.I: Dr. Narendra Nath Ghosh (Dept of Chemistry, Goa Campus), Co-P.I.: Dr. Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri, Team Members: Dr. Amrita Chatterjee, Dr. Mainak Bannerjee, Dr. Anirban Roy, Dr. Sharad Sontakke, Dr. Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Dr. B. G. Prakash Kumar, Dr. Eldhose Iype, ABSTC project, June 2018, duration 3 years, Rs. 52.2 Lac.
    • Collaborative research project approved under the Seed Grant of BITS Pilani. Topic: “Optimization of Selected High Yield Grass Species for Biomass and Bioenergy Applications Using Saline and Recycled Wastewater”, sponsored by BPDC; Value: AED 120,000. ICBA undertaken AED 125,000, worth expenses at ICBA for field studies); Prof. Babu, Department of Forage Crops, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) provide data and samples for fresh water based field studies and support; Faculty members: Dr. S. Ramachandran, PI, BPDC, Dr. Shoaib Ismail, Co-PI, ICBA, Dr. Neeru Sood, Co-PI, BPDC, Dr. Trupti Gokhale, Co-PI, BPDC, Dr. B.G. Prakash Kumar, Co-PI, BPDC, Dr. C. Babu, Co-PI, TNAU, Mr. Khalil Ur Rahman, Co-PI, ICBA, February 2017, duration 3 years.
    •  Bioremediation of Red mud using acidogenic fermentation byproducts and by Biopiling, BITS Pilani Principal Investigator: Dr. Srikanth Mutnuri, Co-investigators: Dr.Vivek R, Dr.Saroj Baral, Dr Sharad Sontakke, Dr Anirban Roy, Dr. Bharat B Gulyani, Dr. Nishant Pandya, Dr Neeru Sood, Dr Trupti Gokhale, BITS Pilani - ABSTC project, June 2018, duration 1 year, Rs. 71.5 Lac.
    • PI- Prof. Udo Schwingenschloegl (KAUST); Co-PI: Dr. Eldhose Iype; “Investigation of Topley-Smith effect in salt hydrates using hpc”. KAUST Supercomputing Laboratory (KSL), HPC Shaheen access for 50,000 cpu hours, December 2017, duration of 6 months.
    • On 15th March 2017, the department has signed an MOU with Ocean Corner Water Treatment Equipment & Chemicals LLC to set up a research facility for waste water treatment and testing. Under the agreement, Ocean Corner Water Treatment Equipment & Chemicals LLC will set up a treatment plant and which will be used for research, consultancy and academic purposes. 
    • Collaborative research project approved under the Research Initiation Grant of BITS Pilani. Topic: Development of Computer Aided Product Design Tool for Mixtures. PI: Dr. Nishant Pandya, BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, Co-I: Prof. (Dr.) Vincent Gerbaud, Director – Research, Université de Toulouse, INP, CNRS, LGC, France. Duration 2 years starting from 13.10.2016. Budget approved: AED 16,000

