BITS Pilani

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1. JournalMicroelectronics Reliability (Elsevier)  
 Index: SCI (Impact Factor -1.4) 
 Manuscript NumberMICREL-D-23-00037 
 Status:  Under review  
 Title: Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Carbide Schottky Diode  
 Authors: Rajesh Singh Shekhawat, Sk. Masiul Islam; Sanjeev Kumar; Sumitra Singh,Dheerendra Singh.
 2.  Journal: Sensor and Actuator B: Chemical (Elsevier)         
Index : SCI (Impact Factor-9.22)   
 Manuscript ID: SNB-D-22-08440 
 Status: Under Review      
 Title: Development of bimetallic hybrid architecture PdPtalloy/ZnO@P-Si based sensing electrode for highly            sensitive H2 gas at RT
 Authors: Gaurav Malik, Dheerendra   Singh, Ramesh Chandra, and Satyendra Kumar Mourya
 3.  K.V Singh, R Khandelwal, H.O Bansal, Dheerendra Singh “The efficient operating parameter estimation for a  simulated plug-in hybrid electric vehicle Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol.-29,          Issue-12, Pages: 18126-1814, Date : 2022/3, Publisher : Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
 1 Harsh Grover, Tejasvi Alladi, Vinay Chamola, Dheerendra Singh, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo “Edge Computing and Deep Learning Enabled Secure Multi-Tier Network for Internet of Vehicles” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT), Vol.-8, Issue-19, Pages: 14787-14796, DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3071362. Date: 2021/4/6
 2.  KV Singh, HO Bansal and Dheerendra Singh, “Fuzzy logic and Elman Neural Network tuned Energy management strategies for a power-split HEVs”, Pergamon, Energy, 2021/6/15,vol.225, pages 120-152 2021 (SCI). 
3.  V Shende, KV Singh, HO Bansal and Dheerendra Singh, Sizing Scheme of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicle", Springer, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering,  pages 1-16, Publishing date, 2021/3/15, (SCI). 
4.  KV Singh, HO Bansal and Dheerendra Singh, “Development of an ANFIS based equivalent consumption minimization strategy to improve fuel economy in Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, publishing date, 2021/3/30 (SCI).
1. Aditya R. Gautam, Deepak M. Fulwani, Rammohan R. Makineni, Akshay Kumar Rathore, Dheerendra Singh  Control Strategies and Power Decoupling Topologies to Mitigate 2ω-Ripple in Single-Phase Inverters: A Review and Open ChallengesJournal: IEEE Access, Publication Date: 10.08. 2020 , Volume: 8, On Page(s): 147533-147559, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, D.O.I. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3015315 .
2.  H. B. Dave, Dheerendra Singh, and H. O. Bansal, "Multiple linear regression based impact analysis of impedance network design on life expectancy of DC-link capacitor in q-ZSI fed motor drive,'' Elsevier - Int. J., of  Eng. Sci. Technol., 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.jestch.2020.06.004. 
3. K.V. Singh, H.O. Bansal and Dheerendra Singh, “Feed forward modelling and real-time implementation of an intelligent fuzzy logic-based energy management strategy in a series-parallel hybrid electric vehicle to improve fuel economy” Journal of Electrical Engineering, Springer, Vol 102, pp. 967-987,2020. (SCIE).
1. H B Dave, Dheerendra Singh and H O Bansal, “High voltage gain reduced current ripple switched coupled inductor quasi-Z-source inverter” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 30, No.4, pp.1-23, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.12305 (SCI).  
2. 1-    H B Dave, D Singh and H O Bansal, “Two Modified Z-Source Inverter Topologies - A Solution to the Issues of Start-Up Dc-Link Voltage Overshoot and Source Current Ripple” Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1351-1365, 2019. (SCI).

3K V Singh, H O Bansal and D Singh, Hardware-in-the-loop Implementation of ANFIS based Adaptive SoC Estimation of Lithium-ion Battery for Hybrid Vehicle Applications”, Elsevier Journal of Energy Storage, Vol 27, pp. 1-18, publishing date 2020/2/1 2019(SCI).


4.  K V Singh, H O Bansal and D Singh, “A comprehensive review on hybrid electric vehicles: architectures and components", Springer, Journal of Modern Transportation, Vol 27, No.2, pp. 77-107, 2019. (SCOPUS).  

5. Krishna veer Singh., Ravinder Kumar, Hari Om Bansal, Dheerendra Singh(2019), INDEXED,International, Title of Jornal:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Title of Paper:Hardware Realization of a Single-Phase-Modified P-Q Theory-Based Shunt Active Power Filterfor Harmonic Compensation. Database:SCOPUS:YES, GOOGLE SCHOLAR :YES, Quality Scores:SNIP: 0.434,SJR:0.174,Impact, Bibilography:VOL NO:989,ISS NO:NA,B PAGE:523,E PAGE:529.


