BITS Pilani

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1.  Nirban, V.S., Shukla, T., Yadav, A & Choubisa, R. (2019). (Eds). Interdisciplinarity of Knowledge, Education & Research. Bloomsbury Prime: New Delhi. ISBN: 9789388630764.

Articles, Book Chapters & Book Reviews:
1. Krafft, A., Chukwuorji, J.B.C., Choubisa, R., Conte, S., Flores-Lucas, M.V., et al., (2023). Long-Term Future Expectations and Collective Hope (pg 103-165). In Krafft. A. Guse, T., & Slezackova, A., (Eds). Hope Across Cultures: Lessons from the International Hope Barometer, Springer Nature Publishing. [Online ISBN: 978-3-031-24412-4] Doi:
2. Krafft, A., Chukwuorji, J.B.C., Choubisa, R., Conte, S., Fenouillet, F., Flores-Lucas, M.V., et al., (2023). Trust, Social Support and Hope Resources (pg 203-257). In Krafft. A. Guse, T., & Slezackova, A., (Eds). Hope Across Cultures: Lessons from the International Hope Barometer, Springer Nature Publishing. [Online ISBN: 978-3-031-24412-4] Doi:
3.  Krafft, A., Chukwuorji, J.B.C., Choubisa, R., Conte, S., Fenouillet, F., Flores-Lucas, M.V., et al., (2023). Mastering the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis- From Anxiety to Hope (pg 327-405). In Krafft. A. Guse, T., & Slezackova, A., (Eds). Hope Across Cultures: Lessons from the International Hope Barometer, Springer Nature Publishing. [Online ISBN: 978-3-031-24412-4] Doi:
4.  Bedi, P., Ahn, J., Choubisa, R., & Ruparel, N (2023). Assessing Psychotherapy as a Western Healing Practice Through Prediction of Help-Seeking Attitudes. Counseling Psychology Quarterly. DOI: (Scimago-Q2; IF-1.151: Print ISSN: 0951-5070 Online ISSN: 1469-3674).
5.  Ruparel, N., Bhardwaj, S., Seth, H. & Choubisa, R. (2023). Systematic Literature Review of Professional Social Media Platforms: Development of a Behavior Adoption Career Development Framework. Journal of Business Research, 113482, 156. DOI: [I.F=10.97) SCOPUS Indexed & ABDC-A].
6. Ruparel, N., Choubisa, R. & Seth, H. (2022). Imagining Positive Workplaces: Extrapolating Relationships between Job Crafting, Mental Toughness and Authentic Happiness in Millennial Employees. Management Research Review. 45(5), 599-618. Doi: [SCOPUS Indexed & ABDC-B]
7.  Ruparel, N, Choubisa, R., Seth, H & Dubey (2022). “Mental Toughness for Employees: Towards Conceptual Clarity and Scale Development”. International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management. Vol. ahead-of print No. ahead-of-print. Doi:  (ISSN: 1741-0401) [SCOPUS Indexed & ABDC-B].
8.  Ruparel, N, Choubisa, R., Seth, H & Nagpal, G. (2021). “Does Time Perspective Influence Knowledge Hiding? Empirical Evidence from India Employees”. Development and Learning in Organizations. 36(2), 11-13. Doi:  (ISSN: 1477-7282) [SCOPUS Indexed & ABDC-C].
9.  Ruparel, N, Choubisa, R., Sharma, K. & Seth, H. (2022). Assessing the Psychometric Properties of Cultural     Intelligence Scale among Indian Employees. Current Psychology. 41(5), 2938-2949 Doi: [Electronic ISSN: 1936-4733] [IF-4.297] [SCOPUS & Web of Science Indexed]
10. Ruparel, N., & Choubisa, R. (2020). Knowledge Hiding among Organizations: A Retrospective Narrative Review and the Way Forward. Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, 9(1),5-22. Doi: 10.17708/DRMJ.2020.v09n01a01. [SCOPUS & DOAJ Indexed].