  • Journal Publications

    • AP Pawar, J Yadav, NA Mir, E Iype, K Rangan, S Anthal, R Kant, I Kumar. 2021. Direct catalytic synthesis of β-(C3)-substituted pyrroles: a complementary addition to the Paal–Knorr reaction. Chemical Communications 57 (2), 251- 254. 
    • SM Nejad, E Iype, S Nedea, A Frijns, D Smeulders. 2021. Modeling rarefied gas- solid surface interactions for Couette flow with different wall temperatures using an unsupervised machine learning technique. Physical Review E 104 (1), 015309. 
    • M Dutta, E Iype. 2021. Peptide inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 2′-O- methyltransferase involved in RNA capping: A computational approach. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 27, 101069. 
    • Eldhose Iype, Jisha Pillai U, Indresh Kumar, Silvia V Gaastra-Nedea, Ramachandran Subramanian, Ranendra Narayan Saha, Mainak Dutta. 2021. In silico and in vitro assays reveal potential inhibitors against 3CLpro main protease of SARS-CoV-2. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1- 12.
    • B.G. Prakash Kumar, Rusal Raj Francis, Aisha Raouf, Ramachandran Subramanian, Suresh Gupta, Geetha Kannan, K. Thirumavalavan, “Torrefied materials derived from waste vegetable biomass”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020,
    • A Barbosa, P Upadhyaya, E Iype. 2020. Neural network for mechanical property estimation of multilayered laminate composite. Materials Today: Proceedings.
    • S Gulati, Z Tabassum, U Schwingenschlogl, E Iype. 2020. Molecular dynamics simulation of dehydration of salt hydrates (MgSO4· 7H2O and ZnSO4· 7H2O). Materials Today: Proceedings.
    • Sachin Choudhary, Jyothi Yadav, Amol Prakash Pawar, Satheeshvarma Vanaparthi, Nisar A Mir, Eldhose Iype, Ratika Sharma, Rajni Kant, Indresh Kumar.2020. Sequential multicomponent site-selective synthesis of 4-iodo and 5-iodopyrrole-3-carboxaldehydes from a common set of starting materials by tuning the conditions.Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 18 (6), 1155-1164pasting
    • E. Iype, S. Urolagin. 2019. Machine learning model for non-equilibrium structures and energies of simple molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics. 150(2). 024307
    • Bharat B Gulyani and Nishant Pandya. 2019. On the Similarity of Area Targets and Shells Targets in Heat Exchanger Networks, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1276, No 1.
    • Panduga Ramaraju, Amol Prakash Pawar, Eldhose Iype, Nisar A Mir, Sachin Choudhary, Devinder Kumar Sharma, Rajni Kant, Indresh Kumar. 2019. Enantio- and Diastereoselective Two-Pot Synthesis of Isoquinuclidines from Glutaraldehyde and N-Aryl Imines with DFT Calculations. The Journal of organic chemistry 84 (19), 12408-12419.
    • B. Vijayakumar , M. Arulmozhi,  Prakash Kumar B G and G. Ashwin, " Production of activated carbon from mango seed coat using chemical activation" Journal of Environmental Biology, J. Environ. Biol., 40, 283-290 (2019).
    • R. G. Chaudhuri, A. Chaturvedi, E. Iype. 2018. Visible light active 2D C3N4-CdS hetero-junction photocatalyst for effective removal of azo dye by photodegradation. Materials Research Express. 5(3). 036202
    • S. C. A. Subramanian, A. Akshai, S. Ramachandran, B.G.P. Kumar. 2018. Optimization of macronutrient kinetics for biomass production in Nostoc calcicola. IOP Conf. Series, Materials Science and Engineering. 246. 012028
    • E. Iype, Z. S. A. Khalfay, R. G. Chaudhuri. B. G. P. Kumar. 2018 Epsomite dehydration: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of energy storage. 20. 337-343
    • A. Arunachalam, R. G. Chaudhuri, E. Iype, B.G.P. Kumar. 2018. Modification of date seeds (Phoenix dactylifera) using potassium hydroxide for wastewater treatment to remove azo dye. Water Practice & Technology. 13(4) 859-870
    • V. Gerbaud, M. Teles Dos Santos, N. Pandya, J. M. Aubry. 2017. Computer aided framework for designing bio-based commodity molecules with enhanced properties. Chemical Engineering Science. 159. 177–193.
    • B. B. Gulyani, B.G.P Kumar, A. Fathima. 2017. Bagging ensemble model for prediction of dead oil viscosity. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications. 8. 102-105
    • B.B. Gulyani, A. Fathima. 2017. Introducing ensemble methods to predict the performance of waste water treatment plants. International Journal of Environmental science and development. 8. 501-506
    • Kalathil, S. and Ghosh Chaudhuri, R. 2016. Hollow Palladium Nanoparticles Facilitated Biodegradation of an Azo Dye by Electrically Active Biofilms. Materials 9(8). 653-663. 
    • Subramanian S C A, Ramachandran S, Thirumavalavan K and Prakash Kumar B G. 2015. A Review of Solar Photocatalytic Degradation of Wastewater Using Advanced Oxidation Processes. Jr. of Industrial Pollution Control. 31(2). 297-309
    • Subramaniam Sheshadri., “Proton Structure Function calculation By Thermodynamical Bag Model”, in “International Conference on Applied Science, Management and Technology” (ICASMT); Dec 4, 2014, Dubai (Received Best Presentation Award); published in International Journal of Research and Innovation in Engineering Technology (IJRIET) 2nd Volume, 3rd Issue.
    • Arshia Fathima, J. Alamelu Mangai and Bharat B. Gulyani. 2014. An ensemble method for predicting biochemical oxygen demand in river water using data mining techniques. International Journal of River Basin Management. 12 (4). 357-366. 
    • Veena Valsamma Daniel, Gulyani B. B., and Prakash Kumar B.G. 2012. Usage of date stones as adsorbents: A review. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 33. 1321-1331 