6. Krishna Veer Singh, Susheem Koul, Hari Om Bansal, Dheerendra Singh (2019),  Title of Paper: "Design of an Improved Q-ZSI with Fault Tolerance for EV Applications", INDEXED, International, Title of Journal: 3rd International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE),

Bedi T. Heema B. Dave. Singh.D. (2018), INDEXED, International, Title of Journal :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Title of Paper: "A Comparative Analysis of Digital and Passive Filters for IFOC based Induction Motor Drive (EV) fed through ZSI" Database:SCOPUS:YES,WOS:YES,PUBMED:NA
,IEEE:NA,ICI:NA, GOOGLE SCHOLAR:YES, Quality,   Scores:SNIP:0.573,SJR:0.201, Bibliography :VOL NO:331,ISS NO:1,B PAGE:NA,E PAGE: NA. 
1.Dheerendra Singh, Shivam Khandelwal, Parakh Sarda, “Automated feedback controlled charging circuitry for lithium ion battery” (2016), INDEXED, Indian, Title of Journal  :International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, GOOGLE SCHOLAR: YES, Citation:SCOPUS:NA, GOOGLE SCHOLAR:0, Bibilography :VOL NO:13,ISS NO:25, B PAGE:204, E PAGE:210
2. Ananda Kumar A, Dheerendra Singh “Implementation of new Algorithm for Ev fed through an Impedance Source Inverter” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), 2015, ISSN: 0973-4562, Vol 10, No 10. (SCOPUS)

 3. Ananda Kumar A, Dheerendra Singh " An IFOC-MSVPWM based DC-Link Voltage Compensation of Z-Source Inverter fed Induction Motor Drive for EVs” Advances in Power Electronics, Volume 2015, Article ID 185381, Hindawi Journal. (SCOPUS).  

4. Ananda Kumar A, Dheerendra Singh “Digital Implementation of DSVPWM Control for EV fed through Impedance Source Inverter” International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), Vol 6, No 3, September 2015 ISSN: 2088-8694. (SCOPUS).
A. Anand Kumar, Dheerendra Singh, "A New Control Algorithm for Impedance ( Z-Source) Inverter” Thomson Reuter Web Science U.K-2014 .

Book Chapter :  

Aditya Rustagi, Vinay Chamola, Dheerendra Singh, Road Nurse: A Cloud-Based  Accident Detection and Emergency Relief Response Infrastructure. ebook, LNEE, volume 659,Springer, MoSICOM,2020. 
Dheerendra Singh, H.V. Manjunath (2008), INDEXED,International, Title of Journal: Mathematical Modeling, Title of Paper:MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR POWER FACTOR MEASUREMENT APPROACHES UNDER UNBALANCED AND NON SINUSOIDAL CONDITIONS "
Conference :

1-    Satyendra Kumar Maurya, , Rahul Kumar, Ananya Garg, Gaurav Malik, Dheerendra Singh, Ramesh Chandra  “Effect of process parameters on the morphology and orientation of porous silicon grown by electrochemical anodization” International Conference in Asia -2022, IUMRS ICR-22 (Dec. 19 -23, 2022) at IIT Jodhpur.       

Aditya Rustagi, Vinay Chamola, Dheerendra Singh “RoadNurse: A Cloud Based Accident Detection and Emergency Relief Response Infrastructure” . Modelling Simulation and Intelligent Computing–MOSICOM 2020 at 29-31 BITS-Dubai.  

Rajesh Shekhawat, Dheerendra Singh, Sumitra Singh “An Optimized structure of 4H-SiC U-Shaped Trench-Gate MOSFET with Low on Resistance using TCAD Simulation. “4th International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2019)” organized by B K Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology (BKBIET), Pilani, Rajasthan on 18th - 19th October 2019.

Dave Heema, Dheerendra Singh, Hari Om Bansal, “High Voltage Gain q-ZSI with Low Inrush Current” IEEE Conference PEDES, 18-21 Dec. 2018 at IIT Madras.

K V Singh, R Kumar, HO Bansal and D Singh, “Hardware Realization of a Single-Phase Modified p-q Theory Based Shunt Active Power Filter for Harmonic Compensation”, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices (ICICCD)” December 21-22, 2018, UPES Dehradun, India.

Tarun Bedi, Dave Heema, Dheerendra Singh " A Comparative Analysis of Digital and Passive real time Filter for IFOC based IM Drive fed through ZSI has been accepted for presentation & publication in 3rd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2017) to be organized at BKBIET, Pilani during Oct. 14-16, 2017.

Arkid Bera, Dheerendra Singh "Smart Grid in India and Arduino-Based Anti-Theft Detection" 3rd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2017) to be organized at BKBIET, Pilani during Oct. 14-16, 2017.


Garvit Goyal, Dheerendra Singh, “MPPT using Fuzzy Logic Control under Partial Shading Conditions for Photovoltaic Systems”  National Seminar on best practices for power Genreation, Transmission, and Distribution, Jindal Institute of Power & Technology, Tamnar, 6-7 Jan. 2016.