11. Ruparel, N., Dubey, S., & Choubisa, R. (2019). Does Organizational Virtuousness and Psychological Capital impact Employee Performance: Evidences from the Banking Sector. Development and Learning in Organizations. Doi: 10.1108/DLO-08-2019-0190 (ISSN: 1477-7282) [SCOPUS & ADBC Indexed]
12. Johnson, L., Antoniuk, A., Choubisa, R., Noureen, A., & Misbah, K.B. (2019). Mindful Contextualization: Exploring the Limits of Cross-Cultural Mindfulness Measurement. Applied Psychology Around the World (erstwhile IAAP Bulletin), 1(1) 33-44. Retrieved from:  [ISSN: 2639-6521]
13. Mansukhani, S. & Choubisa, R. (2019). 'Sociodrama' as Interdisciplinary Management Pedagogy: Relocating Convergence and Related Criticalities. In Nirban, V.S, Shukla, T., Yadav, A., & Choubisa, R. (Eds.). Interdisciplinarity: Vignettes on Contemporary Knowledge, Education & Research. (pp 11-23) Bloomsbury Prime, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-88630-94-8).
14. Chatterjee, I., Ruparel, N., Dubey, S., & Choubisa, R. (2018). Towards Bridging and Fostering Connections between Ideologies of Prominent Spiritual Awakening Institutions & Positive Psychological Practices.  Summerhill: IIAS Review, 24(2), 44-49. (ISSN-0972-1452) [UGC Care Listed]
15. Cejková, E., Slezácková. Choubisa, R., & Vijayalakshmi, V. (2018). Life Values and Subjective Well-being among Indian University Students: Scrutinizing the Omnipresent North-South Divide. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 44 (2), 238-248. [Scopus/APA-PsycINFO Indexed]
16. Krafft, A.M., & Choubisa, R. (2018). Hope in the Indian Psychology Context: Philosophical Foundations and Empirical Findings. In Krafft, A., Walker, A., and Perrig-Chiello, P. (Eds.). Hope for a Good Life: Results from a Hope-Barometer International Research Program (pp-131-163). Social Indicators Research Series 72. Springer Nature Publishing [ISSN: 978-3-319-78469-4; ISSN: 1387-6570]. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-78470-0 (WOS Indexed)
17. Flores-Lucas, V., Martinez-Sinovas, R., & Choubisa, R. (2018). Beyond Hope in an Educational Context: The Role of Psychological Capital. In Krafft, A., Walker, A., and Perrig-Chiello, P. (Eds.). Hope for a Good Life: Results from a Hope-Barometer International Research Program (pp-199-215). Social Indicators Research Series 72. Springer Nature Publishing. [ISBN: 978-3-319-78469-4; eISSN: 2215-0099]. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-78470-0. (WOS Indexed).
18. Choubisa, R., & Singh, K. (2018). Development and Validation of a Web-Delivered Student Well-Being Enhancing Intervention in a Developing Milieu: A Limited Randomized Controlled Trial. Cogent-Psychology, 5 (1), 1-28. (SCOPUS Indexed) DOI: 10.1080/23311908.2018.1488512
19. Choubisa, R. (2017). Millenials and the Workplace: Challenges for Architecting the Organizations of Tomorrow. by Pritam Singh, Asha Bhandarkar and Sumita Rai, Response Business (Sage Publications), South Asian Journal of Management, 24 (2), 209-212. ISSN: 0971-5428. (EBSCO-PROQUEST).
20. Mansukhani, S., & Choubisa, R. (2017). Entrepreneurial Ventures as Learning Organizations: A Face Value Analysis of Chosen Indian “Start-ups”. Book Proceedings on Evidence-based Management. (Pp-327-333). Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-86238-17-7).
21. Choubisa, R. & Slezácková, A. (2016). Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF): Psychometric Harmony, Divergence & Deviations for Indian & Czech Cultures. International Journal of Psychology, 51 (S1), 939, DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12342.
22. Choubisa, R. (2016). A Plebiscite on Job-Crafting Behaviors in Indian Employees: Structure, Incidences, Evidence, and Other Complexities. International Journal of Psychology, 51 (S1), 748. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12328.