  • Conference Papers

    • Akshai A, Ramachandran S, Geetha K, Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri, Khalil Ur Rahman and B G Prakash Kumar, “Sustainable Energy from Napier Grass”, Current Trends in Biotechnology-CTBT 2018, April 18-19, 2018, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai Campus.
    • Aishwarya Roy, Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri “Carbon Dot: An Excellent Agent for in Vivo Application in Bioimaging”, Current Trends in Biotechnology-CTBT 2018, April 18-19, 2018, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai Campus.
    • Taqdees Imitiaz, K. Kumar and B B Gulyani, “Experimental Investigation and Simulation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Solar Still”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid & Thermal Sciences (iCRAFT 2018), BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, 5-7 Dec 2018.
    • Bharat Gulyani and Nishant Pandya, “On the Similarity of Area Targets and Shells Targets in Heat Exchanger Networks”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid & Thermal Sciences (iCRAFT 2018), BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, 5-7 Dec 2018.
    • Abdul Wasee, Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri, Prakash Kumar, Eldhose Iype. “A study on distance based representation of molecules for statistical learning”. International Conference on Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing, Coimbatore, India, 29-30 November 2018 (online oral presentation)
    • Dr. Bharat Bhushan Gulyani and Arshia Fathima, Introducing Ensemble Methods to Predict the Performance of Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) 4th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2016), Kyoto, Japan, December 25-27, 2016, 
    • JA Mangai, B B Gulyani, Induction of Model Trees for Predicting BOD in River Water: A Data Mining Perspective,Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDT-2016), Barcelona, Spain, December 12-15, 2016
    • J. Alamelu Mangai, Bharat B. Gulyani, A Predictive Data Mining Model for Customer Response in Bank Telemarketing, Proceedings of International Conference on Evidence Based Management ICEBM, BITS PILANI, Pilani Campus, March 20th 2015, Volume 2, Page 656 - 661
    • Optimization Of Inclination And Mixing Conditions For Tubular Photobioreactor For Mass Production Of Microalgae, Radhika Narain; Subramanian Ramachandran; B. G.  Prakash Kumar, participated in “Current Trends in Biotechnology”, held at Manipal University-Dubai Campus, March 18- 19, 2015, Won best poster award. 
    • Irshad Ahmed, Aswathy, Hydari Masuma, Prakash Kumar BG, Salma Sheriff, Ramachandran S, “Development Of Tubular Photobioreactor For Sustainable Production Of Microalgae” International Conference on “ Biotechnology & Bioengineering” (ICBB-2014) Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Dubai Campus (U.A.E) 29-30 Oct 2014.
    • N.Subramanian, K.Saravanan, B G Prakash Kumar, “Hydrodynamic Aspects Of Circulating Fluidized Bed For Drying Of Food Materials” International Conference on “Biotechnology & Bioengineering” (ICBB-2014) Birla Institute of technology & Science, Pilani Dubai Campus (U.A.E) 29-30 Oct 2014.
    • Snatika Sarkar, Reshma Babu, Radhika Narain and Prakash B.G*., 'Feasibility of Tidal Energy In the UAE", Participated in 5th Engineering Student Renewable Enery Competition (ESREC 2014) held at UAE University, AL Ain, UAE during May,2014.
    • Aparajita Dasgupta, Atullya Prakash, Janhavi Shanker Velandy, Shweta Prem, Aishwarya Garg & Prakash Kumar B.G*., “Exploiting Solar Energy Through Ways of Artificial Photosynthesis” Participated in 4th Engineering Student Renewable Energy Competition (ESREC’2013) held at UAE University, Al Ain, UAE, during May 4th, 2013 (selected up to finals).
    • Shreyas Jailkhani, Prateek Khera, Mohammed Al Hasan Mahmudul Hassan & Prakash Kumar B.G*.,“Production Of Electricity Using Energy Storing Salts” Participated in 4th Engineering Student Renewable Energy Competition (ESREC’2013) held at UAE University, Al Ain, UAE, during May 4th, 2013.
    • Dalmia, K. Menon, Pushkala Muralidharan, Prakash Kumar B.G, Neeru Sood, “Economic Analysis of Energy Production from Waste and Agricultural Sources”, International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), 1-3 July 2013, Athens, GREECE.
    • Arshia Fathima, Dey Shramana Subrata Kumar, Ankit Sachdeva, Gaurav Sehgal, Faizan Abbas Thakur, & Prakash Kumar B.G*., ‘Low temperature Distillation Using Sand Beds as a Source of Stored Thermal Energy”, Participated in 3rd Engineering Student Renewable Energy Competition (ESREC’2012) held at UAE University, Al Ain, UAE, during May 5th, 2012
    • Ankit Sachdeva, Gaurav Sehgal, Faizan Abbas Thakur, Arjunraj Subbaraj and Prakash Kumar B.G*., ‘Utilization of Renewable energies for Greener U.A.E.” Participated in 2nd Engineering Student Renewable Energy Competition (ESREC’2011) held at UAE University, Al Ain, UAE, during May 7th, 2011 