Mehak, B Sai Teja, Dheerendra Singh, “Feasible study of efficient hybrid renewable energy systems for rural areas of Rajasthan National Seminar on best practices for power Genreation, Transmission, and Distribution, Jindal Institute of Power & Technology, Tamnar, 6-7 Jan. 2016.

Shivam Kandelwal, Parakh Sarda, Dheerendra Singh “Design Of A Wireless Battery Charging System Using Ambient Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting”  National Seminar on best practices for power Genreation, Transmission, and Distribution, Jindal Institute of Power & Technology, Tamnar, 6-7 Jan. 2016. 

Shivam Kandelwal, Parakh Sarda, Dheerendra Singh,”Constant Current Controlled Feedback Based  Lithium - Ion Battery Charger”  National Seminar on best practices for power Genreation, Transmission, and Distribution, Jindal Institute of Power & Technology, Tamnar, 6-7 Jan. 2016. 

Shivam Khandelwal, Parakh Sharda, Dheerendra Singh "Automated Feed back Controlled Battery Charging system for Li-Ion Battery" at NCPAC 2016,28-29 May , MNIT JAIPUR -- Judged Best Paper 

A. Ananda Kumar, Dheerendra Singh, "The IFOC based speed control of induction motor fed by a high performance Z-source inverter," International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2014 , USA, pp.539,543, 19-22 Oct. 2014.


A. Anand Kumar , Dheerendra Singh, “Implementation of Indirect Field Oriented Control for HEV through Impedance Source Inverter” IEEE sponsored 1st National Conference on Power Electronics Systems & Engineering, PESA, 16-17 March, 2013, NIT Rourkela, India. --- Awarded Best Paper. 


Ashoka Kumar , Dheerendra Singh, “Comparative Study of 4H-SiC(1000)based High Power MOSFET with High-K gate Dielectric” IET Sponsored All India Seminar on Optimal use of Power Electronics in  Modern Power System & Renewable energy, College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur, 8-9 March, 2013. 


A. Anand Kumar, Dheerendra Singh, “A New Control Algorithm for Impedance (Z-Source) Inverter”  Automation, Computing, Communication, Control and Compressed  sensing (iMac4S), International Multi-Conference, on 22-23 March, 2013, Choondricherry, Palai, Kottayam district, Kerla, India.


Rishikesan Parthiban, Dheerendra Singh “A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Algorithms for Solar Photo-voltaic System for Sustainable Development, Need of Hour”. National Conference on Technological Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering-TACEE-2012, March-20-23, BITS-Pilani.


Ananda Kumar, Hemant Dahake, Nilabha Bhattacharya, Dheerendra Singh. "Solar Power Based Impedance - Source Converter for BLDC Motor With Closed loop Control" A. International Conference on Process Automation, Control and Computing (PACC), July20-22, 2011 Coimbatore.


Dheerendra  Singh, A. Ananda Kumar, V. Sashank Mani "DSC based Modified Unipolar Switching Techniques for Single Phase Z–Source Inverter", Paper ID 174. Centenary Conference-EE, IISC, Bangalore  Dec.14-17,2011. 


Vinay Dwivedi, Dheerendra Singh “Electric Power Quality Monitoring using Virtual Intrumentation” International Symposium on Power electronics Drives Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM)PISA-Italy,14-16, June 2010.

A. Anand Kumar, Dheerendra Singh “Micro-Controller based Z-source Inverter for Hybrid Vehicle” National Conference on Virtual Instrumentation (NCVI),13-14 Nov. 2009; BITS-Pilani, Rajasthan. 


Dheerendra Singh, Pukhraj Singh, H.V. Manjunath “Simple Control Scheme for Volatge Compensator for Three-phase Four-wire System”  National Power Electronics Conference-2005; Dec.22-24 2005, IIT Kharagpur.


Pukhraj Singh, Dheerendra Singh, M. Pacas, Rahul Verma, JBV Reddy “A Novel Hybrid Power Quality Conditionern with UPS Function” 11th Int.Power  Electronics and Motion Control conference, Sept.2 – 4, 2004, Riga,  Lativia.


Dheerendra Singh, Pukhraj Singh, H.V. Manjunath “Simple Neutral   Network Based Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Three-phase Four-wire System” IInd  Control Instrumentation System Conference (CISCON-2005); Nov.11-12 2005, MIT Manipal.


Dheerendra Singh, Pukhraj Singh, H.V.Manjunath “Neural Network Based Controller for Active Power Filter for Three Phase Four Wire System” IEEE, Annual  Symposium On Power Systems, Nov.26-27, 2004, IISc-Banglore.

Dheerendra Singh, Pukhraj Singh, H.V. Manjunath, “Power Factor Measurement Approaches Under Un-balanced and Non-Sinusoidal Conditions”  International. Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, Oct. 8-10, 2003, MNIT Jaipur. 

Dheerendra Singh, H.V. Manjunath. “Output Voltage Distortion in a High Switching Frequency PWM Inverter” International Conference on Energy Automation and InformationTechnology, EAIT-2001, Paper No. : 149/MPE/0, IIT Kharagpur. 

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