23. Choubisa, R. (2016). Entrepreneurship Counseling: Should We Engage? IAAP Division 16 Newsletter, February 2016, Volume 1. Retrieved from:
24. Choubisa, R. (2016). Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability in Business: How Organizations Handle Profit and Social Duties by Preeta. M Banerjee and Vanita Shastri, Sage Publications, South Asian Journal of Management, 23 (1), 221-225. ISSN: 0971-5428. (EBSCO-PROQUEST)
25. Choubisa, R., & Shukla, T. (2015). Positive Psychology & Economic Development: Reckoning Linkages, Needs & Agenda. In Shukla, A. & Dubey, A. (Eds). Mental Health: Psycho-social Perspective (Volume II- Multigroup Analysis) (pp. 66-93) Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi ISBN:93-5125-170-5.
26. Choubisa, R. (2015). The Role of Seasonal Frugal Markets as Precursors of Sustainable Business: An Interpretative Phenomenological Paradigm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Evidence-Based Management (pp-262-267) [Volume II]. BITS Pilani. Excel Publishing House, New Delhi [ISBN: 978-93-84935-18-4].
27. Oudenhoven, J.P., deRaad, B., Timmerman, M.E., Askevis-Leherpeux, F., Boski, P., Carmona, C., Choubisa, R., Dominguez, A., et al. (2014). Are Virtues National, Supranational or Universal? Springer Plus, 3, 223. [DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-223] [WOS INDEXED]
28. Choubisa, R. (2013). Towards Effective Electronic Personnel Administration: A Preliminary Employee Perception Survey at a Public Sector Undertaking. Prashasanika, XXXXI (2), 107-126. [ISSN: 0971-6246]
29. Choubisa, R. (2013). Happiness vis-a-vis Development: Retrospection, Reflections & Ramifications. Journal of Development Management, 1 (4), 383-389. [Print ISSN:2321-0761; Online ISSN:2347-6303].
30. Choubisa, R. (2013). Human Resource Development by David McGuire and Kenneth Molbjerg Jorgensen, Sage Publications, New Delhi, South Asian Journal of Management, 20 (3), 203-206. (EBSCO-PROQUEST)
31. Singh, K., & Choubisa, R. (2011). Personality Dimensions as Predictors of Happiness in Indian Milieu: An Empirical Confirmation with Different Measurement Approaches. Indian Journal of Applied Psychology, 48, 18-26. [ISSN: 0019-5073]
32. Choubisa, R., & Singh, K. (2011). Psychometrics encompassing VIA-IS: A Comparative Cross-Cultural Referential Reading. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 37 (2), 326-333. [ISBN: 0019-4247] (SCOPUS/APA-PsychINFO Indexed).
33. Choubisa, R. (2010). From Design to Praxis: Evaluation of a Self-guided Internet-based Emotional Intelligence Enhancement Program: In Emotional Intelligence and Leadership: Better Work & Learning Environment. (Edited by Shamira Soren Malekar) Forum for Emotional Intelligence Learning, Excel Books, Mumbai (pp 261-268). ISBN: 978-81-7446-902-1.
34. Singh, K., & Choubisa, R. (2010). Empirical validation of Values in Action-Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) in Indian context. Psychological Studies, 55 (2), 151-158. [DOI: 10.1007/s12646-010-0015-4] (WOS; APA PsycINFO Indexed).
35. Choubisa, R. (2009). POB: A Comparative Analysis of Positive Psychological Capital amongst Public & Private Sector Employees. AIMA Journal of Management & Research, August 2009, 3 (3/4), 1-9. [ISSN-0974-9497] URL:
36. Singh, K., & Choubisa, R. (2009). Effectiveness of Self Focused Intervention for Enhancing Student’s Well-Being: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 35, 23-32. [ISSN: 0019-4247] (SCOPUS; APA-PsychINFO Indexed).
37. Singh, K., & Choubisa, R. (2009). Psychometric properties of Hindi translated version of Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). Journal of Indian Health Psychology, 4(1), 65-76. [ISSN: 0973-5755].

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