  • Books / Book Chapters

    • M Changmai & MK Purkait. 2021. Membrane adsorption. In: Adsorption: Fundamental Processes and Applications. Ed: Mehrorang Ghaedi, Chapter 10, 33, 629-653, CRC press (Chapter) 
    • MK Purkait, P Mondal, M Changmai, V Volli, C Shu. 2021. Hazards and Safety in Process Industries. 1st Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press. (Book)
    • D. Chakraborty, P. S. Ganesh, P. C. Suryawanshi, B.G.P. Kumar, S. Ramachandran. Thermophilic biomethanation of food waste for the production of biogas and concomitant use of biogas as a fuel supplement for cooking. Chapter 17 inBioprocess engineering for a green environment. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2018 IBN: 9781138035973.
    • Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri. Metal/semiconductor core/shell nanostructures for environmental remediation. Chapter 4 in Metal semiconductor core-shell nanostructures for energy and environmental applications-A volume in micro and nano technologies. Elsevier. 2017. ISBN: 9780323449229. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-44922-9.00004-1
    • S. Ramachandran, P. Sankar Ganesh, V. Sivasubramanian, and B.G. Prakash Kumar. Environmental Sustainability Using Green Technologies, Chap: Current Developments in Mass Production of Microalgae for Industrial Applications , CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group,  ISBN 9781498753050.
    • Bharat B Gulyani, Arshia Fathima, and J Alamelu Mangai. An Approach for Predicting River Water Quality using Data Mining Technique. Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects. 9165 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 233-243 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20910-4_17


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